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Update lapis lazuli description translations.

* Updated de, es, fr, pl, ru and zh_TW translations for the new lapis
  lazuli craftitem description.
  Note that I do not master all of these languages and this is a best
  effort based on picking what I guessed are the most likely translations
  from web pages.
kabou 2022-05-03 12:32:15 +02:00
parent 7e54c3d5bf
commit 35049c765e
6 changed files with 6 additions and 6 deletions

View File

@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ Jungle Wood Planks=Dschungelholzplanken
Jungle leaves are grown from jungle trees.=Dschungelblätter wachsen an Dschungelbäumen.
Lapis Lazuli=Lapislazuli
Lapis Lazuli are required for enchanting items on an enchanting table.=
Lapis Lazuli are required for enchanting items on an enchanting table.=Lapislazuli werden zum Verzaubern von Gegenständen auf einem Zaubertisch benötigt.
Lapis Lazuli Block=Lapislazuliblock
Lapis Lazuli Ore=Lapislazulierz
Lapis lazuli ore is the ore of lapis lazuli. It can be rarely found in clusters near the bottom of the world.=Lapislazulierz ist das Erz von Lapislazuli. Es kann relativ selten in Ansammlungen in der Nähe des Weltbodens gefunden werden.

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@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ Jungle Wood Planks=Madera de jungla
Jungle leaves are grown from jungle trees.=Las hojas de jungla se cultivan de los árboles de jungla.
Lapis Lazuli=Lapislázuli
Lapis Lazuli are required for enchanting items on an enchanting table.=
Lapis Lazuli are required for enchanting items on an enchanting table.=Los lapislázuli son necesarios para encantar objetos en una mesa de encantamiento.
Lapis Lazuli Block=Bloque de lapislázuli
Lapis Lazuli Ore=Mena de lapislázuli
Lapis lazuli ore is the ore of lapis lazuli. It can be rarely found in clusters near the bottom of the world.=El mineral de lapislázuli es el mineral de lapislázuli. Rara vez se puede encontrar en grupos, se encuentra cerca del fondo del mundo.

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@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ Jungle Wood Planks=Planches d'Acajou
Jungle leaves are grown from jungle trees.=Les feuilles d'Acajou sont cultivées à partir d'arbres d'Acajou.
Lapis Lazuli=Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli are required for enchanting items on an enchanting table.=
Lapis Lazuli are required for enchanting items on an enchanting table.=Les lapis-lazuli sont nécessaires pour enchanter des objets sur une table d'enchantement.
Lapis Lazuli Block=Bloc de Lapis-Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli Ore=Minerai de Lapis-Lazuli
Lapis lazuli ore is the ore of lapis lazuli. It can be rarely found in clusters near the bottom of the world.=Le minerai de lapis-lazuli produit du lapis-lazuli. Il peut être rarement trouvé dans des filons près du fond du monde.

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@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ Jungle Wood Planks=Tropikalne deski
Jungle leaves are grown from jungle trees.=Tropikalne liście rosną na tropikalnych drzewach.
Lapis Lazuli=Lazuryt
Lapis Lazuli are required for enchanting items on an enchanting table.=
Lapis Lazuli are required for enchanting items on an enchanting table.=Lapis Lazuli są wymagane do zaklinania przedmiotów na zaklinającym stole.
Lapis Lazuli Block=Blok lazurytu
Lapis Lazuli Ore=Ruda lazurytu
Lapis lazuli ore is the ore of lapis lazuli. It can be rarely found in clusters near the bottom of the world.=Ruda lazurytu jest rzadko występującym blokiem, który można znaleźć w grupach przy dnie świata.

View File

@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ Jungle Wood Planks=Доски из дерева джунглей
Jungle leaves are grown from jungle trees.=Листва дерева джунглей произрастает на деревьях джунглей.
Lapis Lazuli=Ляпис-лазурь
Lapis Lazuli are required for enchanting items on an enchanting table.=
Lapis Lazuli are required for enchanting items on an enchanting table.=Лазурит требуется для зачарования предметов на столе зачаровывания.
Lapis Lazuli Block=Ляпис-лазурный блок
Lapis Lazuli Ore=Ляпис-лазурная руда
Lapis lazuli ore is the ore of lapis lazuli. It can be rarely found in clusters near the bottom of the world.=Ляпис-лазурная руда это руда ляпис-лазури. Она изредка встречается в виде скоплений вблизи дна мира.

View File

@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ Jungle Wood Planks=叢林木材
Jungle leaves are grown from jungle trees.=叢林樹葉是由叢林樹生長出來的。
Lapis Lazuli=青金石
Lapis Lazuli are required for enchanting items on an enchanting table.=
Lapis Lazuli are required for enchanting items on an enchanting table.=为附魔台上的物品附魔需要青金石。
Lapis Lazuli Block=青金石磚
Lapis Lazuli Ore=青金石礦
Lapis lazuli ore is the ore of lapis lazuli. It can be rarely found in clusters near the bottom of the world.=青金石礦是青金石的礦石。在世界底部附近能發現成群的和稀有的青金石礦。