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module Internal.Api.Chain exposing (..)
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{-| This module aims to simplify chaining several API tasks together.
Chaining tasks together is usually done through the `Task` submodule of `elm/core`,
but this isn't always sufficient for getting complex chained tasks.
For example, suppose you need to run 3 consecutive tasks that each need an access
token, and only the 1st and the 3rd require another token. You will need to pass
on all necessary information, and preferably in a way that the compiler can
assure that the information is present when it arrives there. Using the `Task`
submodule, this can lead to indentation hell.
This module aims to allow for simple task chaining without adding too much complexity
if you wish to pass on values.
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The model is like a snake: _____
/ o \
/-|------------ | ------- | ------------- | -------- | |\/\/
< | accessToken | baseUrl | transactionId | API call | |------< Final API call
\-|------------ | ------- | ------------- | -------- | |/\/\
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(You're not allowed to judge my ASCII art skills unless you submit a PR with a
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superior ASCII snake model.)
Every task will add another value to an extensible record, which can be used
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by later tasks in the chain. Additionally, every subtask can leave a `VaultUpdate`
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type as a message to the Vault to update certain information.
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import Http
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import Internal.Api.Helpers as Helpers
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import Internal.Tools.Context as Context exposing (Context)
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import Internal.Tools.Exceptions as X
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import Task exposing (Task)
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type alias TaskChain err u a b =
Context a -> Task (FailedChainPiece err u) (TaskChainPiece u a b)
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type alias IdemChain err u a =
TaskChain err u a a
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type alias CompleteChain u =
TaskChain () u {} {}
type alias TaskChainPiece u a b =
{ contextChange : Context a -> Context b
, messages : List u
type alias FailedChainPiece err u =
{ error : err, messages : List u }
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{-| Chain two tasks together. The second task will only run if the first one succeeds.
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andThen : TaskChain err u b c -> TaskChain err u a b -> TaskChain err u a c
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andThen f2 f1 =
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\context ->
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f1 context
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|> Task.andThen
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(\old ->
|> old.contextChange
|> f2
|> Task.map
(\new ->
{ contextChange = old.contextChange >> new.contextChange
, messages = List.append old.messages new.messages
|> Task.mapError
(\{ error, messages } ->
{ error = error, messages = List.append old.messages messages }
{-| Same as `andThen`, but the results are placed at the front of the list, rather than at the end.
andBeforeThat : TaskChain err u b c -> TaskChain err u a b -> TaskChain err u a c
andBeforeThat f2 f1 =
\context ->
f1 context
|> Task.andThen
(\old ->
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|> old.contextChange
|> f2
|> Task.map
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(\new ->
{ contextChange = old.contextChange >> new.contextChange
, messages = List.append new.messages old.messages
|> Task.mapError
(\{ error, messages } ->
{ error = error, messages = List.append messages old.messages }
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{-| When an error has occurred, "fix" it with the following function.
catchWith : (err -> TaskChainPiece u a b) -> TaskChain err u a b -> TaskChain err u a b
catchWith onErr f =
onError (\e -> succeed <| onErr e) f
{-| Create a task chain that always fails.
fail : err -> TaskChain err u a b
fail e _ =
Task.fail { error = e, messages = [] }
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{-| Optionally run a task that may provide additional information.
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If the provided chain fails, it will be ignored. This way, the chain can be tasked
without needlessly breaking the whole chain if anything breaks in here.
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You cannot use this function to execute a task chain that adds or removes context.
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maybe : IdemChain err u a -> IdemChain err u a
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maybe f =
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{ contextChange = identity
, messages = []
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|> succeed
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|> always
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|> onError
|> (|>) f
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{-| Map a value to a different one.
map : (u1 -> u2) -> TaskChain err u1 a b -> TaskChain err u2 a b
map m f =
\context ->
f context
|> Task.map
(\{ contextChange, messages } ->
{ contextChange = contextChange, messages = List.map m messages }
|> Task.mapError
(\{ error, messages } ->
{ error = error, messages = List.map m messages }
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{-| If the TaskChain errfails, run this task otherwise.
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otherwise : TaskChain err u a b -> TaskChain e u a b -> TaskChain err u a b
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otherwise f2 f1 context =
Task.onError (always <| f2 context) (f1 context)
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{-| If all else fails, you can also just add the failing part to the succeeding part.
otherwiseFail : IdemChain err u a -> IdemChain err (Result err u) a
otherwiseFail =
map Ok
>> catchWith
(\err ->
{ contextChange = identity
, messages = [ Err err ]
{-| If an error is raised, deal with it accordingly.
onError : (err -> TaskChain err2 u a b) -> TaskChain err u a b -> TaskChain err2 u a b
onError onErr f =
\context ->
f context
|> Task.onError
(\{ error, messages } ->
succeed { contextChange = identity, messages = messages }
|> andThen (onErr error)
|> (|>) context
{-| Create a task chain that always succeeds.
succeed : { contextChange : Context a -> Context b, messages : List u } -> TaskChain err u a b
succeed d _ =
Task.succeed d
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{-| Once all the pieces of the chain have been assembled, you can turn it into a task.
The compiler will fail if the chain is missing a vital piece of information.
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toTask : TaskChain err u {} b -> Task (FailedChainPiece err u) (List u)
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toTask f1 =
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|> f1
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|> Task.map .messages
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{-| If the TaskChain errfails, this function will get it to retry.
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When set to 1 or lower, the task will only try once.
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tryNTimes : Int -> TaskChain X.Error u a b -> TaskChain X.Error u a b
tryNTimes n f =
if n <= 0 then
(\e ->
case e of
X.InternetException (Http.BadUrl _) ->
fail e
X.InternetException _ ->
tryNTimes (n - 1) f
X.SDKException (X.ServerReturnsBadJSON _) ->
tryNTimes (n - 1) f
X.SDKException _ ->
fail e
X.ServerException _ ->
fail e
X.ContextFailed _ ->
fail e
X.UnsupportedSpecVersion ->
fail e