Fork 0

Spawn clay as ore

cora 2022-09-05 12:23:23 +02:00
parent d2bf912f94
commit ad8c548473
2 changed files with 22 additions and 63 deletions

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@ -10,6 +10,28 @@ local mountains = {
"ExtremeHillsM", "ExtremeHillsM_ocean", "ExtremeHillsM_deep_ocean", "ExtremeHillsM_underground",
ore_type = "blob",
ore = node,
wherein = {"mcl_core:sand","mcl_core:stone","mcl_core:gravel"},
clust_scarcity = 15*15*15,
clust_num_ores = 33,
clust_size = 5,
y_min = -5,
y_max = 0,
noise_params = {
offset = 0,
scale = 1,
spread = {x=250, y=250, z=250},
seed = 3245123,
octaves = 3,
persist = 0.6,
lacunarity = 2,
flags = "defaults",
-- Diorite, andesite and granite
local specialstones = { "mcl_core:diorite", "mcl_core:andesite", "mcl_core:granite" }
for s=1, #specialstones do

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@ -53,63 +53,6 @@ local function xz_to_biomemap_index(x, z, minp, maxp)
return (minix + miniz * zwidth) + 1
-- Perlin noise objects
local perlin_structures
local perlin_vines, perlin_vines_fine, perlin_vines_upwards, perlin_vines_length, perlin_vines_density
local perlin_clay
local function generate_clay(minp, maxp, blockseed, voxelmanip_data, voxelmanip_area, lvm_used)
-- TODO: Make clay generation reproducible for same seed.
if maxp.y < -5 or minp.y > 0 then
return lvm_used
local pr = PseudoRandom(blockseed)
perlin_clay = perlin_clay or minetest.get_perlin({
offset = 0.5,
scale = 0.2,
spread = {x = 5, y = 5, z = 5},
seed = -316,
octaves = 1,
persist = 0.0
for y=math.max(minp.y, 0), math.min(maxp.y, -8), -1 do
-- Assume X and Z lengths are equal
local divlen = 4
local divs = (maxp.x-minp.x)/divlen+1;
for divx=0+1,divs-2 do
for divz=0+1,divs-2 do
-- Get position and shift it a bit randomly so the clay do not obviously appear in a grid
local cx = minp.x + math.floor((divx+0.5)*divlen) + pr:next(-1,1)
local cz = minp.z + math.floor((divz+0.5)*divlen) + pr:next(-1,1)
local water_pos = voxelmanip_area:index(cx, y+1, cz)
local waternode = voxelmanip_data[water_pos]
local surface_pos = voxelmanip_area:index(cx, y, cz)
local surfacenode = voxelmanip_data[surface_pos]
local genrnd = pr:next(1, 20)
if genrnd == 1 and perlin_clay:get_3d({x=cx,y=y,z=cz}) > 0 and waternode == c_water and
(surfacenode == c_dirt or minetest.get_item_group(minetest.get_name_from_content_id(surfacenode), "sand") == 1) then
local diamondsize = pr:next(1, 3)
for x1 = -diamondsize, diamondsize do
for z1 = -(diamondsize - math.abs(x1)), diamondsize - math.abs(x1) do
local ccpos = voxelmanip_area:index(cx+x1, y, cz+z1)
local claycandidate = voxelmanip_data[ccpos]
if voxelmanip_data[ccpos] == c_dirt or minetest.get_item_group(minetest.get_name_from_content_id(claycandidate), "sand") == 1 then
voxelmanip_data[ccpos] = c_clay
lvm_used = true
return lvm_used
local function generate_end_exit_portal(pos)
local obj = minetest.add_entity(vector.add(pos, vector.new(3, 11, 3)), "mobs_mc:enderdragon")
@ -239,12 +182,6 @@ local function basic(vm, data, data2, emin, emax, area, minp, maxp, blockseed)
lvm_used = set_layers(data, area, c_lava, c_air, mcl_vars.mg_overworld_min, mcl_vars.mg_lava_overworld_max, minp, maxp, lvm_used, pr)
lvm_used = set_layers(data, area, c_nether_lava, c_air, mcl_vars.mg_nether_min, mcl_vars.mg_lava_nether_max, minp, maxp, lvm_used, pr)
-- Clay, vines, cocoas
lvm_used = generate_clay(minp, maxp, blockseed, data, area, lvm_used)
biomemap = minetest.get_mapgen_object("biomemap")
----- Interactive block fixing section -----
----- The section to perform basic block overrides of the core mapgen generated world. -----