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[sleeplog] Update README.md

storm64 2022-05-20 20:02:46 +02:00
parent 5c45f491d0
commit c832017df4
1 changed files with 60 additions and 170 deletions

View File

@ -7,197 +7,87 @@ This app logs and displays the following states:
It is using the built in movement calculation to decide your sleeping state. While charging it is assumed that you are not wearing the watch and if the status changes to _deep sleep_ the internal heartrate sensor is used to detect if you are wearing the watch.
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-+- !!! BETA Version !!! -+-
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-+- BETA Version -+-
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- The following readme text is not matching this version!
### Introduction
I am proud to present the new sleeplog app: version 0.10 🎉 ✨ 🎊
+++ To do list: +++
* Change README.md to represent new app version.
* Update screenshots.
* Add display log functionality.
* Add cutom interface.html to download logged data.
Sorry that it took so long but hopefully most of the early bugs are sorted out and the app should be ready to be use and get tested!
I would love to hear about your impressions and like to know your choice of thresholds, to set the default values as optimized as possible.
The last piece of work is to rewrite the README.md to show how to use it and show the restrictions and possibilities.
But here are some explanations how to use the app and settings:
- __On the app screen:__
- swipe left & right to change the displayed day
- touch on the "title" (e.g. `Night to Fri 20/05/2022`) to enter a day selection prompt
- touch on the info area (by default displaying consecutive and true sleeping) to change the displayed information
- touch on the wrench (upper right corner) to enter the settings
- exit the app with the UI back button widget on the upper left corner
- __Inside the settings:__
- the threshold values are accessible through a submenu
- app timeout lets you specify a separate `lockTimeout` and `backlightTimeout` only for the sleeplog app
- debug settings are available in a submenu down at the end:
- display log is not implemented yet
- options `Enable` and `write File` should be self explaining
- the `Duration` specifies how long data should be written into the .csv file
- the .csv file loggs the following data (timestamps are in days since 30.12.1899 as used by office software):
_timestamp, movement, status, consecutive, asleepSince, awakeSince, bpm, bpmConfidence_
- __Timestamps and files:__
1. externally visible/usable timestamps (in `global.sleeplog`) are formatted as UNIX timestamps:
seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00 UTC
2. internally used and logged (to `sleeplog.log (StorageFile)`) is within the highest available resolution:
10 minutes since 1970-01-01 00:00 UTC (`i. / (10 * 60 * 1000)`)
3. debug .csv file ID (`sleeplog_123456.csv`) has a hourly resolution:
hours since 1970-01-01 00:00 UTC (`i. / (60 * 60 * 1000)`)
4. logged timestamps inside the debug .csv file are formatted for office calculation software:
days since 1899-12-30 00:00 UTC (`i. / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) + 25569`)
5. every 14 days the `sleeplog.log (StorageFile)` is reduced and old entries are moved into separat files for each fortnight (`sleeplog_1234.log`) but still accessible though the app:
fortnights since 1970-01-04 12:00 UTC (converted with `require("sleeplog").msToFn(UNIX timestamp)` and `require("sleeplog").fnToMs(fortnight)`)
- __Logfiles from before 0.10:__
timestamps and sleeping status of old logfiles are automatically converted on your first consecutive sleep or manually by `require("sleeplog").convertOldLog()`
- __View logged data:__
if you'd like to view your logged data in the IDE, you can access it with `require("sleeplog").printLog(since, until)` or `require("sleeplog").readLog(since, until)` to view the raw data
since & until in UNIX timestamp, e.g. `require("sleeplog").printLog(Date()-24*60*60*1000, Date())` for the last 24h
Temporarily removed logfiles from metadata.json to prevent removal on un-/reinstall:
"data": [
{"name": "sleeplog.log", "storageFile": true},
{"wildcard": "sleeplog_????.log"},
{"wildcard": "sleeplog_??????.csv"}
"data": [
{"name": "sleeplog.log", "storageFile": true},
{"wildcard": "sleeplog_????.log"},
{"wildcard": "sleeplog_??????.csv"}
#### Operating Principle
* __ESS calculation__
The accelerometer polls values with 12.5Hz. On each poll the magnitude value is saved. When 13 values are collected, every 1.04 seconds, the standard deviation over this values is calculated.
Is the calculated standard deviation lower than the "no movement" threshold (__NoMo Thresh__) a "no movement" counter is incremented. Each time the "no movement" threshold is reached the "no movement" counter will be reset. The first time no movement is detected the actual timestamp is cached (in _sleeplog.firstnomodate_) for logging.
When the "no movement" counter reaches the sleep threshold the watch is considered as resting. (The sleep threshold is calculated from the __Min Duration__ setting, Example: _sleep threshold = Min Duration * 60 / calculation interval => 10min * 60s/min / 1.04s ~= 576,9 rounded up to 577_)
* __Power Saving Mode__
On power saving mode the movement value of bangle's build in health event is checked against the maximal movement threshold (__Max Move__). The event is only triggered every 10 minutes which decreases the battery impact but also reduces accurracy.
* ___Sleeping___ __or__ ___Not Worn___
To check if a resting watch indicates a sleeping status, the internal temperature must be greater than the temperature threshold (__Temp Thresh__). Otherwise the watch is considered as not worn.
* __True Sleep__
The true sleep value is a simple addition of all registert sleeping periods.
* __Consecutive Sleep__
In addition the consecutive sleep value tries to predict the complete time you were asleep, even the light sleeping phases with registered movements. All periods after a sleeping period will be summarized til the first following non sleeping period that is longer then the maximal awake duration (__Max Awake__). If this sum is lower than the minimal consecutive sleep duration (__Min Consec__) it is not considered, otherwise it will be added to the consecutive sleep value.
* __Logging__
To minimize the log size only a changed state is logged. The logged timestamp is matching the beginning of its measurement period.
When not on power saving mode a movement is detected nearly instantaneous and the detection of a no movement period is delayed by the minimal no movement duration. To match the beginning of the measurement period a cached timestamp (_sleeplog.firstnomodate_) is logged.
On power saving mode the measurement period is fixed to 10 minutes and all logged timestamps are also set back 10 minutes.
To prevent a LOW_MEMORY,MEMORY error the log size is limited to 750 entries, older entries will be overwritten.
### Control
* __Swipe__
Swipe left/right to display the previous/following day.
* __Touch__ / __BTN__
Touch the screen to open the settings menu to exit or change settings.
### Settings
* __Break Tod__ | break at time of day
_0_ / _1_ / _..._ / __10__ / _..._ / _12_
Change time of day on wich the lower graph starts and the upper graph ends.
* __Max Awake__ | maximal awake duration
_15min_ / _20min_ / _..._ / __60min__ / _..._ / _120min_
Adjust the maximal awake duration upon the exceeding of which aborts the consecutive sleep period.
* __Min Consec__ | minimal consecutive sleep duration
_15min_ / _20min_ / _..._ / __30min__ / _..._ / _120min_
Adjust the minimal consecutive sleep duration that will be considered for the consecutive sleep value.
* __Temp Thresh__ | temperature threshold
_20°C_ / _20.5°C_ / _..._ / __25°C__ / _..._ / _40°C_
The internal temperature must be greater than this threshold to log _sleeping_, otherwise it is _not worn_.
* __Power Saving__
_on_ / __off__
En-/Disable power saving mode. _Saves battery, but might decrease accurracy._
In app icon showing that power saving mode is enabled: ![](powersaving.png)
* __Max Move__ | maximal movement threshold
(only available when on power saving mode)
_50_ / _51_ / _..._ / __100__ / _..._ / _200_
On power saving mode the watch is considered resting if this threshold is lower or equal to the movement value of bangle's health event.
* __NoMo Thresh__ | no movement threshold
(only available when not on power saving mode)
_0.006_ / _0.007_ / _..._ / __0.012__ / _..._ / _0.020_
The standard deviation over the measured values needs to be lower then this threshold to count as not moving.
The defaut threshold value worked best for my watch. A threshold value below 0.008 may get triggert by noise.
* __Min Duration__ | minimal no movement duration
(only available when not on power saving mode)
_5min_ / _6min_ / _..._ / __10min__ / _..._ / _15min_
If no movement is detected for this duration, the watch is considered as resting.
* __Enabled__
__on__ / _off_
En-/Disable the service (all background activities). _Saves the most battery, but might make this app useless._
In app icon showing that the service is disabled: ![](disabled.png)
* __Logfile__
__default__ / _off_
En-/Disable logging by setting the logfile to _sleeplog.log_ / _undefined_.
If the logfile has been customized it is displayed with _custom_.
In app icon showing that logging is disabled: ![](nolog.png)
### Global Object and Module Functions
For easy access from the console or other apps the following parameters, values and functions are noteworthy:
enabled: true, // bool / service status indicator
logfile: "sleeplog.log", // string / used logfile
resting: false, // bool / indicates if the watch is resting
status: 2, // int / actual status:
/ undefined = service stopped, 0 = unknown, 1 = not worn, 2 = awake, 3 = sleeping
firstnomodate: 1644435877595, // number / Date.now() from first recognised no movement, not available in power saving mode
stop: function () { ... }, // funct / stops the service until the next load()
start: function () { ... }, // funct / restarts the service
setEnabled: function (enable, logfile, powersaving) { ... },
// restarts the service with changed settings
// * enable / bool / new service status
// * logfile / bool or string
// - true = enables logging to "sleeplog.log"
// - "some_file.log" = enables logging to "some_file.log"
// - false = disables logging
// * (powersaving) / bool / new power saving status, default: false
// returns: true or undefined
// - true = service restart executed
// - undefined = no global.sleeplog found
readLog: function (logfile, since, until) { ... },
// read the raw log data for a specific time period
// * logfile / string / on no string uses logfile from global object or "sleeplog.log"
// * (since) / Date or number / startpoint of period, default: 0
// * (until) / Date or number / endpoint of period, default: 1E14
// returns: array
// * [[number, int, string], [...], ... ] / sorting: latest first
// - number // timestamp in ms
// - int // status: 0 = unknown, 1 = not worn, 2 = awake, 3 = sleeping
// - string // additional information
// * [] = no data available or global.sleeplog not found
writeLog: function (logfile, input) { ... },
// append or replace log depending on input
// * logfile / string / on no string uses logfile from global object or default
// * input / array
// - append input if array length >1 and element[0] >9E11
// - replace log with input if at least one entry like above is inside another array
// returns: true or undefined
// - true = changest written to storage
// - undefined = wrong input
getReadableLog: function (printLog, since, until, logfile) { ... }
// read the log data as humanreadable string for a specific time period
// * (printLog) / bool / direct print output with additional information, default: false
// * (since) / Date or number / see readLog(..)
// * (until) / Date or number / see readLog(..)
// * (logfile) / string / see readLog(..)
// returns: string
// * "{substring of ISO date} - {status} for {duration}min\n...", sorting: latest last
// * undefined = no data available or global.sleeplog found
restoreLog: function (logfile) { ... }
// eliminate some errors inside a specific logfile
// * (logfile) / string / see readLog(..)
// returns: int / number of changes that were made
reinterpretTemp: function (logfile, tempthresh) { ... }
// reinterpret worn status based on given temperature threshold
// * (logfile) / string / see readLog(..)
// * (tempthresh) / float / new temperature threshold, on default uses tempthresh from global object or 27
// returns: int / number of changes that were made
### Worth Mentioning
#### To do list
* Edit/complete README.md.
* Update screenshots.
* Add display debugging log functionality.
* Add cutom interface.html to view, down- and upload logged data via App Loader.
* Send the logged information to Gadgetbridge.
_(For now I have no idea how to achieve this, help is appreciated.)_
* View, down- and upload log functions via App Loader.
* Calculate and display overall sleep statistics.
* Option to automatically change power saving mode depending on time of day.
#### Requests, Bugs and Feedback
Please leave requests and bug reports by raising an issue at [github.com/storm64/BangleApps](https://github.com/storm64/BangleApps) or send me a [mail](mailto:banglejs@storm64.de).
Please leave requests and bug reports by raising an issue at [github.com/storm64/BangleApps](https://github.com/storm64/BangleApps) (or send me a [mail](mailto:banglejs@storm64.de)).
#### Creator
Storm64 ([Mail](mailto:banglejs@storm64.de), [github](https://github.com/storm64))
#### Contributors
nxdefiant ([github](https://github.com/nxdefiant))
myxor ([github](https://github.com/myxor))
#### Attributions
* ESS calculation based on nxdefiant interpretation of the following publication by:
Marko Borazio, Eugen Berlin, Nagihan Kücükyildiz, Philipp M. Scholl and Kristof Van Laerhoven
[Towards a Benchmark for Wearable Sleep Analysis with Inertial Wrist-worn Sensing Units](https://ubicomp.eti.uni-siegen.de/home/datasets/ichi14/index.html.en),
ICHI 2014, Verona, Italy, IEEE Press, 2014.
* Icons used in this app are from [https://icons8.com](https://icons8.com).
Icons used in this app are from [https://icons8.com](https://icons8.com).
#### License
[MIT License](LICENSE)