local math = math
local vector = vector
local HALF_PI = math.pi/2
local vector_direction = vector.direction
local vector_distance = vector.distance
local vector_new = vector.new
local minetest_dir_to_yaw = minetest.dir_to_yaw
-- set defined animation
mobs.set_mob_animation = function(self, anim, fixed_frame)
if not self.animation or not anim then
if self.state == "die" and anim ~= "die" and anim ~= "stand" then
if (not self.animation[anim .. "_start"] or not self.animation[anim .. "_end"]) then
--animations break if they are constantly set
--so we put this return gate to check if it is
--already at the animation we are trying to implement
if self.current_animation == anim then
local a_start = self.animation[anim .. "_start"]
local a_end
if fixed_frame then
a_end = a_start
a_end = self.animation[anim .. "_end"]
x = a_start,
y = a_end},
self.animation[anim .. "_speed"] or self.animation.speed_normal or 15,
0, self.animation[anim .. "_loop"] ~= false)
self.current_animation = anim
mobs.death_effect = function(pos, yaw, collisionbox, rotate)
local min, max
if collisionbox then
min = {x=collisionbox[1], y=collisionbox[2], z=collisionbox[3]}
max = {x=collisionbox[4], y=collisionbox[5], z=collisionbox[6]}
min = { x = -0.5, y = 0, z = -0.5 }
max = { x = 0.5, y = 0.5, z = 0.5 }
if rotate then
min = vector.rotate(min, {x=0, y=yaw, z=math.pi/2})
max = vector.rotate(max, {x=0, y=yaw, z=math.pi/2})
min, max = vector.sort(min, max)
min = vector.multiply(min, 0.5)
max = vector.multiply(max, 0.5)
amount = 50,
time = 0.001,
minpos = vector.add(pos, min),
maxpos = vector.add(pos, max),
minvel = vector_new(-5,-5,-5),
maxvel = vector_new(5,5,5),
minexptime = 1.1,
maxexptime = 1.5,
minsize = 1,
maxsize = 2,
collisiondetection = false,
vertical = false,
texture = "mcl_particles_mob_death.png^[colorize:#000000:255",
minetest.sound_play("mcl_mobs_mob_poof", {
pos = pos,
gain = 1.0,
max_hear_distance = 8,
}, true)
--this allows auto facedir rotation while making it so mobs
--don't look like wet noodles flopping around
mobs.movement_rotation_lock = function(self)
local current_engine_yaw = self.object:get_yaw()
local current_lua_yaw = self.yaw
if current_engine_yaw > math.pi * 2 then
current_engine_yaw = current_engine_yaw - (math.pi * 2)
if math.abs(current_engine_yaw - current_lua_yaw) <= 0.05 and self.object:get_properties().automatic_face_movement_dir then
self.object:set_properties{automatic_face_movement_dir = false}
elseif math.abs(current_engine_yaw - current_lua_yaw) > 0.05 and self.object:get_properties().automatic_face_movement_dir == false then
self.object:set_properties{automatic_face_movement_dir = self.rotate}
--this is used when a mob is chasing a player
mobs.set_yaw_while_attacking = function(self)
if self.object:get_properties().automatic_face_movement_dir then
--turn positions into pseudo 2d vectors
local pos1 = self.object:get_pos()
pos1.y = 0
local pos2 = self.attacking:get_pos()
if not pos2 then
pos2.y = 0
local new_direction = vector_direction(pos1,pos2)
local new_yaw = minetest_dir_to_yaw(new_direction)
self.yaw = new_yaw
--this is used to unlock a mob's yaw after attacking
mobs.unlock_yaw = function(self)
if self.object:get_properties().automatic_face_movement_dir == false then
--this is used to lock a mob's yaw when they're standing
mobs.lock_yaw = function(self)
local calculate_pitch = function(self)
local pos = self.object:get_pos()
local pos2 = self.old_pos
if pos == nil or pos2 == nil then
return false
return minetest_dir_to_yaw(vector_new(vector_distance(vector_new(pos.x,0,pos.z),vector_new(pos2.x,0,pos2.z)),0,pos.y - pos2.y)) + HALF_PI
--this is a helper function used to make mobs pitch rotation dynamically flow when flying/swimming
mobs.set_dynamic_pitch = function(self)
local pitch = calculate_pitch(self)
if not pitch then
local current_rotation = self.object:get_rotation()
current_rotation.x = pitch
self.pitch_switch = "dynamic"
--this is a helper function used to make mobs pitch rotation reset when flying/swimming
mobs.set_static_pitch = function(self)
if self.pitch_switch == "static" then
current_rotation.x = 0
self.pitch_switch = "static"
--this is a helper function for mobs explosion animation
mobs.handle_explosion_animation = function(self)
--secondary catch-all
if not self.explosion_animation then
self.explosion_animation = 0
--the timer works from 0 for sense of a 0 based counting
--but this just bumps it up so it's usable in here
local explosion_timer_adjust = self.explosion_animation + 1
local visual_size_modified = table.copy(self.visual_size_origin)
visual_size_modified.x = visual_size_modified.x * (explosion_timer_adjust ^ 3)
visual_size_modified.y = visual_size_modified.y * explosion_timer_adjust
self.object:set_properties({visual_size = visual_size_modified})
--this is used when a mob is following player
mobs.set_yaw_while_following = function(self)
local pos2 = self.following_person:get_pos()
--this is used for when mobs breed
mobs.set_yaw_while_breeding = function(self, mate)
local pos2 = mate:get_pos()