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Merge pull request 'Change kelp to use ABMs to solve performance issues' (#3417) from i_need_professional_kelp into master

Reviewed-on: https://git.minetest.land/MineClone2/MineClone2/pulls/3417
ancientmarinerdev 2023-02-12 23:13:25 +00:00
commit de56c72e15
1 changed files with 94 additions and 187 deletions

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@ -25,9 +25,7 @@ local mt_get_node = minetest.get_node
local mt_get_node_level = minetest.get_node_level
local mt_get_node_max_level = minetest.get_node_max_level
local mt_get_node_or_nil = minetest.get_node_or_nil
local mt_get_node_timer = minetest.get_node_timer
local mt_get_meta = minetest.get_meta
local mt_hash_node_position = minetest.hash_node_position
local mt_set_node = minetest.set_node
local mt_swap_node = minetest.swap_node
local mt_pos_to_string = minetest.pos_to_string
@ -52,18 +50,11 @@ local table = table
local kelp = {}
mcl_ocean.kelp = kelp
-- Kelp minimum and maximum age. Once reached the maximum, kelp no longer grows.
-- Once reach the maximum, kelp no longer grows.
kelp.MIN_AGE = 0
kelp.MAX_AGE = 25
-- Tick interval (in seconds) for updating kelp.
kelp.TICK = 0.2
-- Tick interval (in seconds) to store kelp meta.
kelp.META_TICK = 2
-- Max age queue length
kelp.MAX_AGE_QUEUE = 20
kelp.TICK = 0.2 -- Tick interval (in seconds) for updating kelp.
-- The average amount of growth for kelp in a day is 2.16 (https://youtu.be/5Bp4lAjAk3I)
-- Normally, a day lasts 20 minutes, meaning kelp.next_grow() is executed
@ -81,19 +72,6 @@ kelp.ROLL_GROWTH_DENOMINATOR = 100 * 1200
-- Sounds used to dig and place kelp.
kelp.leaf_sounds = mcl_sounds.node_sound_leaves_defaults()
-- Pool storing nodetimers
kelp.timers_pool = {}
-- Pool storing age, indexed by pos_hash.
kelp.age_pool = {}
-- Queue(List) of hashed positions to save their ages.
-- Invalid ones may still persist in this queue.
kelp.age_queue = {}
-- Stores only valid positions of each hashed postiions.
kelp.age_queue_pos = {}
-- is age in the growable range?
function kelp.is_age_growable(age)
return age >= 0 and age < kelp.MAX_AGE
@ -177,7 +155,8 @@ end
-- Roll whether to grow kelp or not.
function kelp.roll_growth(numerator, denominator)
-- Optional params: numerator, denominator
return math.random(denominator or kelp.ROLL_GROWTH_DENOMINATOR) <= (numerator or kelp.ROLL_GROWTH_NUMERATOR)
--return math.random(denominator or kelp.ROLL_GROWTH_DENOMINATOR) <= (numerator or kelp.ROLL_GROWTH_NUMERATOR)
return true -- probability done by ABM
@ -230,87 +209,50 @@ function kelp.next_param2(param2)
return math.min(param2+16 - param2 % 16, 255);
-- Stores age from kelp.age_queue* into their respective meta
function kelp.store_meta()
local count = 0
for _ in pairs(kelp.age_queue_pos) do
count = count + 1
-- chatlog(string.format("Storing age metadata: %d in queue", #kelp.age_queue))
-- chatlog(string.format("Storing age metadata: %d valid in queue", count))
for i=1,#kelp.age_queue do
local pos_hash = kelp.age_queue[i]
local pos = kelp.age_queue_pos[pos_hash]
-- queued hashes may no longer point to a valid pos, e.g. kelp is destroyed.
local function store_age (pos, age)
if pos then
mt_get_meta(pos):set_int("mcl_ocean:kelp_age", kelp.age_pool[pos_hash])
--minetest.log("age: ".. tostring(age) .. ", pos: ".. mt_pos_to_string(pos))
mt_get_meta(pos):set_int("mcl_ocean:kelp_age", age)
kelp.age_queue = {}
kelp.age_queue_pos = {}
local function retrieve_age (pos, include_nil)
local meta = mt_get_meta(pos)
-- Store and queue a kelp's age to be saved into meta later.
function kelp.store_age(age, pos, pos_hash)
-- Watched params: pos
-- Optional params: pos_hash
local pos_hash = pos_hash or mt_hash_node_position(pos)
kelp.age_pool[pos_hash] = age
if not kelp.age_queue_pos[pos_hash] then
table.insert(kelp.age_queue, pos_hash)
kelp.age_queue_pos[pos_hash] = pos
return true, pos_hash
if include_nil then
local age_set = meta:contains("mcl_ocean:kelp_age")
if not age_set then
return nil
return false, pos_hash
return meta:get_int("mcl_ocean:kelp_age")
-- Initialise a kelp's age.
function kelp.init_age(pos, age, pos_hash, meta)
function kelp.init_age(pos, age, from_lbm)
-- Watched params: pos
-- Optional params: age, pos_hash, meta
local pos_hash = pos_hash or mt_hash_node_position(pos)
local meta = meta or mt_get_meta(pos)
-- Optional params: age, from_lbm
local new_age
local stored_age = retrieve_age(pos, from_lbm)
local age = age
if age then
kelp.store_age(age, pos, pos_hash)
elseif not meta:contains("mcl_ocean:kelp_age") then
age = kelp.roll_init_age()
kelp.store_age(age, pos, pos_hash)
--minetest.log("age: " .. tostring(age))
store_age(pos, age)
new_age = age
elseif not stored_age then
new_age = kelp.roll_init_age()
--minetest.log("no kelp age set so init with: " .. tostring(new_age))
store_age(pos, new_age)
age = meta:get_int("mcl_ocean:kelp_age")
if not kelp.age_pool[pos_hash] then
kelp.age_pool[pos_hash] = age
--minetest.log("stored_age: " .. tostring(stored_age))
new_age = stored_age
return age, pos_hash, meta
return new_age
-- Initialise kelp nodetimer.
function kelp.init_timer(pos, pos_hash)
-- Optional params: pos_hash
local pos_hash = pos_hash or mt_hash_node_position(pos)
local timer = kelp.timers_pool[pos_hash]
if not timer then
timer = mt_get_node_timer(pos)
kelp.timers_pool[pos_hash] = timer
if not timer:is_started() then
return pos_hash
-- Apply next kelp height. The surface is swapped. so on_construct is skipped.
function kelp.next_height(pos, node, pos_tip, node_tip, submerged, downward_flowing)
-- Modified params: node
@ -342,12 +284,11 @@ end
-- Grow next kelp.
function kelp.next_grow(age, pos, node, pos_hash, pos_tip, node_tip, submerged, downward_flowing)
function kelp.next_grow(age, pos, node, pos_tip, node_tip, submerged, downward_flowing)
-- Watched params: pos
-- Modified params: node
-- Optional params: node, pos_hash, pos_tip, node_tip, submerged, downward_flowing
-- Optional params: node, pos_tip, node_tip, submerged, downward_flowing
local node = node or mt_get_node(pos)
local pos_hash = pos_hash or mt_hash_node_position(pos)
local pos_tip = pos_tip
local node_tip = node_tip or (pos_tip and mt_get_node(pos_tip))
if not pos_tip then
@ -361,8 +302,8 @@ function kelp.next_grow(age, pos, node, pos_hash, pos_tip, node_tip, submerged,
kelp.next_height(pos, node, pos_tip, node_tip, submerged, downward_flowing)
return kelp.store_age(age, pos, pos_hash), node, pos_hash, pos_tip, node_tip, submerged, downward_flowing
store_age(pos, age)
return true, node, pos_tip, node_tip, submerged, downward_flowing
@ -420,75 +361,68 @@ function kelp.surface_on_dig(pos, node, digger)
kelp.detach_dig(pos, pos, true, node)
function kelp.surface_after_dig_node(pos, node)
return mt_set_node(pos, {name=minetest.registered_nodes[node.name].node_dig_prediction})
function kelp.surface_on_timer(pos)
local function detach_unsubmerged(pos)
local node = mt_get_node(pos)
local pos_hash
-- Update detahed kelps
local dig_pos,_, height = kelp.find_unsubmerged(pos, node)
if dig_pos then
pos_hash = mt_hash_node_position(pos)
mt_sound_play(mt_registered_nodes[node.name].sounds.dug, { gain = 0.5, pos = dig_pos }, true)
kelp.detach_dig(dig_pos, pos, true, node, height)
kelp.store_age(kelp.roll_init_age(), pos, pos_hash)
local new_age = kelp.roll_init_age()
store_age(pos, new_age)
local function grow_kelp (pos)
local node = mt_get_node(pos)
-- Grow kelp on chance
if kelp.roll_growth() then
pos_hash = pos_hash or mt_hash_node_position(pos)
local age = kelp.age_pool[pos_hash]
if kelp.is_age_growable(age) then
kelp.next_grow(age+1, pos, node, pos_hash)
local age = retrieve_age(pos)
if not age then
--minetest.log("init a new age as not set: " .. mt_pos_to_string(pos))
kelp.init_age(pos, nil)
return true
if kelp.is_age_growable(age) then
--minetest.log("age growable: ".. tostring(age) .. ", pos: ".. mt_pos_to_string(pos))
kelp.next_grow(age+1, pos, node)
--minetest.log("age not: ".. tostring(age) .. ", pos: ".. mt_pos_to_string(pos))
function kelp.surface_on_construct(pos)
local pos_hash = mt_hash_node_position(pos)
kelp.init_age(pos, nil, pos_hash)
kelp.init_timer(pos, pos_hash)
--minetest.log("on construct kelp called")
kelp.init_age(pos, nil)
function kelp.surface_on_destruct(pos)
local node = mt_get_node(pos)
local pos_hash = mt_hash_node_position(pos)
-- on_falling callback. Activated by pistons for falling nodes too.
-- I'm not sure this works. I think piston digs water and the unsubmerged nature drops kelp.
if kelp.is_falling(pos, node) then
kelp.detach_drop(pos, kelp.get_height(node.param2))
-- Removes position from queue
kelp.age_queue_pos[pos_hash] = nil
function kelp.surface_on_mvps_move(pos, node, oldpos, nodemeta)
-- Pistons moving falling nodes will have already activated on_falling callback.
--minetest.log("kelp.surface_on_mvps_move: " .. mt_pos_to_string(pos))
kelp.detach_dig(pos, pos, mt_get_item_group(node.name, "falling_node") ~= 1, node)
-- NOTE: Old ABM implementation.
-- local function surface_unsubmerged_abm(pos, node)
-- local dig_pos = find_unsubmerged(pos, node)
-- if dig_pos then
-- detach_dig(dig_pos, pos, node, true)
-- end
-- return true
-- end
function kelp.kelp_on_place(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing)
if pointed_thing.type ~= "node" or not placer then
return itemstack
@ -576,48 +510,29 @@ function kelp.kelp_on_place(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing)
-- Initialize age and timer when it's planted on a new surface.
local pos_hash = mt_hash_node_position(pos_under)
local init_age = kelp.roll_init_age()
if new_surface then
kelp.init_age(pos_under, nil, pos_hash)
kelp.init_timer(pos_under, pos_hash)
kelp.init_age(pos_under, init_age)
kelp.store_age(kelp.roll_init_age(), pos_under, pos_hash)
store_age(pos_under, init_age)
return itemstack
function kelp.lbm_register_nodetimer(pos, node)
local pos_hash = mt_hash_node_position(pos)
kelp.init_age(pos, nil, pos_hash)
kelp.init_timer(pos, pos_hash)
function kelp.lbm_register(pos)
kelp.init_age(pos, nil, true)
label = "Kelp initialise",
name = "mcl_ocean:kelp_init",
nodenames = { "group:kelp" },
run_at_every_load = true, -- so old kelps are also initialised
action = kelp.lbm_register,
local gstep_time = 0
function kelp.globalstep(dtime)
if #kelp.age_queue > kelp.MAX_AGE_QUEUE then
gstep_time = gstep_time + dtime
if gstep_time < kelp.META_TICK then
gstep_time = 0
if #kelp.age_queue > 0 then
function kelp.on_shutdown()
if #kelp.age_queue > 0 then
-- Kelp registration API
@ -664,7 +579,6 @@ kelp.surface_deftemplate = {
on_destruct = kelp.surface_on_destruct,
on_dig = kelp.surface_on_dig,
after_dig_node = kelp.surface_after_dig_node,
on_timer = kelp.surface_on_timer,
mesecon = { on_mvps_move = kelp.surface_on_mvps_move, },
drop = "", -- drops are handled in on_dig
--_mcl_falling_node_alternative = is_falling and nodename or nil,
@ -811,35 +725,28 @@ minetest.register_craft({
burntime = 200,
-- Global registration ------------------------------------------------------------------------
label = "Kelp initialise",
name = "mcl_ocean:kelp_init",
label = "Kelp drops",
nodenames = { "group:kelp" },
run_at_every_load = true, -- so old kelps are also initialised
action = kelp.lbm_register_nodetimer,
interval = 1.0,
chance = 1,
catch_up = false,
action = detach_unsubmerged, --surface_unsubmerged_abm,
-- NOTE: Old ABM implementation.
-- minetest.register_abm({
-- label = "Kelp drops",
-- nodenames = { "group:kelp" },
-- interval = 1.0,
-- chance = 1,
-- catch_up = false,
-- action = surface_unsubmerged_abm,
-- })
-- minetest.register_abm({
-- label = "Kelp growth",
-- nodenames = { "group:kelp" },
-- interval = 45,
-- chance = 12,
-- catch_up = false,
-- action = grow_abm,
-- })
-- 50% growth over a minute https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Tutorials/Kelp_farming
-- 14% chance every random tick
-- On average, blocks are updated every 68.27 seconds (1365.33 game ticks)
-- 1 in 7 every 68
-- 1 in 28 every 17
-- 1 in 21 every 22
-- https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Tick#Random_tick
label = "Kelp growth",
nodenames = { "group:kelp" },
interval = 17, --17
chance = 28,
catch_up = false,
action = grow_kelp,