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README.md | ||
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gpsservice-icon.js | ||
gpsservice.png | ||
settings.js | ||
test-bed.js | ||
widget.js |
GPS Service
A configurable GPS widget that runs in the background.
The goals of this project were to develop a GPS widget that could be ran in low power mode in the background and could be used to display a OS grid reference in a watch face.
Using an App that turns on the GPS and constantly displays the screen will use around 75mA, the battery will last between 3-4 hours.
Using the GPS in a Widget in Super-E Power Saving Mode (PSM) with the screen off (most of the time) will consume around 35mA and you might get 10hrs before a recharge.
Using the GPS in Power Saving Mode On/Off (PSMOO) with suitable settings can reduce the average consumption to around 15mA.
The Settings App enables you set the following options for the GPS Service.
GPS - On/Off. When this value is changed the GPS Service will be powered on or off and the GPS Widget will be displayed.
Power Mode:
** PSM-Super-E - the factory default setup for the GPS. The recommended power saving mode.
** PSMOO - On/Off power saving mode. Configured by interval and search time. Choose this mode if you are happy to get a GPS position update less often (say every 1 or 2 minutes). The longer the interval the more time the GPS will spend sleeping in low power mode (7mA) between obtaining fixes (35mA). For walking in open country an update once every 60 seconds is adequate to put you within a 6 digit grid refernce sqaure.