forked from FOSS/BangleApps
0.05: Inline locale details - faster, less memory overhead
Add correct scaling for speed/distance/temperaturemaster
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
{ "id": "locale",
"name": "Languages",
"icon": "locale.png",
"description": "Translations for different countries",
"tags": "tool,system,locale,translate",
"type": "locale",
@ -2,3 +2,5 @@
0.02: Fix locale.currencySym
0.03: Fix global 'locale' variable
0.04: Add function meridian
0.05: Inline locale details - faster, less memory overhead
Add correct scaling for speed/distance/temperature
@ -15,6 +15,45 @@
<script src="locales.js"></script>
eg. the built-in en_GB is:
exports = { name : "en_GB", currencySym:"£",
translate : str=>str, // as-is
date : (d,short) => short?("0"+d.getDate()).substr(-2)+"/"+("0"+(d.getMonth()+1)).substr(-2)+"/"+d.getFullYear():d.toString().substr(4,11), // Date to "Feb 28 2020" or "28/02/2020"(short)
time : (d,short) => { // Date to "4:15.28 pm" or "15:42"(short)
if (short)
return d.toString().substr(16,5);
else {
var h = d.getHours(), m = d.getMinutes(), r = "am";
if (h==0) { h=12; }
else if (h>=12) {
if (h>12) h-=12;
r = "pm";
return (" "+h).substr(-2)+":"+("0"+m).substr(-2)+"."+("0"+d.getSeconds()).substr(-2)+" "+r;
dow : (d,short) => short?d.toString().substr(0,3):"Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday".split(",")[d.getDay()], // Date to "Monday" or "Mon"(short)
month : (d,short) => short?d.toString().substr(4,3):"January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December".split(",")[d.getMonth()], // Date to "February" or "Feb"(short)
number : n => n.toString(), // more fancy?
currency : n => "£"+n.toFixed(2), // number to "£1.00"
distance : m => (m<1000)?Math.round(m)+"m":Math.round(m/160.934)/10+"mi", // meters to "123m" or "1.2mi" depending on size
speed : s => Math.round(s*0.621371)+"mph",// kph to "123mph"
temp : t => Math.round(t)+"'C" // degrees C to degrees C
meridian: d => (d.getHours() <= 12) ? "am":"pm",
// do some sanity checks
Object.keys(locales).forEach(function(localeName) {
var locale = locales[localeName];
if (distanceUnits[locale.distance[0]]===undefined) console.error(localeName+": Unknown distance unit "+locale.distance[0]);
if (distanceUnits[locale.distance[1]]===undefined) console.error(localeName+": Unknown distance unit "+locale.distance[1]);
if (speedUnits[locale.speed]===undefined) console.error(localeName+": Unknown speed unit "+locale.speed);
var languageSelector = document.getElementById("languages");
languageSelector.innerHTML = Object.keys(locales).map(l=>`<option value="${l}">${l}</option>`).join("\n");
@ -30,22 +69,25 @@
function js(x) { return JSON.stringify(x); }
var replaceList = {
"%Y": "${d.getFullYear()}",
"%y": "${(d.getFullYear().toString()).substr(-2)}",
"%m": "${('0'+(d.getMonth()+1).toString()).substr(-2)}",
"%-m": "${d.getMonth()+1}",
"%d": "${('0'+d.getDate()).substr(-2)}",
"%-d": "${d.getDate()}",
"%HH": "${('0'+d.getHours()).substr(-2)}",
"%MM": "${('0'+d.getMinutes()).substr(-2)}",
"%SS": "${('0'+d.getSeconds()).substr(-2)}",
"%A": "${',')[d.getDay()]}",
"%a": "${locale.abday.split(',')[d.getDay()]}",
"%B": "${locale.month.split(',')[d.getMonth()]}",
"%b": "${locale.abmonth.split(',')[d.getMonth()]}",
"%p": "${(d.getHours()<12)?locale.ampm[0].toUpperCase():locale.ampm[1].toUpperCase()}",
"%P": "${(d.getHours()<12)?locale.ampm[0].toLowerCase():locale.ampm[1].toLowerCase()}"
"%Y": "d.getFullYear()",
"%y": "(d.getFullYear().toString()).substr(-2)",
"%m": "('0'+(d.getMonth()+1).toString()).substr(-2)",
"%-m": "d.getMonth()+1",
"%d": "('0'+d.getDate()).substr(-2)",
"%-d": "d.getDate()",
"%HH": "('0'+d.getHours()).substr(-2)",
"%MM": "('0'+d.getMinutes()).substr(-2)",
"%SS": "('0'+d.getSeconds()).substr(-2)",
"%A": "',')[d.getDay()]",
"%a": "l.abday.split(',')[d.getDay()]",
"%B": "l.month.split(',')[d.getMonth()]",
"%b": "l.abmonth.split(',')[d.getMonth()]",
"%p": `(d.getHours()<12)?${js(locale.ampm[0].toUpperCase())}:${js(locale.ampm[1].toUpperCase())}`,
"%P": `(d.getHours()<12)?${js(locale.ampm[0].toLowerCase())}:${js(locale.ampm[1].toLowerCase())}`
var timeN = locales[lang].timePattern[0];
@ -53,33 +95,51 @@
var dateN = locales[lang].datePattern[0];
var dateS = locales[lang].datePattern[1];
Object.keys(replaceList).forEach(e => {
timeN = timeN.replace(e,replaceList[e]);
timeS = timeS.replace(e,replaceList[e]);
dateN = dateN.replace(e,replaceList[e]);
dateS = dateS.replace(e,replaceList[e]);
timeN = timeN.replace(e,"${"+replaceList[e]+"}");
timeS = timeS.replace(e,"${"+replaceList[e]+"}");
dateN = dateN.replace(e,"${"+replaceList[e]+"}");
dateS = dateS.replace(e,"${"+replaceList[e]+"}");
var currency = locale.currency_first ?
`${js(locale.currency_symbol)} + n.toFixed(2)`:
`n.toFixed(2) + ${js(locale.currency_symbol)}`;
var temperature;
if (locale.temperature=='°C') temperature="t";
else if (locale.temperature=='°F') temperature="(t*9/5)+32";
else throw new Error("Unknown temperature unit "+locale.temperature);
var app = `var locale = ${JSON.stringify(locales[lang])};
var localeModule = `var l = ${JSON.stringify({
abday : locale.abday,
day :,
abmonth : locale.abmonth,
month : locale.month,
exports = {
lang: locale.lang,
currencySym: locale.currency_symbol,
dow: (d,short) => {day = d.getDay();return (short) ? locale.abday.split(",")[day] :",")[day];},
month: (d,short) => { month = d.getMonth(); return (short) ? locale.abmonth.split(",")[month] : locale.month.split(",")[month];},
number: n => n.toString().replace(locale.thousands_sep, locale.decimal_point),
currency: n => n.toFixed(2).replace(locale.thousands_sep, locale.decimal_point) + locale.currency_symbol,
distance: n => (n < 1000) ? Math.round(n) + locale.distance[0] : Math.round(n/1000) + locale.distance[1],
speed: s => Math.round(s) +locale.speed,
temp: t => Math.round(t) + locale.temperature,
translate: s => {s=""+s;return locale.trans[s]||locale.trans[s.toLowerCase()]||s;},
name: ${js(locale.lang)},
currencySym: ${js(locale.currency_symbol)},
dow: (d,short) => {day = d.getDay();return (short) ? l.abday.split(",")[day] :",")[day];},
month: (d,short) => { month = d.getMonth(); return (short) ? l.abmonth.split(",")[month] : l.month.split(",")[month];},
number: n => n.toString(),
currency: n => ${currency},
distance: n => (n < ${distanceUnits[locale.distance[1]]}) ? Math.round(n/${distanceUnits[locale.distance[0]]}) + ${js(locale.distance[0])} : Math.round(n/${distanceUnits[locale.distance[1]]}) + ${js(locale.distance[1])},
speed: s => Math.round(s/${speedUnits[locale.speed]}) + ${js(locale.speed)},
temp: t => Math.round(${temperature}) + ${js(locale.temperature)},
translate: s => {var t=${js(locale.trans)};s=""+s;return t[s]||t[s.toLowerCase()]||s;},
date: (d,short) => (short) ? \`${dateS}\`: \`${dateN}\`,
time: (d,short) => (short) ? \`${timeS}\`: \`${timeN}\`,
meridian: d => (d.getHours() <= 12) ? locale.ampm[0]:locale.ampm[1],
meridian: d => (d.getHours() <= 12) ? ${js(locale.ampm[0])}:${js(locale.ampm[1])},
console.log("Locale Module is:",localeModule);
* Number/Currency need to add thousands separators: .replace(${js(locale.thousands_sep)}, ${js(locale.decimal_point)}) won't cut it as toString doesn't add separators itself
* distance (and speed) should probably use 1 decimal point for numbers less than 10
{name:"locale", content:app}
{name:"locale", content:localeModule}
@ -1,4 +1,20 @@
const distanceUnits = { // how many meters per X?
"m" : 1,
"yd" : 0.9144,
"mi" : 1609.34,
"km" : 1000,
"kmi" : 1000
const speedUnits = { // how many kph per X?
"kmh" : 1,
"kph" : 1,
"mph" : 1.60934
timePattern / datePattern:
%Y year four digits
%y last two digits of year (00..99)
%m month (01..12)
@ -21,10 +37,10 @@ var locales = {
lang: "en_GB",
decimal_point: ".",
thousands_sep: ",",
currency_symbol: "£",
currency_symbol: "£", currency_first:true,
int_curr_symbol: "GBP",
speed: 'mph',
distance: { "0": "mi", "1": "kmi" },
distance: { "0": "yd", "1": "mi" },
temperature: '°C',
ampm: {0:"am",1:"pm"},
timePattern: { 0: "%HH:%MM:%SS ", 1: "%HH:%MM" },
@ -55,10 +71,10 @@ var locales = {
lang: "en_US",
decimal_point: ".",
thousands_sep: ",",
currency_symbol: "$",
currency_symbol: "$", currency_first:true,
int_curr_symbol: "USD",
speed: "mph",
distance: { 0: "mi", 1: "kmi" },
distance: { 0: "yd", 1: "mi" },
temperature: "°F",
ampm: {0:"am",1:"pm"},
timePattern: { 0: "%HH:%MM:%SS ", 1: "%HH:%MM" },
@ -353,5 +369,5 @@ var locales = {
month: "Január,Február,Március,Április,Május,Június,Július,Augusztus,Szeptember,Október,November,December",
abday: "Vas,Hét,Ke,Szer,Csüt,Pén,Szom",
day: "Vasárnap,Hétfő,Kedd,Szerda,Csütörtök,Péntek,Szombat",
trans: { yes: "igen", Yes: "Igen", no: "nem", No: "Nem", ok: "ok", on: "be", off: "ki" }},
trans: { yes: "igen", Yes: "Igen", no: "nem", No: "Nem", ok: "ok", on: "be", off: "ki" }},
Reference in New Issue