forked from FOSS/BangleApps
lightswitch: Create lib.js
@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
// from boot accassible functions
exports = {
// listener function //
// tap listener to flash backlight
tapListener: function(data) {
// check for double tap and direction
if (data.double) {
// setup shortcut to this widget or load from storage
var w = global.WIDGETS ? WIDGETS.lightswitch : Object.assign({
unlockSide: "",
tapSide: "right",
tapOn: "always",
}, require("Storage").readJSON("lightswitch.json", true) || {});
// cache lock status
var locked = Bangle.isLocked();
// check to unlock
if (locked && data.dir === w.unlockSide) Bangle.setLocked();
// check to flash
if (data.dir === w.tapSide && (w.tapOn === "always" || locked === (w.tapOn === "locked"))) require("lightswitch.js").flash();
// clear variables
w = undefined;
locked = undefined;
// external function //
// function to flash backlight
flash: function(tOut) {
// setup shortcut to this widget or load from storage
var w = global.WIDGETS ? WIDGETS.lightswitch : Object.assign({
tOut: 3000,
minFlash: 0.2,
value: 1,
isOn: true
}, require("Storage").readJSON("lightswitch.json", true) || {});
// chack if locked, backlight off or actual value lower then minimal flash value
if (Bangle.isLocked() || !w.isOn || w.value < w.minFlash) {
// set inner bulb and brightness
var setBrightness = function(w, value) {
if (w.drawInnerBulb) w.drawInnerBulb(value);
// override timeout if defined
if (!tOut) tOut = w.tOut;
// check lock state
if (Bangle.isLocked()) {
// cache options
var options = Bangle.getOptions();
// set shortened lock and backlight timeout
lockTimeout: tOut,
backlightTimeout: tOut
// unlock
// set timeout to reset options
setTimeout(Bangle.setOptions, tOut + 100, options);
// clear variable
options = undefined;
} else {
// set timeout to reset backlight
setTimeout((w, funct) => {
if (!Bangle.isLocked()) funct(w, w.isOn ? w.value : 0);
}, tOut, w, setBrightness);
// enable backlight
setTimeout((w, funct) => {
funct(w, w.value < w.minFlash ? w.minFlash : w.value);
}, 10, w, setBrightness);
// clear variable
setBrightness = undefined;
// clear variable
w = undefined;
// external access to internal function //
// refference to widget function or set backlight and write to storage if not skipped
changeValue: function(value, skipWrite) {
// check if widgets are loaded
if (global.WIDGETS) {
// execute inside widget
WIDGETS.lightswitch.changeValue(value, skipWrite);
} else {
// load settings from storage
var filename = "lightswitch.json";
var storage = require("Storage");
var settings = Object.assign({
value: 1,
isOn: true
}, storage.readJSON(filename, true) || {});
// check value
if (value) {
// set new value
settings.value = value;
} else {
// switch backlight status
settings.isOn = !settings.isOn;
// set brightness
Bangle.setLCDBrightness(settings.isOn ? settings.value : 0);
// write changes to storage if not skipped
if (!skipWrite) storage.writeJSON(filename, settings);
// clear variables
filename = undefined;
storage = undefined;
settings = undefined;
Reference in New Issue