forked from FOSS/BangleApps
220 lines
9.2 KiB
220 lines
9.2 KiB
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../css/spectre.min.css">
<p>Please choose a language from the following list:</p>
<div class="form-group">
<select id="languages" class="form-select">
<p>Then click <button id="upload" class="btn btn-primary">Upload</button></p>
<script src="../../lib/customize.js"></script>
<script src="locales.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
eg. the built-in en_GB is:
exports = { name : "en_GB", currencySym:"£",
translate : str=>str, // as-is
date : (d,short) => short?("0"+d.getDate()).substr(-2)+"/"+("0"+(d.getMonth()+1)).substr(-2)+"/"+d.getFullYear():d.toString().substr(4,11), // Date to "Feb 28 2020" or "28/02/2020"(short)
time : (d,short) => { // Date to "4:15.28 pm" or "15:42"(short)
if (short)
return d.toString().substr(16,5);
else {
var h = d.getHours(), m = d.getMinutes(), r = "am";
if (h==0) { h=12; }
else if (h>=12) {
if (h>12) h-=12;
r = "pm";
return (" "+h).substr(-2)+":"+("0"+m).substr(-2)+"."+("0"+d.getSeconds()).substr(-2)+" "+r;
dow : (d,short) => short?d.toString().substr(0,3):"Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday".split(",")[d.getDay()], // Date to "Monday" or "Mon"(short)
month : (d,short) => short?d.toString().substr(4,3):"January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December".split(",")[d.getMonth()], // Date to "February" or "Feb"(short)
number : n => n.toString(), // more fancy?
currency : n => "£"+n.toFixed(2), // number to "£1.00"
distance : m => (m<1000)?Math.round(m)+"m":Math.round(m/160.934)/10+"mi", // meters to "123m" or "1.2mi" depending on size
speed : s => Math.round(s*0.621371)+"mph",// kph to "123mph"
temp : t => Math.round(t)+"'C" // degrees C to degrees C
meridian: d => (d.getHours() <= 12) ? "am":"pm",
function codePageLookup(lang, codePage, ch) {
var chCode = ch.charCodeAt();
if (chCode>=32 && chCode<128) return ch; // ASCII - copy it
// not normal ASCII
var n; // default is a space
if (>=0) // look up in char map, escape that
n =;
/*else if (chCode<256) // it's non-ascii, but <256 - just escape it
n = chCode;*/
else {
if (charFallbacks[ch]) return charFallbacks[ch];
console.error(`Locale ${lang}: Character ${ch} (${chCode}) is not in Code Page ${}`);
return undefined;
// escape the char
return '\\x'+(n+256).toString(16).slice(-2);
// do some sanity checks
Object.keys(locales).forEach(function(localeName) {
var locale = locales[localeName];
if (locale.trans && !locale.trans.on) console.error(localeName+": If translations are provided, 'on' *must* be included");
if (distanceUnits[locale.distance[0]]===undefined) console.error(localeName+": Unknown distance unit "+locale.distance[0]);
if (distanceUnits[locale.distance[1]]===undefined) console.error(localeName+": Unknown distance unit "+locale.distance[1]);
if (speedUnits[locale.speed]===undefined) console.error(localeName+": Unknown speed unit "+locale.speed);
if (locale.temperature!='°C' && locale.temperature!='°F')
console.error(localeName+": Unknown temperature unit "+locale.temperature);
// Now check that codepage is ok and all chars in translation are in that codepage
const codePageName = "ISO8859-1";
if (locale.codePage) codePageName = locale.codePage;
const codePage = codePages[codePageName];
if (codePage===undefined) console.error(localeName+": Unknown codePage "+codePageName);
function checkChars(v,path) {
if ("object"==typeof v)
Object.keys(v).forEach(k=>checkChars(v[k], path+"."+k));
else if ("string"==typeof v)
for (var i=0;i<v.length;i++)
if (codePageLookup(localeName, codePage, v[i])===undefined)
console.error(` ... in ${path}[${i}]`);
var languageSelector = document.getElementById("languages");
languageSelector.innerHTML = Object.keys(locales).map(l=>{
var localeParts = l.split("_"); // en_GB -> ["en","GB"]
var icon = "";
// If we have a 2 char ISO country code, use it to get the unicode flag
if (localeParts[1] && localeParts[1].length==2)
icon = localeParts[1].toUpperCase().replace(/./g, char => String.fromCodePoint(char.charCodeAt(0)+127397) )+" ";
return `<option value="${l}">${icon}${l}</option>`
document.getElementById("upload").addEventListener("click", function() {
const lang = languageSelector.options[languageSelector.selectedIndex].value;
console.log(`Language ${lang}`);
const locale = locales[lang];
if (!locale) {
alert(`Language ${lang} not found!`);
const codePageName = "ISO8859-1";
if (locale.codePage)
codePageName = locale.codePage;
const codePage = codePages[codePageName];
if (!codePage) {
alert(`Code Page ${codePageName} not found!`);
// Convert object to JSON, with codepage
function js(x) {
// do nortmal conversion
x = JSON.stringify(x);
/* assume any out of bounds character is going to
be inside a quoted string */
var s = '';
for (var i=0;i<x.length;i++) {
var ch = codePageLookup(lang, codePage, x[i]);
s += (ch===undefined) ? "?" : ch;
return s;
function unitConv(x) {
return x === 1 ? 'n' : 'n/' + x
var replaceList = {
"%Y": "d.getFullYear()",
"%y": "(d.getFullYear().toString()).slice(-2)",
"%m": "('0'+(d.getMonth()+1).toString()).slice(-2)",
"%-m": "d.getMonth()+1",
"%d": "('0'+d.getDate()).slice(-2)",
"%-d": "d.getDate()",
"%HH": "('0'+d.getHours()).slice(-2)",
"%MM": "('0'+d.getMinutes()).slice(-2)",
"%SS": "('0'+d.getSeconds()).slice(-2)",
"%A": "day.split(',')[d.getDay()]",
"%a": "day.split(',')[d.getDay() + 7]",
"%B": "month.split(',')[d.getMonth()]",
"%b": "month.split(',')[d.getMonth() + 12]",
"%p": `d.getHours()<12?${js(locale.ampm[0].toUpperCase())}:${js(locale.ampm[1].toUpperCase())}`,
"%P": `d.getHours()<12?${js(locale.ampm[0].toLowerCase())}:${js(locale.ampm[1].toLowerCase())}`
var timeN = locale.timePattern[0];
var timeS = locale.timePattern[1];
var dateN = locale.datePattern[0];
var dateS = locale.datePattern[1];
Object.keys(replaceList).forEach(e => {
timeN = timeN.replace(e,"${"+replaceList[e]+"}");
timeS = timeS.replace(e,"${"+replaceList[e]+"}");
dateN = dateN.replace(e,"${"+replaceList[e]+"}");
dateS = dateS.replace(e,"${"+replaceList[e]+"}");
var currency = locale.currency_first ?
`${js(locale.currency_symbol)} + exports.number(n)`:
`exports.number(n) + ${js(locale.currency_symbol)}`;
var temperature = locale.temperature=='°F' ? '(t*9/5)+32' : 't';
var localeModule = `
var day = ${js( + ',' + locale.abday)};
var month = ${js(locale.month + ',' + locale.abmonth)};
function round(n) {
return n < 10 ? Math.round(n * 10) / 10 : Math.round(n);
exports = {
name: ${js(locale.lang)},
currencySym: ${js(locale.currency_symbol)},
dow: (d,short) => day.split(',')[d.getDay() + (short ? 7 : 0)],
month: (d,short) => month.split(',')[d.getMonth() + (short ? 12 : 0)],
number: (n, dec) => {
if (dec == null) dec = 2;
var w = n.toFixed(dec),
k = w|0,
b = n < 0 ? 1 : 0,
u = Math.abs(w-k),
d = (''+u.toFixed(dec)).substr(2, dec),
s = ''+k,
i = s.length,
r = '';
while ((i-=3) > b) {
r = '${locale.thousands_sep}' + s.substr(i, 3) + r;
return s.substr(0, i + 3) + r + (d ? '${locale.decimal_point}' + d: '');
currency: n => ${currency},
distance: n => n < ${distanceUnits[locale.distance[1]]} ? round(${unitConv(distanceUnits[locale.distance[0]])}) + ${js(locale.distance[0])} : round(${unitConv(distanceUnits[locale.distance[1]])}) + ${js(locale.distance[1])},
speed: n => round(${unitConv(speedUnits[locale.speed])}) + ${js(locale.speed)},
temp: t => Math.round(${temperature}) + ${js(locale.temperature)},
translate: s => ${locale.trans?`{var t=${js(locale.trans)};s=''+s;return t[s]||t[s.toLowerCase()]||s;}`:`s`},
date: (d,short) => short ? \`${dateS}\` : \`${dateN}\`,
time: (d,short) => short ? \`${timeS}\` : \`${timeN}\`,
meridian: d => d.getHours() < 12 ? ${js(locale.ampm[0])}:${js(locale.ampm[1])},
console.log("Locale Module is:",localeModule);
{name:"locale", content:localeModule}