2017-05-13 19:50:41 +00:00
tsm_railcorridors = { }
-- Load node names
dofile ( minetest.get_modpath ( minetest.get_current_modname ( ) ) .. " /gameconfig.lua " )
-- Settings
local setting
-- Probability function
-- TODO: Check if this is correct
local P = function ( float )
return math.floor ( 32767 * float )
-- Wahrscheinlichkeit für jeden Chunk, solche Gänge mit Schienen zu bekommen
-- Probability for every newly generated chunk to get corridors
2017-05-13 20:14:00 +00:00
local probability_railcaves_in_chunk = P ( 0.2 )
2017-05-13 19:50:41 +00:00
setting = tonumber ( minetest.setting_get ( " tsm_railcorridors_probability_railcaves_in_chunk " ) )
if setting then
probability_railcaves_in_chunk = P ( setting )
-- Innerhalb welcher Parameter soll sich die Pfadlänge bewegen? (Forks heben den Maximalwert auf)
-- Minimal and maximal value of path length (forks don't look up this value)
local way_min = 4 ;
local way_max = 7 ;
setting = tonumber ( minetest.setting_get ( " tsm_railcorridors_way_min " ) )
if setting then
way_min = setting
setting = tonumber ( minetest.setting_get ( " tsm_railcorridors_way_max " ) )
if setting then
way_max = setting
-- Wahrsch. für jeden geraden Teil eines Korridors, Fackeln zu bekommen
-- Probability for every horizontal part of a corridor to be with torches
local probability_torches_in_segment = P ( 0.5 )
setting = tonumber ( minetest.setting_get ( " tsm_railcorridors_probability_torches_in_segment " ) )
if setting then
probability_torches_in_segment = P ( setting )
-- Wahrsch. für jeden Teil eines Korridors, nach oben oder nach unten zu gehen
-- Probability for every part of a corridor to go up or down
local probability_up_or_down = P ( 0.2 )
setting = tonumber ( minetest.setting_get ( " tsm_railcorridors_probability_up_or_down " ) )
if setting then
probability_up_or_down = P ( setting )
-- Wahrscheinlichkeit für jeden Teil eines Korridors, sich zu verzweigen – vorsicht, wenn fast jeder Gang sich verzweigt, kann der Algorithums unlösbar werden und MT hängt sich auf
-- Probability for every part of a corridor to fork – caution, too high values may cause MT to hang on.
local probability_fork = P ( 0.04 )
setting = tonumber ( minetest.setting_get ( " tsm_railcorridors_probability_fork " ) )
if setting then
probability_fork = P ( setting )
-- Wahrscheinlichkeit für jeden geraden Teil eines Korridors eine Kiste zu enthalten
-- Probability for every part of a corridor to contain a chest
local probability_chest = P ( 0.05 )
setting = tonumber ( minetest.setting_get ( " tsm_railcorridors_probability_chest " ) )
if setting then
probability_chest = P ( setting )
-- Probability for a rail corridor system to be damaged
local probability_damage = P ( 0.90 )
setting = tonumber ( minetest.setting_get ( " tsm_railcorridors_probability_damage " ) )
if setting then
probability_damage = P ( setting )
-- Max. and min. heights between rail corridors are generated
local height_min = mcl_vars.mg_bedrock_overworld_max + 5 -- FIXME: Above lava layers
local height_max = mcl_util.layer_to_y ( 60 )
-- Chaos Mode: If enabled, rail corridors don't stop generating when hitting obstacles
local chaos_mode = minetest.setting_getbool ( " tsm_railcorridors_chaos " ) or false
-- Parameter Ende
-- random generator
local pr
local pr_initialized = false
local function InitRandomizer ( seed )
pr = PseudoRandom ( seed )
pr_initialized = true
-- Checks if the mapgen is allowed to carve through this structure and only sets
-- the node if it is allowed. Does never build in liquids.
-- If check_above is true, don't build if the node above is attached (e.g. rail)
-- or a liquid.
local function SetNodeIfCanBuild ( pos , node , check_above )
if check_above then
local abovename = minetest.get_node ( { x = pos.x , y = pos.y + 1 , z = pos.z } ) . name
local abovedef = minetest.registered_nodes [ abovename ]
if abovename == " unknown " or abovename == " ignore " or ( abovedef.groups and abovedef.groups . attached_node ) or abovedef.liquidtype ~= " none " then
return false
local name = minetest.get_node ( pos ) . name
local def = minetest.registered_nodes [ name ]
if name ~= " unknown " and name ~= " ignore " and def.is_ground_content and def.liquidtype == " none " then
minetest.set_node ( pos , node )
return true
return false
-- Tries to place a rail, taking the damage chance into account
local function PlaceRail ( pos , damage_chance )
if damage_chance ~= nil and damage_chance > 0 then
local x = pr : next ( 0 , 100 )
if x <= damage_chance then
return false
return SetNodeIfCanBuild ( pos , { name = tsm_railcorridors.nodes . rail } )
-- Returns true if the node as point can be considered “ground”, that is, a solid material
-- in which mine shafts can be built into, e.g. stone, but not air or water
local function IsGround ( pos )
local nodename = minetest.get_node ( pos ) . name
local nodedef = minetest.registered_nodes [ nodename ]
return nodename ~= " unknown " and nodename ~= " ignore " and nodedef.is_ground_content and nodedef.walkable and nodedef.liquidtype == " none "
-- Returns true if rails are allowed to be placed on top of this node
local function IsRailSurface ( pos )
local nodename = minetest.get_node ( pos ) . name
local nodedef = minetest.registered_nodes [ nodename ]
return nodename ~= " unknown " and nodename ~= " ignore " and nodedef.walkable and ( nodedef.node_box == nil or nodedef.node_box . type == " regular " )
-- Checks if the node is empty space which requires to be filled by a platform
local function NeedsPlatform ( pos )
local node = minetest.get_node ( { x = pos.x , y = pos.y - 1 , z = pos.z } )
local node2 = minetest.get_node ( { x = pos.x , y = pos.y - 2 , z = pos.z } )
local nodedef = minetest.registered_nodes [ node.name ]
return node.name ~= " ignore " and node.name ~= " unknown " and nodedef.is_ground_content and ( ( nodedef.walkable == false and node2.name ~= tsm_railcorridors.nodes . dirt ) or ( nodedef.groups and nodedef.groups . falling_node ) )
-- Create a cube filled with the specified nodes
-- Specialties:
-- * Avoids floating rails for non-solid nodes like air
-- Returns true if all nodes could be set
-- Returns false if setting one or more nodes failed
local function Cube ( p , radius , node )
local y_top = p.y + radius
local nodedef = minetest.registered_nodes [ node.name ]
local solid = nodedef.walkable and ( nodedef.node_box == nil or nodedef.node_box . type == " regular " ) and nodedef.liquidtype == " none "
-- Check if all the nodes could be set
local built_all = true
for zi = p.z - radius , p.z + radius do
for yi = y_top , p.y - radius , - 1 do
for xi = p.x - radius , p.x + radius do
local ok = false
if not solid and yi == y_top then
local topdef = minetest.registered_nodes [ minetest.get_node ( { x = xi , y = yi + 1 , z = zi } ) . name ]
if not ( topdef.groups and topdef.groups . attached_node ) and topdef.liquidtype == " none " then
ok = true
ok = true
local built = false
if ok then
built = SetNodeIfCanBuild ( { x = xi , y = yi , z = zi } , node )
if not built then
built_all = false
return built_all
local function Platform ( p , radius , node )
for zi = p.z - radius , p.z + radius do
for xi = p.x - radius , p.x + radius do
local np = NeedsPlatform ( { x = xi , y = p.y , z = zi } )
if np then
minetest.set_node ( { x = xi , y = p.y - 1 , z = zi } , node )
-- Random chest items
-- Zufälliger Kisteninhalt
-- chests
local function Place_Chest ( pos , param2 )
if SetNodeIfCanBuild ( pos , { name = tsm_railcorridors.nodes . chest , param2 = param2 } ) then
local meta = minetest.get_meta ( pos )
local inv = meta : get_inventory ( )
2017-05-13 20:47:43 +00:00
local items = tsm_railcorridors.get_treasures ( pr )
for i = 1 , math.min ( # items , inv : get_size ( " main " ) ) do
inv : set_stack ( " main " , i , ItemStack ( items [ i ] ) )
2017-05-13 19:50:41 +00:00
local function WoodBulk ( pos , wood )
SetNodeIfCanBuild ( { x = pos.x + 1 , y = pos.y , z = pos.z + 1 } , { name = wood } )
SetNodeIfCanBuild ( { x = pos.x - 1 , y = pos.y , z = pos.z + 1 } , { name = wood } )
SetNodeIfCanBuild ( { x = pos.x + 1 , y = pos.y , z = pos.z - 1 } , { name = wood } )
SetNodeIfCanBuild ( { x = pos.x - 1 , y = pos.y , z = pos.z - 1 } , { name = wood } )
-- Gänge mit Schienen
-- Corridors with rails
-- Returns <success>, <segments>
-- success: true if corridor could be placed entirely
-- segments: Number of segments successfully placed
local function corridor_part ( start_point , segment_vector , segment_count , wood , post , is_final )
local p = { x = start_point.x , y = start_point.y , z = start_point.z }
local torches = pr : next ( ) < probability_torches_in_segment
local dir = { 0 , 0 }
local torchdir = { 1 , 1 }
local node_wood = { name = wood }
local node_fence = { name = post }
if segment_vector.x == 0 and segment_vector.z ~= 0 then
dir = { 1 , 0 }
torchdir = { 5 , 4 }
elseif segment_vector.x ~= 0 and segment_vector.z == 0 then
dir = { 0 , 1 }
torchdir = { 3 , 2 }
for segmentindex = 0 , segment_count - 1 do
local dug = Cube ( p , 1 , { name = " air " } )
if not chaos_mode and segmentindex > 0 and not dug then return false , segmentindex end
-- Add wooden platform, if neccessary. To avoid floating rails
if segment_vector.y == 0 then
Platform ( { x = p.x , y = p.y - 1 , z = p.z } , 1 , node_wood )
-- Diese komischen Holz-Konstruktionen
-- These strange wood structs
if segmentindex % 2 == 1 and segment_vector.y == 0 then
local calc = {
p.x + dir [ 1 ] , p.z + dir [ 2 ] , -- X and Z, added by direction
p.x - dir [ 1 ] , p.z - dir [ 2 ] , -- subtracted
p.x + dir [ 2 ] , p.z + dir [ 1 ] , -- orthogonal
p.x - dir [ 2 ] , p.z - dir [ 1 ] , -- orthogonal, the other way
--[[ Shape:
W = wood
P = post ( above floor level )
p = post ( in floor level , only placed if no floor )
From previous generation ( for reference ) :
f = floor
r = rail
. = air
] ]
-- Don't place those wood structs below open air
if not ( minetest.get_node ( { x = calc [ 1 ] , y = p.y + 2 , z = calc [ 2 ] } ) . name == " air " and
minetest.get_node ( { x = calc [ 3 ] , y = p.y + 2 , z = calc [ 4 ] } ) . name == " air " and
minetest.get_node ( { x = p.x , y = p.y + 2 , z = p.z } ) . name == " air " ) then
-- Left post and planks
local left_ok = true
left_ok = SetNodeIfCanBuild ( { x = calc [ 1 ] , y = p.y - 1 , z = calc [ 2 ] } , node_fence )
if left_ok then left_ok = SetNodeIfCanBuild ( { x = calc [ 1 ] , y = p.y , z = calc [ 2 ] } , node_fence ) end
if left_ok then left_ok = SetNodeIfCanBuild ( { x = calc [ 1 ] , y = p.y + 1 , z = calc [ 2 ] } , node_wood ) end
-- Right post and planks
local right_ok = true
right_ok = SetNodeIfCanBuild ( { x = calc [ 3 ] , y = p.y - 1 , z = calc [ 4 ] } , node_fence )
if right_ok then right_ok = SetNodeIfCanBuild ( { x = calc [ 3 ] , y = p.y , z = calc [ 4 ] } , node_fence ) end
if right_ok then right_ok = SetNodeIfCanBuild ( { x = calc [ 3 ] , y = p.y + 1 , z = calc [ 4 ] } , node_wood ) end
-- Middle planks
local top_planks_ok = false
if left_ok and right_ok then top_planks_ok = SetNodeIfCanBuild ( { x = p.x , y = p.y + 1 , z = p.z } , node_wood ) end
if minetest.get_node ( { x = p.x , y = p.y - 2 , z = p.z } ) . name == " air " then
if left_ok then SetNodeIfCanBuild ( { x = calc [ 1 ] , y = p.y - 2 , z = calc [ 2 ] } , node_fence ) end
if right_ok then SetNodeIfCanBuild ( { x = calc [ 3 ] , y = p.y - 2 , z = calc [ 4 ] } , node_fence ) end
-- Torches on the middle planks
if torches and top_planks_ok then
-- Place torches at horizontal sides
SetNodeIfCanBuild ( { x = calc [ 5 ] , y = p.y + 1 , z = calc [ 6 ] } , { name = tsm_railcorridors.nodes . torch_wall , param2 = torchdir [ 1 ] } , true )
SetNodeIfCanBuild ( { x = calc [ 7 ] , y = p.y + 1 , z = calc [ 8 ] } , { name = tsm_railcorridors.nodes . torch_wall , param2 = torchdir [ 2 ] } , true )
elseif torches then
-- Try to build torches instead of the wood structs
local node = { name = tsm_railcorridors.nodes . torch_floor , param2 = minetest.dir_to_wallmounted ( { x = 0 , y =- 1 , z = 0 } ) }
-- Try two different height levels
local pos1 = { x = calc [ 1 ] , y = p.y - 2 , z = calc [ 2 ] }
local pos2 = { x = calc [ 3 ] , y = p.y - 2 , z = calc [ 4 ] }
local nodedef1 = minetest.registered_nodes [ minetest.get_node ( pos1 ) . name ]
local nodedef2 = minetest.registered_nodes [ minetest.get_node ( pos2 ) . name ]
if nodedef1.walkable then
pos1.y = pos1.y + 1
SetNodeIfCanBuild ( pos1 , node , true )
if nodedef2.walkable then
pos2.y = pos2.y + 1
SetNodeIfCanBuild ( pos2 , node , true )
-- nächster Punkt durch Vektoraddition
-- next way point
p = vector.add ( p , segment_vector )
-- End of the corridor; create the final piece
if is_final then
local dug = Cube ( p , 1 , { name = " air " } )
if not chaos_mode and not dug then return false , segment_count end
Platform ( { x = p.x , y = p.y - 1 , z = p.z } , 1 , node_wood )
return true , segment_count
local function corridor_func ( waypoint , coord , sign , up_or_down , up , wood , post , is_final , up_or_down_next , damage )
local segamount = 3
if up_or_down then
segamount = 1
if sign then
segamount = 0 - segamount
local vek = { x = 0 , y = 0 , z = 0 } ;
local start = table.copy ( waypoint )
if coord == " x " then
vek.x = segamount
if up_or_down and up == false then
start.x = start.x + segamount
elseif coord == " z " then
vek.z = segamount
if up_or_down and up == false then
start.z = start.z + segamount
if up_or_down then
if up then
vek.y = 1
vek.y = - 1
local segcount = pr : next ( 4 , 6 )
if up_or_down and up == false then
Cube ( waypoint , 1 , { name = " air " } )
local corridor_dug , corridor_segments_dug = corridor_part ( start , vek , segcount , wood , post , is_final )
local corridor_vek = { x = vek.x * segcount , y = vek.y * segcount , z = vek.z * segcount }
-- nachträglich Schienen legen
-- after this: rails
segamount = 1
if sign then
segamount = 0 - segamount
if coord == " x " then
vek.x = segamount
elseif coord == " z " then
vek.z = segamount
if up_or_down then
if up then
vek.y = 1
vek.y = - 1
local chestplace = - 1
if corridor_dug and not up_or_down and pr : next ( ) < probability_chest then
chestplace = pr : next ( 1 , segcount + 1 )
local railsegcount
if not chaos_mode and not corridor_dug then
railsegcount = corridor_segments_dug * 3
elseif not up_or_down then
railsegcount = segcount * 3
railsegcount = segcount
for i = 1 , railsegcount do
local p = { x = waypoint.x + vek.x * i , y = waypoint.y + vek.y * i - 1 , z = waypoint.z + vek.z * i }
if ( minetest.get_node ( { x = p.x , y = p.y - 1 , z = p.z } ) . name == " air " and minetest.get_node ( { x = p.x , y = p.y - 3 , z = p.z } ) . name ~= tsm_railcorridors.nodes . rail ) then
p.y = p.y - 1 ;
if i == chestplace then
chestplace = chestplace + 1
if IsRailSurface ( { x = p.x , y = p.y - 1 , z = p.z } ) then
PlaceRail ( p , damage )
if i == chestplace then
if minetest.get_node ( { x = p.x + vek.z , y = p.y - 1 , z = p.z - vek.x } ) . name == post then
chestplace = chestplace + 1
Place_Chest ( { x = p.x + vek.z , y = p.y , z = p.z - vek.x } , minetest.dir_to_facedir ( vek ) )
local offset = table.copy ( corridor_vek )
local final_point = vector.add ( waypoint , offset )
if up_or_down then
if up then
offset.y = offset.y - 1
final_point = vector.add ( waypoint , offset )
offset [ coord ] = offset [ coord ] + segamount
final_point = vector.add ( waypoint , offset )
if IsRailSurface ( { x = final_point.x , y = final_point.y - 2 , z = final_point.z } ) then
PlaceRail ( { x = final_point.x , y = final_point.y - 1 , z = final_point.z } , damage )
if not corridor_dug then
return false
return final_point
local function start_corridor ( waypoint , coord , sign , length , psra , wood , post , damage )
local wp = waypoint
local c = coord
local s = sign
local ud = false -- up or down
local udn = false -- up or down is next
local up
for i = 1 , length do
local needs_platform
-- Up or down?
if udn then
needs_platform = NeedsPlatform ( wp )
if needs_platform then
ud = false
ud = true
-- Force direction near the height limits
if wp.y >= height_max - 12 then
up = false
elseif wp.y <= height_min + 12 then
up = true
-- Chose random direction in between
up = pr : next ( 0 , 2 ) < 1
ud = false
-- Update up/down next
if pr : next ( ) < probability_up_or_down and i ~= 1 and not udn and not needs_platform then
udn = i < length
elseif udn and not needs_platform then
udn = false
-- Make corridor / Korridor graben
wp = corridor_func ( wp , c , s , ud , up , wood , post , i == length , udn , damage )
if wp == false then return end
-- Verzweigung?
-- Fork?
if pr : next ( ) < probability_fork then
local p = { x = wp.x , y = wp.y , z = wp.z }
start_corridor ( wp , c , s , pr : next ( way_min , way_max ) , psra , wood , post , damage )
if c == " x " then c = " z " else c = " x " end
start_corridor ( wp , c , s , pr : next ( way_min , way_max ) , psra , wood , post , damage )
start_corridor ( wp , c , not s , pr : next ( way_min , way_max ) , psra , wood , post , damage )
WoodBulk ( { x = p.x , y = p.y - 1 , z = p.z } , wood )
WoodBulk ( { x = p.x , y = p.y , z = p.z } , wood )
WoodBulk ( { x = p.x , y = p.y + 1 , z = p.z } , wood )
WoodBulk ( { x = p.x , y = p.y + 2 , z = p.z } , wood )
-- coord und sign verändern
-- randomly change sign and coord
if c == " x " then
c = " z "
elseif c == " z " then
c = " x "
end ;
s = pr : next ( 0 , 2 ) < 1
local function place_corridors ( main_cave_coords , psra )
--[[ ALWAYS start building in the ground. Prevents corridors starting
in mid - air or in liquids . ] ]
if not IsGround ( main_cave_coords ) then
-- Determine if this corridor system is “damaged” (some rails removed) and to which extent
local damage = 0
2017-05-13 20:06:02 +00:00
if pr : next ( ) < probability_damage then
2017-05-13 19:50:41 +00:00
damage = pr : next ( 10 , 50 )
--[[ Starter cube: A big hollow dirt cube from which the corridors will extend.
Corridor generation starts here . ] ]
if pr : next ( 0 , 100 ) < 50 then
Cube ( main_cave_coords , 4 , { name = tsm_railcorridors.nodes . dirt } )
Cube ( main_cave_coords , 3 , { name = " air " } )
PlaceRail ( { x = main_cave_coords.x , y = main_cave_coords.y - 3 , z = main_cave_coords.z } , damage )
main_cave_coords.y = main_cave_coords.y - 1
Cube ( main_cave_coords , 3 , { name = tsm_railcorridors.nodes . dirt } )
Cube ( main_cave_coords , 2 , { name = " air " } )
PlaceRail ( { x = main_cave_coords.x , y = main_cave_coords.y - 2 , z = main_cave_coords.z } , damage )
local xs = pr : next ( 0 , 2 ) < 1
local zs = pr : next ( 0 , 2 ) < 1 ;
-- Select random wood type (found in gameconfig.lua)
local rnd = pr : next ( 1 , 1000 )
local woodtype = 1
local accumulated_chance = 0
for w = 1 , # tsm_railcorridors.nodes . corridor_woods do
local woodtable = tsm_railcorridors.nodes . corridor_woods [ w ]
accumulated_chance = accumulated_chance + woodtable.chance
if accumulated_chance > 1000 then
minetest.log ( " warning " , " [tsm_railcorridors] Warning: Wood chances add up to over 100%! " )
if rnd <= accumulated_chance then
woodtype = w
local wood = tsm_railcorridors.nodes . corridor_woods [ woodtype ] . wood
local post = tsm_railcorridors.nodes . corridor_woods [ woodtype ] . post
start_corridor ( main_cave_coords , " x " , xs , pr : next ( way_min , way_max ) , psra , wood , post , damage )
start_corridor ( main_cave_coords , " z " , zs , pr : next ( way_min , way_max ) , psra , wood , post , damage )
-- Auch mal die andere Richtung?
-- Try the other direction?
if pr : next ( 0 , 100 ) < 70 then
start_corridor ( main_cave_coords , " x " , not xs , pr : next ( way_min , way_max ) , psra , wood , post , damage )
if pr : next ( 0 , 100 ) < 70 then
start_corridor ( main_cave_coords , " z " , not zs , pr : next ( way_min , way_max ) , psra , wood , post , damage )
minetest.register_on_generated ( function ( minp , maxp , blockseed )
InitRandomizer ( blockseed )
if minp.y < height_max and maxp.y > height_min and pr : next ( ) < probability_railcaves_in_chunk then
-- Get semi-random height in chunk
local buffer = 5
local y = pr : next ( minp.y + buffer , maxp.y - buffer )
y = math.floor ( math.max ( height_min , math.min ( height_max , y ) ) )
local p = { x = minp.x + ( maxp.x - minp.x ) / 2 , y = y , z = minp.z + ( maxp.z - minp.z ) / 2 }
-- Haupthöhle und alle weiteren
-- Corridors; starting with main cave out of dirt
place_corridors ( p , pr )
end )