forked from FOSS/BangleApps
266 lines
8.3 KiB
266 lines
8.3 KiB
(function() {
// load settings
var settings = Object.assign({
colors: "011",
image: "default",
touchOn: "always",
oversize: 20,
dragDelay: 500,
minValue: 0.1,
unlockSide: "",
tapSide: "right",
tapOn: "always",
tOut: 3000,
value: 1,
isOn: true
}, require("Storage").readJSON("lightswitch.json", true) || {});
// write widget with loaded settings
WIDGETS.lightswitch = Object.assign(settings, {
// set area, sortorder, width and dragStatus
area: "tr",
sortorder: 10,
width: 23,
dragStatus: "off",
// internal function //
// write settings to storage
writeSettings: function(changes) {
// define variables
var filename = "lightswitch.json";
var storage = require("Storage");
// write changes into json file
storage.writeJSON(filename, Object.assign(
storage.readJSON(filename, true) || {}, changes
// clear variables
filename = undefined;
storage = undefined;
// internal function //
// draw inner bulb circle
drawInnerBulb: function(value) {
// check if active or value is set
if (value || this.isOn) {
// use set value or load from widget
value = value || this.value;
// calculate color
value * this.colors[0],
value * this.colors[1],
value * this.colors[2]
} else {
// backlight off
// draw circle
g.drawImage(atob("CwuBAB8H8f9/////////f8fwfAA="), this.x + 6, this.y + 6);
// internal function //
// draw widget icon
drawIcon: function(locked) {
// define icons
var icons = {
lock: "DxCBAAAAH8B/wMGBgwMGBgwf/H/8+Pnx8/fn78/fn/8f/A==",
image: "DxSBAA/gP+Dg4YDDAYYDDAYYDH/9////////////////////////+//g"
// read images
var images = require("Storage").readJSON("lightswitch.images.json", true) || false;
// select image if images are found
var image = (!images || image === "default") ? false :
(function(i) {
if (i === "random") {
i = Object.keys(images);
i = i[parseInt(Math.random() * i.length)];
return images[i];
// clear widget area
g.reset().clearRect(this.x, this.y, this.x + this.width, this.y + 23);
// draw shine if backlight is active
if (this.isOn) g.drawImage(atob(icons.shine), this.x, this.y);
// draw icon depending on lock status and image
g.drawImage(atob(!locked ? icons.bulb : image ? icons.image : icons.lock), this.x + 4, this.y + 4);
// draw image on lock
if (locked && image) g.drawImage(atob(image.str), this.x + image.x, this.y + image.y);
// draw bulb color depending on backlight status
if (!locked) this.drawInnerBulb();
// clear variables
icons = undefined;
images = undefined;
image = undefined;
// internal function //
// change or switch backlight and icon and write to storage if not skipped
changeValue: function(value, skipWrite) {
// check value
if (value) {
// set new value
this.value = value;
// check backlight status
if (this.isOn) {
// redraw only inner bulb circle
} else {
// activate backlight
this.isOn = true;
// redraw complete widget icon
} else {
// switch backlight status
this.isOn = !this.isOn;
// redraw widget icon
// set brightness
Bangle.setLCDBrightness(this.isOn ? this.value : 0);
// write changes to storage if not skipped
if (!skipWrite) this.writeSettings({
isOn: this.isOn,
value: this.value
// listener function //
// drag listener for brightness change mode
dragListener: function(event) {
// setup shortcut to this widget
var w = WIDGETS.lightswitch;
// first drag recognised
if (event.b && typeof w.dragStatus === "number") {
// reset drag timeout
// change drag status to indicate ongoing drag action
w.dragStatus = "ongoing";
// feedback for brightness change mode
// read y position, pleasant usable area 20-170
var y = event.y;
y = y < 20 ? 0 : y > 170 ? 150 : y - 20;
// calculate brightness respecting minimal value in settings
var value = (1 - Math.round(y / 1.5) / 100) * (1 - w.minValue) + w.minValue;
// change brigthness value, skip write to storage while still touching
w.changeValue(value, event.b);
// masks this drag event by messing up the event handler
// see
Bangle.removeListener("drag", w.dragListener);
Bangle["#ondrag"] = [w.dragListener].concat(Bangle["#ondrag"]);
// on touch release remove drag listener and reset drag status to indicate stopped drag action
if (!event.b) {
Bangle.removeListener("drag", w.dragListener);
w.dragStatus = "off";
// clear variables
w = undefined;
y = undefined;
value = undefined;
// listener function //
// touch listener for light control
touchListener: function(button, cursor) {
// setup shortcut to this widget
var w = WIDGETS.lightswitch;
// skip all if drag action ongoing
if (w.dragStatus === "off") {
// check if inside widget area
if (!(!w || cursor.x < w.x - w.oversize || cursor.x > w.x + w.width + w.oversize ||
cursor.y < w.y - w.oversize || cursor.y > w.y + 23 + w.oversize)) {
// first touch feedback
// check if drag is disabled
if (w.dragDelay) {
// add drag listener at first position
Bangle["#ondrag"] = [w.dragListener].concat(Bangle["#ondrag"]);
// set drag timeout
w.dragStatus = setTimeout((w) => {
// remove drag listener
Bangle.removeListener("drag", w.dragListener);
// clear drag timeout
if (typeof w.dragStatus === "number") clearTimeout(w.dragStatus);
// reset drag status to indicate stopped drag action
w.dragStatus = "off";
}, w.dragDelay, w);
// switch backlight
// masks this touch event by messing up the event handler
// see
Bangle.removeListener("touch", w.touchListener);
Bangle["#ontouch"] = [w.touchListener].concat(Bangle["#ontouch"]);
// clear variable
w = undefined;
// main widget function //
// display and setup/reset function
draw: function() {
// setup shortcut to this widget
var w = WIDGETS.lightswitch;
// read lock status
var locked = Bangle.isLocked();
// remove listeners to prevent uncertainties
Bangle.removeListener("touch", w.touchListener);
Bangle.removeListener("tap", require("lightswitch.js").tapListener);
// draw widget icon
// add touch listener to control the light depending on settings at first position
if (w.touchOn === "always" || !global.__FILE__ ||
w.touchOn.includes(__FILE__) ||
w.touchOn.includes(require("Storage").readJSON(__FILE__.replace("app.js", "info")).type))
Bangle["#ontouch"] = [w.touchListener].concat(Bangle["#ontouch"]);
// add tap listener to unlock and/or flash backlight
if (w.unlockSide || w.tapSide) Bangle.on("tap", require("lightswitch.js").tapListener);
// clear variables
w = undefined;
Bangle.on("lock", locked => {
var w = WIDGETS.lightswitch;
// set lcd brightness on unlocking
// all other cases are catched by the boot file
if (locked === false) Bangle.setLCDBrightness(w.isOn ? w.value : 0);
// clear variable
delete settings;