forked from FOSS/BangleApps
331 lines
9.7 KiB
331 lines
9.7 KiB
const tokenextraheight = 16;
var tokendigitsheight = 30;
// Hash functions
const crypto = require("crypto");
const algos = {
"SHA256":{sha:crypto.SHA256,retsz:32,blksz:64 },
"SHA1" :{sha:crypto.SHA1 ,retsz:20,blksz:64 },
const calculating = "Calculating";
const notokens = "No tokens";
const notsupported = "Not supported";
// sample settings:
// {tokens:[{"algorithm":"SHA1","digits":6,"period":30,"issuer":"","account":"","secret":"Bbb","label":"Aaa"}],misc:{}}
var settings = require("Storage").readJSON("authentiwatch.json", true) || {tokens:[],misc:{}};
if ( ) tokens = ; /* v0.02 settings */
if (settings.tokens) tokens = settings.tokens; /* v0.03+ settings */
// QR Code Text
// Example:
// otpauth://totp/${url}:AA_${algorithm}_${digits}dig_${period}s@${url}?algorithm=${algorithm}&digits=${digits}&issuer=${url}&period=${period}&secret=${secret}
// ${algorithm} : one of SHA1 / SHA256 / SHA512
// ${digits} : one of 6 / 8
// ${period} : one of 30 / 60
// ${url} : a domain name ""
// ${secret} : the seed code
function b32decode(seedstr) {
// RFC4648
var i, buf = 0, bitcount = 0, retstr = "";
for (i in seedstr) {
var c = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ234567".indexOf(seedstr.charAt(i).toUpperCase(), 0);
if (c != -1) {
buf <<= 5;
buf |= c;
bitcount += 5;
if (bitcount >= 8) {
retstr += String.fromCharCode(buf >> (bitcount - 8));
buf &= (0xFF >> (16 - bitcount));
bitcount -= 8;
if (bitcount > 0) {
retstr += String.fromCharCode(buf << (8 - bitcount));
var retbuf = new Uint8Array(retstr.length);
for (i in retstr) {
retbuf[i] = retstr.charCodeAt(i);
return retbuf;
function do_hmac(key, message, algo) {
var a = algos[algo];
// RFC2104
if (key.length > a.blksz) {
key = a.sha(key);
var istr = new Uint8Array(a.blksz + message.length);
var ostr = new Uint8Array(a.blksz + a.retsz);
for (var i = 0; i < a.blksz; ++i) {
var c = (i < key.length) ? key[i] : 0;
istr[i] = c ^ 0x36;
ostr[i] = c ^ 0x5C;
istr.set(message, a.blksz);
ostr.set(a.sha(istr), a.blksz);
var ret = a.sha(ostr);
// RFC4226 dynamic truncation
var v = new DataView(ret, ret[ret.length - 1] & 0x0F, 4);
return v.getUint32(0) & 0x7FFFFFFF;
function hotp(d, token, dohmac) {
var tick;
if (token.period > 0) {
// RFC6238 - timed
var seconds = Math.floor(d.getTime() / 1000);
tick = Math.floor(seconds / token.period);
} else {
// RFC4226 - counter
tick = -token.period;
var msg = new Uint8Array(8);
var v = new DataView(msg.buffer);
v.setUint32(0, tick >> 16 >> 16);
v.setUint32(4, tick & 0xFFFFFFFF);
var ret = calculating;
if (dohmac) {
try {
var hash = do_hmac(b32decode(token.secret), msg, token.algorithm.toUpperCase());
ret = "" + hash % Math.pow(10, token.digits);
while (ret.length < token.digits) {
ret = "0" + ret;
} catch(err) {
ret = notsupported;
return {hotp:ret, next:((token.period > 0) ? ((tick + 1) * token.period * 1000) : d.getTime() + 30000)};
var state = {
listy: 0,
function drawToken(id, r) {
var x1 = r.x;
var y1 = r.y;
var x2 = r.x + r.w - 1;
var y2 = r.y + r.h - 1;
var adj, lbl, sz;
g.setClipRect(Math.max(x1, Bangle.appRect.x ), Math.max(y1, Bangle.appRect.y ),
Math.min(x2, Bangle.appRect.x2), Math.min(y2, Bangle.appRect.y2));
lbl = tokens[id].label.substr(0, 10);
if (id == state.curtoken) {
// current token
g.setFont("Vector", tokenextraheight);
// center just below top line
g.setFontAlign(0, -1, 0);
adj = y1;
} else {
sz = tokendigitsheight;
do {
g.setFont("Vector", sz--);
} while (g.stringWidth(lbl) > r.w);
// center in box
g.setFontAlign(0, 0, 0);
adj = (y1 + y2) / 2;
g.clearRect(x1, y1, x2, y2);
g.drawString(lbl, (x1 + x2) / 2, adj, false);
if (id == state.curtoken) {
if (tokens[id].period > 0) {
// timed - draw progress bar
let xr = Math.floor(Bangle.appRect.w * state.rem / tokens[id].period);
g.fillRect(x1, y2 - 4, xr, y2 - 1);
adj = 0;
} else {
// counter - draw triangle as swipe hint
let yc = (y1 + y2) / 2;
g.fillPoly([0, yc, 10, yc - 10, 10, yc + 10, 0, yc]);
adj = 12;
// digits just below label
sz = tokendigitsheight;
do {
g.setFont("Vector", sz--);
} while (g.stringWidth(state.otp) > (r.w - adj));
g.drawString(state.otp, (x1 + adj + x2) / 2, y1 + tokenextraheight, false);
// shaded lines top and bottom
g.setColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
g.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y1);
g.drawLine(x1, y2, x2, y2);
g.setClipRect(0, 0, g.getWidth(), g.getHeight());
function draw() {
var timerfn = exitApp;
var timerdly = 10000;
var d = new Date();
if (state.curtoken != -1) {
var t = tokens[state.curtoken];
if (state.otp == calculating) {
state.otp = hotp(d, t, true).hotp;
if (d.getTime() > state.nextTime) {
if (state.hide == 0) {
// auto-hide the current token
if (state.curtoken != -1) {
state.prevcur = state.curtoken;
state.curtoken = -1;
state.nextTime = 0;
} else {
// time to generate a new token
var r = hotp(d, t, state.otp != "");
state.nextTime =;
state.otp = r.hotp;
if (t.period <= 0) {
state.hide = 1;
state.rem = Math.max(0, Math.floor((state.nextTime - d.getTime()) / 1000));
if (tokens.length > 0) {
var drewcur = false;
var id = Math.floor(state.listy / (tokendigitsheight + tokenextraheight));
var y = id * (tokendigitsheight + tokenextraheight) + Bangle.appRect.y - state.listy;
while (id < tokens.length && y < Bangle.appRect.y2) {
drawToken(id, {x:Bangle.appRect.x, y:y, w:Bangle.appRect.w, h:(tokendigitsheight + tokenextraheight)});
if (id == state.curtoken && (tokens[id].period <= 0 || state.nextTime != 0)) {
drewcur = true;
id += 1;
y += (tokendigitsheight + tokenextraheight);
if (drewcur) {
// the current token has been drawn - schedule a redraw
if (tokens[state.curtoken].period > 0) {
timerdly = (state.otp == calculating) ? 1 : 1000; // timed
} else {
timerdly = state.nexttime - d.getTime(); // counter
timerfn = draw;
if (tokens[state.curtoken].period <= 0) {
state.hide = 0;
} else {
// de-select the current token if it is scrolled out of view
if (state.curtoken != -1) {
state.prevcur = state.curtoken;
state.curtoken = -1;
state.nexttime = 0;
} else {
g.setFont("Vector", tokendigitsheight);
g.setFontAlign(0, 0, 0);
g.drawString(notokens, Bangle.appRect.x + Bangle.appRect.w / 2, Bangle.appRect.y + Bangle.appRect.h / 2, false);
if (state.drawtimer) {
state.drawtimer = setTimeout(timerfn, timerdly);
function onTouch(zone, e) {
if (e) {
var id = Math.floor((state.listy + (e.y - Bangle.appRect.y)) / (tokendigitsheight + tokenextraheight));
if (id == state.curtoken || tokens.length == 0 || id >= tokens.length) {
id = -1;
if (state.curtoken != id) {
if (id != -1) {
var y = id * (tokendigitsheight + tokenextraheight) - state.listy;
if (y < 0) {
state.listy += y;
y = 0;
y += (tokendigitsheight + tokenextraheight);
if (y > Bangle.appRect.h) {
state.listy += (y - Bangle.appRect.h);
state.otp = "";
state.nextTime = 0;
state.curtoken = id;
state.hide = 2;
function onDrag(e) {
if (e.x > g.getWidth() || e.y > g.getHeight()) return;
if (e.dx == 0 && e.dy == 0) return;
var newy = Math.min(state.listy - e.dy, tokens.length * (tokendigitsheight + tokenextraheight) - Bangle.appRect.h);
state.listy = Math.max(0, newy);
function onSwipe(e) {
if (e == -1 && state.curtoken != -1 && tokens[state.curtoken].period <= 0) {
let newsettings={tokens:tokens,misc:settings.misc};
require("Storage").writeJSON("authentiwatch.json", newsettings);
state.nextTime = 0;
state.otp = "";
state.hide = 2;
function bangle1Btn(e) {
if (tokens.length > 0) {
if (state.curtoken == -1) {
state.curtoken = state.prevcur;
} else {
switch (e) {
case -1: state.curtoken--; break;
case 1: state.curtoken++; break;
state.curtoken = Math.max(state.curtoken, 0);
state.curtoken = Math.min(state.curtoken, tokens.length - 1);
var fakee = {};
fakee.y = state.curtoken * (tokendigitsheight + tokenextraheight) - state.listy + Bangle.appRect.y;
state.curtoken = -1;
state.nextTime = 0;
onTouch(0, fakee);
} else {
draw(); // resets idle timer
function exitApp() {
Bangle.on('touch', onTouch);
Bangle.on('drag' , onDrag );
Bangle.on('swipe', onSwipe);
if (typeof BTN2 == 'number') {
setWatch(function(){bangle1Btn(-1);}, BTN1, {edge:"rising", debounce:50, repeat:true});
setWatch(function(){exitApp(); }, BTN2, {edge:"rising", debounce:50, repeat:true});
setWatch(function(){bangle1Btn( 1);}, BTN3, {edge:"rising", debounce:50, repeat:true});
// Clear the screen once, at startup