Fork 0

Add a "data" section to apps.json, with data files to clean on uninstall

These are added to `appid.info` as "dataFiles" or "storageFiles", and
can contain wildcards.
Richard de Boer 2020-04-12 00:26:08 +02:00
parent 242c35dfac
commit 217d198154
6 changed files with 112 additions and 8 deletions

View File

@ -202,6 +202,13 @@ and which gives information about the app for the Launcher.
// added by BangleApps loader on upload - lists all files
// that belong to the app so it can be deleted
// added by BangleApps loader on upload - lists files that
// the app might write, so they can be deleted on uninstall
// typically these files are not uploaded, but created by the app
// these can include '*' or '?' wildcards
// same as "dataFiles", except the app handles these as storageFile
@ -240,16 +247,27 @@ and which gives information about the app for the Launcher.
"evaluate":true // if supplied, data isn't quoted into a String before upload
// (eg it's evaluated as JS)
"data": [ // list of files the app writes to
{"name":"appid.data.json", // filename used in storage
"storageFile":true // if supplied, file is treated as storageFile
{"wildcard":"appid.data.*" // wildcard of filenames used in storage
}, // this is mutually exclusive with using "name"
"sortorder" : 0, // optional - choose where in the list this goes.
// this should only really be used to put system
// stuff at the top
* name, icon and description present the app in the app loader.
* tags is used for grouping apps in the library, separate multiple entries by comma. Known tags are `tool`, `system`, `clock`, `game`, `sound`, `gps`, `widget`, `launcher` or empty.
* storage is used to identify the app files and how to handle them
* data is used to clean up files when the app is uninstalled
(If the app has settings but no data section, it is assumed settings are
stored in `appid.settings.json`, so there is no need to add a data section
containing only that file)
### `apps.json`: `custom` element
@ -351,19 +369,16 @@ Example `settings.js`
In this example the app needs to add both `app.settings.js` and
`app.settings.json` to `apps.json`:
In this example the app needs to add `app.settings.js` to `apps.json`:
{ "id": "app",
"storage": [
That way removing the app also cleans up `app.settings.json`.
## Coding hints

View File

@ -74,6 +74,8 @@ apps.forEach((app,appIdx) => {
var fileNames = [];
app.storage.forEach((file) => {
if (!file.name) ERROR(`App ${app.id} has a file with no name`);
if (file.name.includes('?') || file.name.includes('*'))
ERROR(`App ${app.id} storage file ${file.name} contains wildcards`);
if (fileNames.includes(file.name))
ERROR(`App ${app.id} file ${file.name} is a duplicate`);
@ -115,6 +117,37 @@ apps.forEach((app,appIdx) => {
if (!STORAGE_KEYS.includes(key)) ERROR(`App ${app.id}'s ${file.name} has unknown key ${key}`);
let dataNames = [];
if (!data.name && !data.wildcard) ERROR(`App ${app.id} has a data file with no name`);
if (dataNames.includes(data.name||data.wildcard))
ERROR(`App ${app.id} data file ${data.name||data.wildcard} is a duplicate`);
if ('name' in data && 'wildcard' in data)
ERROR(`App ${app.id} data file ${data.name} has both name and wildcard`);
if (data.name) {
if (data.name.includes('?') || data.name.includes('*'))
ERROR(`App ${app.id} data file name ${data.name} contains wildcards`);
if (data.wildcard) {
if (!data.wildcard.includes('?') && !data.wildcard.includes('*'))
ERROR(`App ${app.id} data file wildcard ${data.wildcard} does not actually contains wildcard`);
if (data.wildcard.replace(/\?|\*/g,'') === '')
ERROR(`App ${app.id} data file wildcard ${data.wildcard} does not contain regular characters`);
else if (data.wildcard.replace(/\?|\*/g,'').length < 3)
WARN(`App ${app.id} data file wildcard ${data.wildcard} is very broad`);
else if (!data.wildcard.includes(app.id))
WARN(`App ${app.id} data file wildcard ${data.wildcard} does not include app ID`);
if ('storageFile' in data && typeof data.storageFile !== 'boolean')
ERROR(`App ${app.id} data file ${data.name||data.wildcard} has non-boolean value for "storageFile"`);
for (const key in data) {
if (!['name','wildcard','storageFile'].includes(key))
ERROR(`App ${app.id} data file ${data.name||data.wildcard} has unknown property "${key}"`);
if (fileNames.includes(app.id+".settings.js") && dataNames.length===1 && dataNames[0] === app.id+'.settings.json')
WARN(`App ${app.id} has settings, so does not need to declare data file ${app.id+'.settings.json'}`)
if (isApp && !fileNames.includes(app.id+".app.js")) ERROR(`App ${app.id} has no entrypoint`);
if (isApp && !fileNames.includes(app.id+".img")) ERROR(`App ${app.id} has no JS icon`);

View File

@ -69,6 +69,19 @@ var AppInfo = {
var fileList = fileContents.map(storageFile=>storageFile.name);
fileList.unshift(appJSONName); // do we want this? makes life easier!
json.files = fileList.join(",");
let dataFileList = [], storageFileList = [];
if ('data' in app) {
// add "data" files to appropriate list
if (d.storageFile) storageFileList.push(d.name||d.wildcard)
else dataFileList.push(d.name||d.wildcard)
} else if (json.settings) {
// settings but no data files: assume app uses <appid>.settings.json file
dataFileList.push(app.id + '.settings.json')
if (dataFileList.length) json.dataFiles = dataFileList.join(",");
if (storageFileList.length) json.storageFiles = storageFileList.join(",");
name : appJSONName,
content : JSON.stringify(json)

View File

@ -94,10 +94,28 @@ getInstalledApps : () => {
removeApp : app => { // expects an appid.info structure (i.e. with `files`)
if (app.files === '') return Promise.resolve(); // nothing to erase
if (!app.files && !app.dataFiles && !app.storageFiles) return Promise.resolve(); // nothing to erase
Progress.show({title:`Removing ${app.name}`,sticky:true});
var cmds = app.files.split(',').map(file=>{
return `\x10require("Storage").erase(${toJS(file)});\n`;
let cmds = '\x10const s=require("Storage");\n';
// remove App files (regular files, exact names only)
cmds += app.files.split(',').map(file => `\x10s.erase(${toJS(file)});\n`).join("");
// remove Data files (regular files, can use wildcards)
cmds += (app.dataFiles||[]).split(',').map(file => {
const isGlob = (file.includes('*') || file.includes('?'))
if (!isGlob) return `\x10s.erase(${toJS(file)});\n`;
const regex = new RegExp(globToRegex(file))
return `\x10s.list(${regex}).forEach(f=>s.erase(f));\n`;
// remove Storage files (storageFiles, can use wildcards)
cmds += (app.storageFiles||[]).split(',').map(file => {
const isGlob = (file.includes('*') || file.includes('?'))
if (!isGlob) return `\x10s.open(${toJS(file)},'r').erase();\n`;
// storageFiles have a chunk number appended to their real name
const regex = globToRegex(file+'\u0001')
// open() doesn't want the chunk number though
let cmd = `\x10s.list(${regex}).forEach(f=>s.open(f.substring(0,f.length-1),'r').erase());\n`
// using a literal \u0001 char fails (not sure why), so escape it
return cmd.replace('\u0001', '\\x01')
console.log("removeApp", cmds);
return Comms.reset().then(new Promise((resolve,reject) => {

View File

@ -349,6 +349,19 @@ function updateApp(app) {
.filter(f => f !== app.id + '.info')
.filter(f => !app.storage.some(s => s.name === f))
let dataFiles = (remove.dataFiles||'').split(','),
storageFiles = (remove.storageFiles||'').split(',')
if ('data' in app) {
// keep declared (in new version) data files
dataFiles = dataFiles.filter(f => app.data.some(d => (d.name||d.wildcard) === f))
storageFiles = storageFiles.filter(f => app.data.some(d => (d.name||d.wildcard) === f))
else if (remove.settings || app.settings) {
// app with settings but no data files declared: keep <appid>.settings.json
dataFiles = dataFiles.filter(f => f !== (app.id + '.settings.json'))
if (dataFiles.length) remove.dataFiles = dataFiles.join(',');
if (storageFiles.length) remove.storageFiles = storageFiles.join(',')
return Comms.removeApp(remove);
showToast(`Updating ${app.name}...`);

View File

@ -8,6 +8,18 @@ function escapeHtml(text) {
return text.replace(/[&<>"']/g, function(m) { return map[m]; });
// simple glob to regex conversion, only supports "*" and "?" wildcards
function globToRegex(pattern) {
const ESCAPE = '.*+-?^${}()|[]\\';
const regex = pattern.replace(/./g, c => {
switch (c) {
case '?': return '.';
case '*': return '.*';
default: return ESCAPE.includes(c) ? ('\\' + c) : c;
return new RegExp('^'+regex+'$');
function htmlToArray(collection) {
return [].slice.call(collection);