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17 lines
958 B

#This feature is experimental!
#If enabled, the mod will show alternative group names which are a bit
#more readable than the internally used (but canonical) group names. For
#example, the group “wood” may be rendered as “Wood”, “leaves” as
#“Leaves and Needles”, “oddly_breakable_by_hand” as “Hand-breakable”,
#and so on. Note that these alternative names are only used for better
#understanding, they are not official.
#This feature might be removed in later versions if it becomes obsolete.
doc_items_friendly_group_names (Show “friendly” group names) bool false
#If enabled, the mod will show the itemstring of the entry for each item to
#all players. If disabled, the itemstring will only be shown to players
#with the “give” or “debug” privilege.
#The itemstring is useful to power users and programmers and
#is used e.g. for the /give and /giveme commands.
doc_items_show_itemstrings (Show itemstrings) bool false