Fork 0

673 lines
16 KiB

// "Rail trail"? "Trail rail"!
/* fmt library v0.2.2 */
let fmt = {
icon_alt : "\0\x08\x1a\1\x00\x00\x00\x20\x30\x78\x7C\xFE\xFF\x00\xC3\xE7\xFF\xDB\xC3\xC3\xC3\xC3\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00",
icon_m : "\0\x08\x1a\1\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xC3\xE7\xFF\xDB\xC3\xC3\xC3\xC3\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00",
icon_km : "\0\x08\x1a\1\xC3\xC6\xCC\xD8\xF0\xD8\xCC\xC6\xC3\x00\xC3\xE7\xFF\xDB\xC3\xC3\xC3\xC3\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00",
icon_kph : "\0\x08\x1a\1\xC3\xC6\xCC\xD8\xF0\xD8\xCC\xC6\xC3\x00\xC3\xE7\xFF\xDB\xC3\xC3\xC3\xC3\x00\xFF\x00\xC3\xC3\xFF\xC3\xC3",
icon_c : "\0\x08\x1a\1\x00\x00\x60\x90\x90\x60\x00\x7F\xFF\xC0\xC0\xC0\xC0\xC0\xFF\x7F\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00",
icon_hpa : "\x00\x08\x16\x01\x00\x80\xb0\xc8\x88\x88\x88\x00\xf0\x88\x84\x84\x88\xf0\x80\x8c\x92\x22\x25\x19\x00\x00",
icon_9 : "\x00\x08\x16\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x38\x44\x44\x4c\x34\x04\x04\x38\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00",
icon_10 : "\x00\x08\x16\x01\x00\x08\x18\x28\x08\x08\x08\x00\x00\x18\x24\x24\x24\x24\x18\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00",
/* 0 .. DD.ddddd
1 .. DD MM.mmm'
2 .. DD MM'ss"
geo_mode : 1,
init: function() {},
fmtDist: function(km) {
if (km >= 1.0) return km.toFixed(1) + this.icon_km;
return (km*1000).toFixed(0) + this.icon_m;
fmtSteps: function(n) { return this.fmtDist(0.001 * 0.719 * n); },
fmtAlt: function(m) { return m.toFixed(0) + this.icon_alt; },
fmtTemp: function(c) { return c.toFixed(1) + this.icon_c; },
fmtPress: function(p) {
if (p < 900 || p > 1100)
return p.toFixed(0) + this.icon_hpa;
if (p < 1000) {
p -= 900;
return this.icon_9 + this.add0(p.toFixed(0)) + this.icon_hpa;
p -= 1000;
return this.icon_10 + this.add0(p.toFixed(0)) + this.icon_hpa;
draw_dot : 1,
add0: function(i) {
if (i > 9) {
return ""+i;
} else {
return "0"+i;
fmtTOD: function(now) {
this.draw_dot = !this.draw_dot;
let dot = ":";
if (!this.draw_dot)
dot = ".";
return now.getHours() + dot + this.add0(now.getMinutes());
fmtNow: function() { return this.fmtTOD(new Date()); },
fmtTimeDiff: function(d) {
if (d < 180)
return ""+d.toFixed(0);
d = d/60;
return ""+d.toFixed(0)+"m";
fmtAngle: function(x) {
switch (this.geo_mode) {
case 0:
return "" + x;
case 1: {
let d = Math.floor(x);
let m = x - d;
m = m*60;
return "" + d + " " + m.toFixed(3) + "'";
case 2: {
let d = Math.floor(x);
let m = x - d;
m = m*60;
let mf = Math.floor(m);
let s = m - mf;
s = s*60;
return "" + d + " " + mf + "'" + s.toFixed(0) + '"';
return "bad mode?";
fmtPos: function(pos) {
let x = pos.lat;
let c = "N";
if (x<0) {
c = "S";
x = -x;
let s = c+this.fmtAngle(x) + "\n";
c = "E";
if (x<0) {
c = "W";
x = -x;
return s + c + this.fmtAngle(x);
fmtFix: function(fix, t) {
if (fix && fix.fix && fix.lat) {
return this.fmtSpeed(fix.speed) + " " +
} else {
return "N/FIX " + this.fmtTimeDiff(t);
fmtSpeed: function(kph) {
return kph.toFixed(1) + this.icon_kph;
radians: function(a) { return a*Math.PI/180; },
degrees: function(a) { return a*180/Math.PI; },
// distance between 2 lat and lons, in meters, Mean Earth Radius = 6371km
// https://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.html
// (Equirectangular approximation)
// returns value in meters
distance: function(a,b) {
var x = this.radians(b.lon-a.lon) * Math.cos(this.radians((a.lat+b.lat)/2));
var y = this.radians(b.lat-a.lat);
return Math.sqrt(x*x + y*y) * 6371000;
// thanks to waypointer
bearing: function(a,b) {
var delta = this.radians(b.lon-a.lon);
var alat = this.radians(a.lat);
var blat = this.radians(b.lat);
var y = Math.sin(delta) * Math.cos(blat);
var x = Math.cos(alat) * Math.sin(blat) -
return Math.round(this.degrees(Math.atan2(y, x)));
/* gps library v0.1.2 */
let gps = {
emulator: -1,
init: function(x) {
this.emulator = (process.env.BOARD=="EMSCRIPTEN"
|| process.env.BOARD=="EMSCRIPTEN2")?1:0;
state: {},
on_gps: function(f) {
let fix = this.getGPSFix();
"lat": number, // Latitude in degrees
"lon": number, // Longitude in degrees
"alt": number, // altitude in M
"speed": number, // Speed in kph
"course": number, // Course in degrees
"time": Date, // Current Time (or undefined if not known)
"satellites": 7, // Number of satellites
"fix": 1 // NMEA Fix state - 0 is no fix
"hdop": number, // Horizontal Dilution of Precision
this.state.timeout = setTimeout(this.on_gps, 1000, f);
off_gps: function() {
getGPSFix: function() {
if (!this.emulator)
return Bangle.getGPSFix();
let fix = {};
fix.fix = 1;
fix.lat = 50;
fix.lon = 14-(getTime()-this.gps_start) / 1000; /* Go West! */
fix.alt = 200;
fix.speed = 5;
fix.course = 30;
fix.time = Date();
fix.satellites = 5;
fix.hdop = 12;
return fix;
gps_start : -1,
start_gps: function() {
Bangle.setGPSPower(1, "libgps");
this.gps_start = getTime();
stop_gps: function() {
Bangle.setGPSPower(0, "libgps");
/* ui library 0.1.2 */
let ui = {
display: 0,
numScreens: 2,
drawMsg: function(msg) {
g.reset().setFont("Vector", 35)
.fillRect(0, this.wi, 176, 176)
.drawString(msg, 5, 30)
drawBusy: function() {
this.drawMsg("\n.oO busy");
nextScreen: function() {
this.display = this.display + 1;
if (this.display == this.numScreens)
this.display = 0;
prevScreen: function() {
this.display = this.display - 1;
if (this.display < 0)
this.display = this.numScreens - 1;
onSwipe: function(dir) {
h: 176,
w: 176,
wi: 32,
last_b: 0,
touchHandler: function(d) {
let x = Math.floor(d.x);
let y = Math.floor(d.y);
if (d.b != 1 || this.last_b != 0) {
this.last_b = d.b;
print("touch", x, y, this.h, this.w);
if ((x<this.h/2) && (y<this.w/2)) {
if ((x>this.h/2) && (y<this.w/2)) {
if ((x<this.h/2) && (y>this.w/2)) {
if ((x>this.h/2) && (y>this.w/2)) {
init: function() {
/* egt 0.0.1 */
let egt = {
init: function() {
parse: function(l) {
let r = {};
let s = l.split(' ');
if (s === undefined)
return r;
if (s[1] === undefined)
return r;
if (s[1].split('=')[1] === undefined) {
r.lat = 1 * s[0];
r.lon = 1 * s[1];
for (let fi of s) {
let f = fi.split('=');
if (f[0] == "utime") {
r.utime = 1 * f[1];
return r;
function toCartesian(v) {
const R = 6371; // Poloměr Země v km
const latRad = v.lat * Math.PI / 180;
const lonRad = v.lon * Math.PI / 180;
const x = R * lonRad * Math.cos(latRad);
const y = R * latRad;
return { x, y };
function distSegment(x1, x2, xP) {
// Převod zeměpisných souřadnic na kartézské souřadnice
const p1 = toCartesian(x1);
const p2 = toCartesian(x2);
const p = toCartesian(xP);
// Vektor p1p2
const dx = p2.x - p1.x;
const dy = p2.y - p1.y;
// Projekce bodu p na přímku definovanou body p1 a p2
const dot = ((p.x - p1.x) * dx + (p.y - p1.y) * dy) / (dx * dx + dy * dy);
// Určení bodu na přímce, kde leží projekce
let closestX, closestY;
if (dot < 0) {
closestX = p1.x;
closestY = p1.y;
} else if (dot > 1) {
closestX = p2.x;
closestY = p2.y;
} else {
closestX = p1.x + dot * dx;
closestY = p1.y + dot * dy;
// Vzdálenost mezi bodem p a nejbližším bodem na úsečce
const distance = Math.sqrt((p.x - closestX) * (p.x - closestX) + (p.y - closestY) * (p.y - closestY));
return distance * 1000;
function angleDifference(angle1, angle2) {
// Compute the difference
let difference = angle2 - angle1;
// Normalize the difference to be within the range -180° to 180°
while (difference > 180) difference -= 360;
while (difference < -180) difference += 360;
return difference;
function drawThickLine(gg, x1, y1, x2, y2, thickness) {
// Calculate the perpendicular offset for the line thickness
const dx = x2 - x1;
const dy = y2 - y1;
const length = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
const offsetX = (dy / length) * (thickness / 2);
const offsetY = (dx / length) * (thickness / 2);
// Draw multiple lines to simulate thickness
for (let i = -thickness / 2; i <= thickness / 2; i++) {
x1 + offsetX * i,
y1 - offsetY * i,
x2 + offsetX * i,
y2 - offsetY * i
function toxy(pp, p) {
let r = {};
let d = fmt.distance(pp, p);
let h = fmt.radians(fmt.bearing(pp, p) - pp.course);
let x = pp.x, y = pp.y;
x += d * pp.ppm * Math.sin(h);
y -= d * pp.ppm * Math.cos(h);
r.x = x;
r.y = y;
return r;
function paint(pp, p1, p2, thick) {
let d1 = toxy(pp, p1);
let d2 = toxy(pp, p2);
//print(d1, d2);
drawThickLine(pp.g, d1.x, d1.y, d2.x, d2.y, thick);
var destination = {}, num = 0, dist = 0;
//{ rotate: Math.PI / 4 + i/100, scale: 1-i/100 }
function flip(pp) {
// pp.g.flip();
g.drawImage(g_over, 0, 0, {});
function read(pp, n) {
let f = require("Storage").open(n+".st", "r");
let l = f.readLine();
let prev = 0;
while (l!==undefined) {
l = ""+l;
let p = egt.parse(l);
if (p.lat) {
if (prev) {
dist += fmt.distance(prev, p);
if (pp.g)
paint(pp, prev, p, 1);
} else {
pp.lat = p.lat;
pp.lon = p.lon;
prev = p;
l = f.readLine();
if (!(num % 30)) {
if (!pp.g)
ui.drawMsg(num + "\n" + fmt.fmtDist(dist / 1000));
print(num, "points");
if (!pp.g)
ui.drawMsg(num + "\n" + fmt.fmtDist(dist / 1000));
destination = prev;
var g_over = Graphics.createArrayBuffer(176, 176, 2, { msb: true });
function time_read(n) {
let v1 = getTime();
let pp = {};
pp.ppm = 0.0008 * 5; /* Pixels per meter */
pp.course = 0;
pp.x = 176/2;
pp.y = 176/2;
pp.g = g_over;
read(pp, n);
// { rotate: Math.PI / 4 + i/100, scale: 1-i/100 }
let v2 = getTime();
print("Read took", (v2-v1), "seconds");
print(num, "points", dist, "distance");
setTimeout(step, 5000);
var track_name = "", inf, point_num, track = [], track_points = 30, north = {};
function step_init() {
inf = require("Storage").open(track_name + ".st", "r");
north = {};
north.lat = 89.9;
north.lon = 0;
point_num = 0;
track = [];
function load_next() {
while (track.length < track_points) {
let l = inf.readLine();
if (l === undefined) {
print("End of track");
ui.drawMsg("End of track");
let p = egt.parse(l);
if (!p.lat) {
print("No latitude?");
p.point_num = point_num++;
p.passed = 0;
print("Loading ", p.point_num);
function paint_all(pp) {
let prev = 0;
let mDist = 99999999999, m = 0;
const fast = 0;
g.setColor(1, 0, 0);
for (let i = 1; i < track.length; i++) {
let p = track[i];
prev = track[i-1];
if (0 && fmt.distance(p, pp) < 100)
p.passed = 1;
if (!fast) {
let d = distSegment(prev, p, pp);
if (d < mDist) {
mDist = d;
m = i;
} else {
g.setColor(0, 0, 0);
paint(pp, prev, p, 3);
if (fast)
return { quiet: 0, offtrack : 0 };
print("Best segment was", m, "dist", mDist);
let ahead = 0, a = fmt.bearing(track[m-1], track[m]), quiet = -1;
for (let i = m+1; i < track.length; i++) {
let a2 = fmt.bearing(track[i-1], track[i]);
let ad = angleDifference(a, a2);
if (Math.abs(ad) > 20) {
if (quiet == -1)
quiet = ahead + fmt.distance(pp, track[i-1]);
print("...straight", ahead);
a = a2;
ahead += fmt.distance(track[i-1], track[i]);
print("...see", ahead);
return { quiet: quiet, offtrack: mDist };
function step_to(pp, pass_all) {
pp.x = ui.w/2;
pp.y = ui.h*0.66;
g.setColor(0.5, 0.5, 1);
let sc = 2.5;
g.fillPoly([ pp.x, pp.y, pp.x - 5*sc, pp.y + 12*sc, pp.x + 5*sc, pp.y + 12*sc ]);
if (0) {
g.setColor(0.5, 0.5, 1);
paint(pp, pp, destination, 1);
g.setColor(1, 0.5, 0.5);
paint(pp, pp, north, 1);
let quiet = paint_all(pp);
if ((pass_all || track[0].passed) && distSegment(track[0], track[1], pp) > 150) {
print("Dropping ", track[0].point_num);
return quiet;
var demo_mode = 0;
function step() {
const fast = 0;
let v1 = getTime();
let fix = gps.getGPSFix();
let pp = fix;
pp.ppm = 0.08 * 3; /* Pixels per meter */
pp.g = g;
if (!fix.fix) {
let i = 2;
pp.lat = track[i].lat;
pp.lon = track[i].lon;
pp.course = fmt.bearing(track[i], track[i+1]);
let quiet = step_to(pp, 1);
if (!fast) {
g.setFont("Vector", 31);
g.setFontAlign(-1, -1);
let msg = "\noff " + fmt.fmtDist(quiet.offtrack/1000);
g.drawString(fmt.fmtFix(fix, getTime()-gps.gps_start) + msg, 3, 3);
if (!fast) {
g.setFont("Vector", 23);
g.setColor(0, 0, 0);
g.setFontAlign(-1, 1);
g.drawString(fmt.fmtNow(), 3, ui.h);
g.setFontAlign(1, 1);
g.drawString(fmt.fmtDist(quiet.quiet/1000), ui.w-3, ui.h);
if (quiet < 200)
if (demo_mode)
let v2 = getTime();
print("Step took", (v2-v1), "seconds");
setTimeout(step, 100);
function recover() {
let fix = gps.getGPSFix();
let pp = fix;
pp.ppm = 0.08 * 3; /* Pixels per meter */
if (!fix.fix) {
print("Can't recover with no fix\n");
fix.lat = 50.0122;
fix.lon = 14.7780;
while(1) {
let d = distSegment(track[0], track[1], pp);
print("Recover, d", d);
if (d < 400)
if (0)
step_to(pp, 1);
ui.drawMsg("Recover\n" + fmt.fmtDist(d / 1000));
function to_storage(n) {
let f2 = require("Storage").open(n+".st", "w");
let pos = 0;
let size = 1024;
while (1) {
let d = require("Storage").read(n, pos, size);
if (!d)
pos += size;
print("Copy ", pos);
const st = require('Storage');
let l = /^[tr]\..*\.egt$/;
l = st.list(l, {sf:false});
function load_track(x) {
print("Loading", x);
Bangle.buzz(50, 1); // Won't happen because load() is quicker
.setFont("Vector", 40)
.drawString("Loading", 0, 30)
.drawString(x, 0, 80);
track_name = x;
Bangle.setUI("clockupdown", btn => {
print("Button", btn);
if (btn == -1) {
if (btn == 1) {
demo_mode = 1;
var menu = {
"< Back" : Bangle.load
if (l.length==0) menu["No tracks"] = ()=>{};
else for (let id in l) {
let i = id;
menu[l[id]]=()=>{ load_track(l[i]); };