Fork 0

Tweaks to speed up track rendering

Gordon Williams 2024-02-02 09:34:36 +00:00
parent bc48d50e3d
commit 69071891f1
5 changed files with 221 additions and 221 deletions

View File

@ -33,4 +33,5 @@
0.26: Ensure that when redrawing, we always cancel any in-progress track draw
0.27: Display message if no map is installed
0.28: Fix rounding errors
0.29: move exit to bottom of menu
0.29: Keep exit at bottom of menu
Speed up latLonToXY for track rendering

View File

@ -38,17 +38,17 @@ if (m.map) {
m.lat = m.map.lat; // position of middle of screen
m.lon = m.map.lon; // position of middle of screen
var CX = g.getWidth()/2;
var CY = g.getHeight()/2;
// return number of tiles drawn
exports.draw = function() {
var cx = g.getWidth()/2;
var cy = g.getHeight()/2;
var p = Bangle.project({lat:m.lat,lon:m.lon});
let count = 0;
m.maps.forEach((map,idx) => {
var d = map.scale/m.scale;
var ix = (p.x-map.center.x)/m.scale + (map.imgx*d/2) - cx;
var iy = (map.center.y-p.y)/m.scale + (map.imgy*d/2) - cy;
var ix = (p.x-map.center.x)/m.scale + (map.imgx*d/2) - CX;
var iy = (map.center.y-p.y)/m.scale + (map.imgy*d/2) - CY;
var o = {};
var s = map.tilesize;
if (d!=1) { // if the two are different, add scaling
@ -85,14 +85,12 @@ exports.draw = function() {
/// Convert lat/lon to pixels on the screen
exports.latLonToXY = function(lat, lon) {
var p = Bangle.project({lat:m.lat,lon:m.lon});
var q = Bangle.project({lat:lat, lon:lon});
var cx = g.getWidth()/2;
var cy = g.getHeight()/2;
exports.latLonToXY = function(lat, lon) { "ram"
var p = Bangle.project({lat:m.lat,lon:m.lon}),
q = Bangle.project({lat:lat, lon:lon});
return {
x : Math.round((q.x-p.x)/m.scale + cx),
y : Math.round(cy - (q.y-p.y)/m.scale)
x : Math.round((q.x-p.x)/m.scale + CX),
y : Math.round(CY - (q.y-p.y)/m.scale)
@ -102,4 +100,4 @@ exports.scroll = function(x,y) {
var b = Bangle.project({lat:m.lat+1,lon:m.lon+1});
this.lon += x * m.scale / (a.x-b.x);
this.lat -= y * m.scale / (a.y-b.y);

View File

@ -45,3 +45,4 @@
0.36: When recording with 1 second periods, log time with one decimal.
0.37: 1 second periods + gps log => log when gps event is received, not with
0.38: Tweaks to speed up track rendering

View File

@ -213,230 +213,230 @@ function viewTrack(filename, info) {
menu['< Back'] = () => { viewTracks(); };
return E.showMenu(menu);
function plotTrack(info) { "ram"
function distance(lat1,long1,lat2,long2) { "ram"
var x = (long1-long2) * Math.cos((lat1+lat2)*Math.PI/360);
var y = lat2 - lat1;
return Math.sqrt(x*x + y*y) * 6371000 * Math.PI / 180;
function plotTrack(info) { "ram"
function distance(lat1,long1,lat2,long2) { "ram"
var x = (long1-long2) * Math.cos((lat1+lat2)*Math.PI/360);
var y = lat2 - lat1;
return Math.sqrt(x*x + y*y) * 6371000 * Math.PI / 180;
// Function to convert lat/lon to XY
var getMapXY;
if (info.qOSTM) {
// scale map to view full track
const max = Bangle.project({lat: info.maxLat, lon: info.maxLong});
const min = Bangle.project({lat: info.minLat, lon: info.minLong});
const scaleX = (max.x-min.x)/Bangle.appRect.w;
const scaleY = (max.y-min.y)/Bangle.appRect.h;
osm.scale = Math.ceil((scaleX > scaleY ? scaleX : scaleY)*1.1); // add 10% margin
getMapXY = osm.latLonToXY.bind(osm);
} else {
getMapXY = function(lat, lon) { "ram"
return {x:cx + Math.round((long - info.lon)*info.lfactor*info.scale),
y:cy + Math.round((info.lat - lat)*info.scale)};
// Function to convert lat/lon to XY
var XY;
if (info.qOSTM) {
// scale map to view full track
const max = Bangle.project({lat: info.maxLat, lon: info.maxLong});
const min = Bangle.project({lat: info.minLat, lon: info.minLong});
const scaleX = (max.x-min.x)/Bangle.appRect.w;
const scaleY = (max.y-min.y)/Bangle.appRect.h;
osm.scale = Math.ceil((scaleX > scaleY ? scaleX : scaleY)*1.1); // add 10% margin
XY = osm.latLonToXY.bind(osm);
} else {
XY = function(lat, lon) { "ram"
return {x:cx + Math.round((long - info.lon)*info.lfactor*info.scale),
y:cy + Math.round((info.lat - lat)*info.scale)};
E.showMenu(); // remove menu
E.showMessage(/*LANG*/"Drawing...",/*LANG*/"Track "+info.fn);
g.flip(); // on buffered screens, draw a not saying we're busy
var s = require("Storage");
var W = g.getWidth();
var H = g.getHeight();
var cx = W/2;
var cy = 24 + (H-24)/2;
if (!info.qOSTM) {
} else {
osm.lat = info.lat;
osm.lon = info.lon;
E.showMenu(); // remove menu
E.showMessage(/*LANG*/"Drawing...",/*LANG*/"Track "+info.fn);
g.flip(); // on buffered screens, draw a not saying we're busy
var s = require("Storage");
var G = g;
var W = g.getWidth();
var H = g.getHeight();
var cx = W/2;
var cy = 24 + (H-24)/2;
if (!info.qOSTM) {
} else {
osm.lat = info.lat;
osm.lon = info.lon;
var latIdx = info.fields.indexOf("Latitude");
var lonIdx = info.fields.indexOf("Longitude");
var f = require("Storage").open(info.filename,"r");
if (f===undefined) return;
var l = f.readLine(f);
l = f.readLine(f); // skip headers
var ox=0;
var oy=0;
var olat,olong,dist=0;
var i=0, c = l.split(",");
// skip until we find our first data
while(l!==undefined && c[latIdx]=="") {
c = l.split(",");
l = f.readLine(f);
// now start plotting
var lat = +c[latIdx];
var long = +c[lonIdx];
var mp = XY(lat, long);
if (info.qOSTM) g.setColor("#f09");
else g.setColor(g.theme.fg);
l = f.readLine(f);
g.flip(); // force update
while(l!==undefined) {
c = l.split(",");l = f.readLine(f);
if (c[latIdx]=="")continue;
lat = +c[latIdx];
long = +c[lonIdx];
mp = XY(lat, long);
if (info.qOSTM) G.fillCircle(mp.x,mp.y,2); // make the track more visible
var d = distance(olat,olong,lat,long);
if (!isNaN(d)) dist+=d;
olat = lat;
olong = long;
ox = mp.x;
oy = mp.y;
if (++i > 100) { G.flip();i=0; }
if (info.qOSTM) g.setColor("#000");
else g.setColor(g.theme.fg);
g.drawString(require("locale").distance(dist,2),g.getWidth() / 2, g.getHeight() - 20);
var isBTN3 = "BTN3" in global;
g.drawString(/*LANG*/"Back",g.getWidth() - 10, isBTN3 ? (g.getHeight() - 40) : (g.getHeight()/2));
setWatch(function() {
viewTrack(info.fn, info);
}, isBTN3?BTN3:BTN1);
function plotGraph(info, style) { "ram"
E.showMenu(); // remove menu
E.showMessage(/*LANG*/"Calculating...",/*LANG*/"Track "+info.fn);
var filename = info.filename;
var infn = new Float32Array(80);
var infc = new Uint16Array(80);
var title;
var lt = 0; // last time
var tn = 0; // count for each time period
var strt, dur = info.duration;
var f = require("Storage").open(filename,"r");
if (f===undefined) return;
var l = f.readLine(f);
l = f.readLine(f); // skip headers
var nl = 0, c, i;
var factor = 1; // multiplier used for values when graphing
var timeIdx = info.fields.indexOf("Time");
if (l!==undefined) {
c = l.split(",");
strt = c[timeIdx];
if (style=="Heartrate") {
title = /*LANG*/"Heartrate (bpm)";
var hrmIdx = info.fields.indexOf("Heartrate");
while(l!==undefined) {
++nl;c=l.split(",");l = f.readLine(f);
if (c[hrmIdx]=="") continue;
i = Math.round(80*(c[timeIdx] - strt)/dur);
} else if (style=="Altitude") {
title = /*LANG*/"Altitude (m)";
var altIdx = info.fields.indexOf("Barometer Altitude");
if (altIdx<0) altIdx = info.fields.indexOf("Altitude");
while(l!==undefined) {
++nl;c=l.split(",");l = f.readLine(f);
if (c[altIdx]=="") continue;
i = Math.round(80*(c[timeIdx] - strt)/dur);
} else if (style=="Speed") {
// use locate to work out units
var localeStr = require("locale").speed(1,5); // get what 1kph equates to
let units = localeStr.replace(/[0-9.]*/,"");
factor = parseFloat(localeStr)*3.6; // m/sec to whatever out units are
// title
title = /*LANG*/"Speed"+` (${units})`;
var latIdx = info.fields.indexOf("Latitude");
var lonIdx = info.fields.indexOf("Longitude");
var f = require("Storage").open(info.filename,"r");
if (f===undefined) return;
var l = f.readLine(f);
l = f.readLine(f); // skip headers
var ox=0;
var oy=0;
var olat,olong,dist=0;
var i=0, c = l.split(",");
// skip until we find our first data
while(l!==undefined && c[latIdx]=="") {
c = l.split(",");
l = f.readLine(f);
// now start plotting
var lat = +c[latIdx];
var long = +c[lonIdx];
var mp = getMapXY(lat, long);
if (info.qOSTM) g.setColor("#f09");
else g.setColor(g.theme.fg);
l = f.readLine(f);
g.flip(); // force update
// now iterate
var p,lp = Bangle.project({lat:c[1],lon:c[2]});
var t,dx,dy,d,lt = c[timeIdx];
while(l!==undefined) {
c = l.split(",");l = f.readLine(f);
if (c[latIdx]=="")continue;
lat = +c[latIdx];
long = +c[lonIdx];
mp = getMapXY(lat, long);
if (info.qOSTM) g.fillCircle(mp.x,mp.y,2); // make the track more visible
var d = distance(olat,olong,lat,long);
if (!isNaN(d)) dist+=d;
olat = lat;
olong = long;
ox = mp.x;
oy = mp.y;
if (++i > 100) { g.flip();i=0; }
if (info.qOSTM) g.setColor("#000");
else g.setColor(g.theme.fg);
g.drawString(require("locale").distance(dist,2),g.getWidth() / 2, g.getHeight() - 20);
var isBTN3 = "BTN3" in global;
g.drawString(/*LANG*/"Back",g.getWidth() - 10, isBTN3 ? (g.getHeight() - 40) : (g.getHeight()/2));
setWatch(function() {
viewTrack(info.fn, info);
}, isBTN3?BTN3:BTN1);
function plotGraph(info, style) { "ram"
E.showMenu(); // remove menu
E.showMessage(/*LANG*/"Calculating...",/*LANG*/"Track "+info.fn);
var filename = info.filename;
var infn = new Float32Array(80);
var infc = new Uint16Array(80);
var title;
var lt = 0; // last time
var tn = 0; // count for each time period
var strt, dur = info.duration;
var f = require("Storage").open(filename,"r");
if (f===undefined) return;
var l = f.readLine(f);
l = f.readLine(f); // skip headers
var nl = 0, c, i;
var factor = 1; // multiplier used for values when graphing
var timeIdx = info.fields.indexOf("Time");
if (l!==undefined) {
c = l.split(",");
strt = c[timeIdx];
if (style=="Heartrate") {
title = /*LANG*/"Heartrate (bpm)";
var hrmIdx = info.fields.indexOf("Heartrate");
while(l!==undefined) {
++nl;c=l.split(",");l = f.readLine(f);
if (c[hrmIdx]=="") continue;
i = Math.round(80*(c[timeIdx] - strt)/dur);
l = f.readLine(f);
if (c[latIdx] == "") {
t = c[timeIdx];
i = Math.round(80*(t - strt)/dur);
p = Bangle.project({lat:c[latIdx],lon:c[lonIdx]});
dx = p.x-lp.x;
dy = p.y-lp.y;
d = Math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
if (t!=lt) {
infn[i]+=d / (t-lt); // speed
} else if (style=="Altitude") {
title = /*LANG*/"Altitude (m)";
var altIdx = info.fields.indexOf("Barometer Altitude");
if (altIdx<0) altIdx = info.fields.indexOf("Altitude");
while(l!==undefined) {
++nl;c=l.split(",");l = f.readLine(f);
if (c[altIdx]=="") continue;
i = Math.round(80*(c[timeIdx] - strt)/dur);
} else if (style=="Speed") {
// use locate to work out units
var localeStr = require("locale").speed(1,5); // get what 1kph equates to
let units = localeStr.replace(/[0-9.]*/,"");
factor = parseFloat(localeStr)*3.6; // m/sec to whatever out units are
// title
title = /*LANG*/"Speed"+` (${units})`;
var latIdx = info.fields.indexOf("Latitude");
var lonIdx = info.fields.indexOf("Longitude");
// skip until we find our first data
while(l!==undefined && c[latIdx]=="") {
c = l.split(",");
l = f.readLine(f);
// now iterate
var p,lp = Bangle.project({lat:c[1],lon:c[2]});
var t,dx,dy,d,lt = c[timeIdx];
while(l!==undefined) {
l = f.readLine(f);
if (c[latIdx] == "") {
t = c[timeIdx];
i = Math.round(80*(t - strt)/dur);
p = Bangle.project({lat:c[latIdx],lon:c[lonIdx]});
dx = p.x-lp.x;
dy = p.y-lp.y;
d = Math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
if (t!=lt) {
infn[i]+=d / (t-lt); // speed
lp = p;
lt = t;
} else throw new Error("Unknown type "+style);
var min=100000,max=-100000;
for (var i=0;i<infn.length;i++) {
if (infc[i]>0) infn[i]=factor*infn[i]/infc[i];
else { // no data - search back and see if we can find something
for (var j=i-1;j>=0;j--)
if (infc[j]) { infn[i]=infn[j]; break; }
var n = infn[i];
if (n>max) max=n;
if (n<min) min=n;
lp = p;
lt = t;
// work out a nice grid value
var heightDiff = max-min;
var grid = 1;
while (heightDiff/grid > 8) {
} else throw new Error("Unknown type "+style);
var min=100000,max=-100000;
for (var i=0;i<infn.length;i++) {
if (infc[i]>0) infn[i]=factor*infn[i]/infc[i];
else { // no data - search back and see if we can find something
for (var j=i-1;j>=0;j--)
if (infc[j]) { infn[i]=infn[j]; break; }
// draw
var r = require("graph").drawLine(g, infn, {
width: g.getWidth()-24,
height: g.getHeight()-(24+8),
axes : true,
gridy : grid,
gridx : infn.length / 3,
title: title,
miny: min,
maxy: max,
xlabel : x=>Math.round(x*dur/(60*infn.length))+/*LANG*/" min" // minutes
var isBTN3 = "BTN3" in global;
g.drawString(/*LANG*/"Back",g.getWidth() - 10, isBTN3 ? (g.getHeight() - 40) : (g.getHeight()/2));
setWatch(function() {
viewTrack(info.filename, info);
}, isBTN3?BTN3:BTN1);
var n = infn[i];
if (n>max) max=n;
if (n<min) min=n;
return E.showMenu(menu);
// work out a nice grid value
var heightDiff = max-min;
var grid = 1;
while (heightDiff/grid > 8) {
// draw
var r = require("graph").drawLine(g, infn, {
width: g.getWidth()-24,
height: g.getHeight()-(24+8),
axes : true,
gridy : grid,
gridx : infn.length / 3,
title: title,
miny: min,
maxy: max,
xlabel : x=>Math.round(x*dur/(60*infn.length))+/*LANG*/" min" // minutes
var isBTN3 = "BTN3" in global;
g.drawString(/*LANG*/"Back",g.getWidth() - 10, isBTN3 ? (g.getHeight() - 40) : (g.getHeight()/2));
setWatch(function() {
viewTrack(info.filename, info);
}, isBTN3?BTN3:BTN1);

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"id": "recorder",
"name": "Recorder",
"shortName": "Recorder",
"version": "0.37",
"version": "0.38",
"description": "Record GPS position, heart rate and more in the background, then download to your PC.",
"icon": "app.png",
"tags": "tool,outdoors,gps,widget,clkinfo",