Fork 0

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/* OpenStreetMap plotting module.
var m = require("openstmap");
// m.lat/lon are now the center of the loaded map
m.draw(); // draw centered on the middle of the loaded map
// plot gps position on map
Bangle.on('GPS',function(f) {
if (!f.fix) return;
var p = m.latLonToXY(fix.lat, fix.lon);
g.fillRect(p.x-2, p.y-2, p.x+2, p.y+2);
// recenter and redraw map!
function center() {
m.lat = fix.lat;
m.lon = fix.lon;
// you can even change the scale - eg 'm/scale *= 2'
var m = exports;
m.maps = require("Storage").list(/openstmap\.\d+\.json/).map(f=>{
let map = require("Storage").readJSON(f);
map.center = Bangle.project({lat:map.lat,lon:map.lon});
return map;
m.maps.sort((a,b) => b.scale-a.scale); // sort by scale so highest resolution is drawn last
// we base our start position on the middle of the first map
m.map = m.maps[0];
if (m.map) {
m.scale = m.map.scale; // current scale (based on first map)
m.lat = m.map.lat; // position of middle of screen
m.lon = m.map.lon; // position of middle of screen
// return number of tiles drawn
exports.draw = function() {
var cx = g.getWidth()/2;
var cy = g.getHeight()/2;
var p = Bangle.project({lat:m.lat,lon:m.lon});
let count = 0;
m.maps.forEach((map,idx) => {
var d = map.scale/m.scale;
var ix = (p.x-map.center.x)/m.scale + (map.imgx*d/2) - cx;
var iy = (map.center.y-p.y)/m.scale + (map.imgy*d/2) - cy;
var o = {};
var s = map.tilesize;
if (d!=1) { // if the two are different, add scaling
s *= d;
o.scale = d;
o.filter = true; // on 2v19+ enables supersampling
var tx = 0|(ix/s);
var ty = 0|(iy/s);
var ox = (tx*s)-ix;
var oy = (ty*s)-iy;
var img = require("Storage").read(map.fn);
// fix out of range so we don't have to iterate over them
if (tx<0) {
if (ty<0) {
var mx = g.getWidth();
var my = g.getHeight();
for (var x=ox,ttx=tx; x<mx && ttx<map.w; x+=s,ttx++) {
for (var y=oy,tty=ty;y<my && tty<map.h;y+=s,tty++) {
o.frame = ttx+(tty*map.w);
return count;
/// Convert lat/lon to pixels on the screen
exports.latLonToXY = function(lat, lon) {
var p = Bangle.project({lat:m.lat,lon:m.lon});
var q = Bangle.project({lat:lat, lon:lon});
var cx = g.getWidth()/2;
var cy = g.getHeight()/2;
return {
x : Math.round((q.x-p.x)/m.scale + cx),
y : Math.round(cy - (q.y-p.y)/m.scale)
/// Given an amount to scroll in pixels on the screen, adjust the lat/lon of the map to match
exports.scroll = function(x,y) {
var a = Bangle.project({lat:m.lat,lon:m.lon});
var b = Bangle.project({lat:m.lat+1,lon:m.lon+1});
this.lon += x * m.scale / (a.x-b.x);
this.lat -= y * m.scale / (a.y-b.y);