Fork 0

Add module app type and provides_modules,

Gordon Williams 2022-11-16 15:17:28 +00:00
parent 28d8f7c57e
commit 0fb45cb6fc
15 changed files with 172 additions and 133 deletions

View File

@ -265,11 +265,15 @@ and which gives information about the app for the Launcher.
// 'notify' - provides 'notify' library for showing notifications // 'notify' - provides 'notify' library for showing notifications
// 'locale' - provides 'locale' library for language-specific date/distance/etc // 'locale' - provides 'locale' library for language-specific date/distance/etc
// (a version of 'locale' is included in the firmware) // (a version of 'locale' is included in the firmware)
// 'module' - this provides a module that can be used with 'require'.
// 'provides_modules' should be used if type:module is specified
"tags": "", // comma separated tag list for searching "tags": "", // comma separated tag list for searching
"supports": ["BANGLEJS2"], // List of device IDs supported, either BANGLEJS or BANGLEJS2 "supports": ["BANGLEJS2"], // List of device IDs supported, either BANGLEJS or BANGLEJS2
"dependencies" : { "notify":"type" } // optional, app 'types' we depend on (see "type" above) "dependencies" : { "notify":"type" } // optional, app 'types' we depend on (see "type" above)
"dependencies" : { "messages":"app" } // optional, depend on a specific app ID "dependencies" : { "messages":"app" } // optional, depend on a specific app ID
// for instance this will use notify/notifyfs is they exist, or will pull in 'notify' // for instance this will use notify/notifyfs is they exist, or will pull in 'notify'
"dependencies" : { "messageicons":"module" } // optional, depend on a specific library to be used with 'require'
"provides_modules" : ["messageicons"] // optional, this app provides a module that can be used with 'require'
"readme": "README.md", // if supplied, a link to a markdown-style text file "readme": "README.md", // if supplied, a link to a markdown-style text file
// that contains more information about this app (usage, etc) // that contains more information about this app (usage, etc)
// A 'Read more...' link will be added under the app // A 'Read more...' link will be added under the app

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
0.01: Moved message icons from messages into standalone library

apps/messageicons/app.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 16 KiB

apps/messageicons/lib.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
exports.getImage = function(msg) {
* icons should be 24x24px or less with 1bpp colors and 'Transparency to Color'
* http://www.espruino.com/Image+Converter
if (msg.img) return atob(msg.img);
const s = (("string"=== typeof msg) ? msg : (msg.src || "")).toLowerCase();
if (s=="alarm" || s =="alarmclockreceiver") return atob("GBjBAP////8AAAAAAAACAEAHAOAefng5/5wTgcgHAOAOGHAMGDAYGBgYGBgYGBgYGBgYDhgYBxgMATAOAHAHAOADgcAB/4AAfgAAAAAAAAA=");
if (s=="bibel") return atob("GBgBAAAAA//wD//4D//4H//4H/f4H/f4H+P4H4D4H4D4H/f4H/f4H/f4H/f4H/f4H//4H//4H//4GAAAEAAAEAAACAAAB//4AAAA");
if (s=="calendar" || s=="etar") return atob("GBiBAAAAAAAAAAAAAA//8B//+BgAGBgAGBgAGB//+B//+B//+B9m2B//+B//+Btm2B//+B//+Btm+B//+B//+A//8AAAAAAAAAAAAA==");
if (s=="corona-warn") return atob("GBgBAAAAABwAAP+AAf/gA//wB/PwD/PgDzvAHzuAP8EAP8AAPAAAPMAAP8AAH8AAHzsADzuAB/PAB/PgA//wAP/gAH+AAAwAAAAA");
if (s=="discord") return atob("GBgBAAAAAAAAAAAAAIEABwDgDP8wH//4H//4P//8P//8P//8Pjx8fhh+fzz+f//+f//+e//ePH48HwD4AgBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA");
if (s=="facebook" || s=="messenger") return atob("GBiBAAAAAAAAAAAYAAD/AAP/wAf/4A/48A/g8B/g+B/j+B/n+D/n/D8A/B8A+B+B+B/n+A/n8A/n8Afn4APnwADnAAAAAAAAAAAAAA==");
if (s=="google") return atob("GBiBAAAAAAD/AAP/wAf/4A/D4B8AwDwAADwAAHgAAHgAAHAAAHAH/nAH/nAH/ngH/ngAHjwAPDwAfB8A+A/D8Af/4AP/wAD/AAAAAA==");
if (s=="google home") return atob("GBiCAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAoAAAAAACqAAAAAAKqwAAAAAqroAAAACquqAAAAKq+qgAAAqr/qoAACqv/6qAAKq//+qgA6r///qsAqr///6sAqv///6sAqv///6sAqv///6sA6v///6sA6v///qsA6qqqqqsA6qqqqqsA6qqqqqsAP7///vwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=="); // 2 bit unpaletted
if (s=="home assistant") return atob("FhaBAAAAAADAAAeAAD8AAf4AD/3AfP8D7fwft/D/P8ec572zbzbNsOEhw+AfD8D8P4fw/z/D/P8P8/w/z/AAAAA=");
if (s=="kalender") return atob("GBgBBgBgBQCgff++RQCiRgBiQAACf//+QAACQAACR//iRJkiRIEiR//iRNsiRIEiRJkiR//iRIEiRIEiR//iQAACQAACf//+AAAA");
if (s=="lieferando") return atob("GBgBABgAAH5wAP9wAf/4A//4B//4D//4H//4P/88fV8+fV4//V4//Vw/HVw4HVw4HBg4HBg4HBg4HDg4Hjw4Hj84Hj44Hj44Hj44");
if (s=="mattermost") return atob("GBgBAAAAAPAAA+EAB4MADgcYHAcYOA8MOB8OeD8GcD8GcH8GcD8HcD8HeBwHeAAOfAAOfgAePwA8P8D8H//4D//wB//gAf/AAH4A");
if (s=="outlook mail") return atob("HBwBAAAAAAAAAAAIAAAfwAAP/gAB/+AAP/5/A//v/D/+/8P/7/g+Pv8Dye/gPd74w5znHDnOB8Oc4Pw8nv/Dwe/8Pj7/w//v/D/+/8P/7/gf/gAA/+AAAfwAAACAAAAAAAAAAAA=");
if (s=="paypal") return atob("GBgBAAAAAAAAAAAAAf+AAf/AAf/gA//gA//gA//wA//wA//wA//wB//wB//wB//gB/+AB/gAB/gAB/gAAPgAAPgAAAAAAAAAAAAA");
if (s=="phone") return atob("FxeBABgAAPgAAfAAB/AAD+AAH+AAP8AAP4AAfgAA/AAA+AAA+AAA+AAB+AAB+AAB+OAB//AB//gB//gA//AA/8AAf4AAPAA=");
if (s=="post & dhl") return atob("GBgBAPgAE/5wMwZ8NgN8NgP4NgP4HgP4HgPwDwfgD//AB/+AAf8AAAAABs7AHcdgG4MwAAAAGESAFESAEkSAEnyAEkSAFESAGETw");
if (s=="signal") return atob("GBgBAAAAAGwAAQGAAhggCP8QE//AB//oJ//kL//wD//0D//wT//wD//wL//0J//kB//oA//ICf8ABfxgBYBAADoABMAABAAAAAAA");
if (s=="skype") return atob("GhoBB8AAB//AA//+Af//wH//+D///w/8D+P8Afz/DD8/j4/H4fP5/A/+f4B/n/gP5//B+fj8fj4/H8+DB/PwA/x/A/8P///B///gP//4B//8AD/+AAA+AA==");
if (s=="snapchat") return atob("GBgBAAAAAAAAAH4AAf+AAf+AA//AA//AA//AA//AA//AH//4D//wB//gA//AB//gD//wH//4f//+P//8D//wAf+AAH4AAAAAAAAA");
if (s=="teams") return atob("GBgBAAAAAAAAAAQAAB4AAD8IAA8cP/M+f/scf/gIeDgAfvvefvvffvvffvvffvvff/vff/veP/PeAA/cAH/AAD+AAD8AAAQAAAAA");
if (s=="telegram" || s=="telegram foss") return atob("GBiBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAwAAHwAA/wAD/wAf3gD/Pgf+fh/4/v/z/P/H/D8P/Acf/AM//AF/+AF/+AH/+ADz+ADh+ADAcAAAMAAAAA==");
if (s=="to do" || s=="opentasks") return atob("GBgBAAAAAAAAAAAwAAB4AAD8AAH+AAP/DAf/Hg//Px/+f7/8///4///wf//gP//AH/+AD/8AB/4AA/wAAfgAAPAAAGAAAAAAAAAA");
if (s=="twitch") return atob("GBgBH//+P//+P//+eAAGeAAGeAAGeDGGeDOGeDOGeDOGeDOGeDOGeDOGeAAOeAAOeAAcf4/4f5/wf7/gf//Af/+AA/AAA+AAAcAA");
if (s=="twitter") return atob("GhYBAABgAAB+JgA/8cAf/ngH/5+B/8P8f+D///h///4f//+D///g///wD//8B//+AP//gD//wAP/8AB/+AB/+AH//AAf/AAAYAAA");
if (s=="warnapp") return atob("GBgBAAAAAAAAAAAAAH4AAP8AA//AA//AD//gP//gf//4f//+/+P+/8H//8n//4n/fxh/fzg+Pj88Dn44AA4AAAwAAAwAAAgAAAAA");
if (s=="whatsapp") return atob("GBiBAAB+AAP/wAf/4A//8B//+D///H9//n5//nw//vw///x///5///4///8e//+EP3/APn/wPn/+/j///H//+H//8H//4H//wMB+AA==");
if (s=="wordfeud") return atob("GBgCWqqqqqqlf//////9v//////+v/////++v/////++v8///Lu+v8///L++v8///P/+v8v//P/+v9v//P/+v+fx/P/+v+Pk+P/+v/PN+f/+v/POuv/+v/Ofdv/+v/NvM//+v/I/Y//+v/k/k//+v/i/w//+v/7/6//+v//////+v//////+f//////9Wqqqqqql");
if (s=="youtube" || s=="newpipe") return atob("GBgBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAf8AH//4P//4P//8P//8P5/8P4/8f4P8f4P8P4/8P5/8P//8P//8P//4H//4Af8AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA");
if (msg.id=="music") return atob("FhaBAH//+/////////////h/+AH/4Af/gB/+H3/7/f/v9/+/3/7+f/vB/w8H+Dwf4PD/x/////////////3//+A=");
// if (s=="sms message" || s=="mail" || s=="gmail") // .. default icon (below)
return atob("FhKBAH//+P//yf/+c//z5/+fz/z/n+f/Pz/+ef/8D///////////////////////f//4///A");
exports.getColor = function(msg,options) {
options = options||{};
var st = options.settings || require('Storage').readJSON("messages.settings.json", 1) || {};
if (options.default===undefined) options.default=g.theme.fg;
if (st.iconColorMode == 'mono') return options.default;
const s = (("string"=== typeof msg) ? msg : (msg.src || "")).toLowerCase();
return {
// generic colors, using B2-safe colors
// DO NOT USE BLACK OR WHITE HERE, just leave the declaration out and then the theme's fg color will be used
"airbnb": "#f00",
"mail": "#ff0",
"music": "#f0f",
"phone": "#0f0",
"sms message": "#0ff",
// brands, according to https://www.schemecolor.com/?s (picking one for multicolored logos)
// all dithered on B2, but we only use the color for the icons. (Could maybe pick the closest 3-bit color for B2?)
"bibel": "#54342c",
"bring": "#455a64",
"discord": "#738adb",
"etar": "#36a18b",
"facebook": "#4267b2",
"gmail": "#ea4335",
"gmx": "#1c449b",
"google": "#4285F4",
"google home": "#fbbc05",
// "home assistant": "#41bdf5", // ha-blue is #41bdf5, but that's the background
"instagram": "#dd2a7b",
"lieferando": "#ee5c00",
"messenger": "#0078ff",
"mattermost": "#00f",
"n26": "#36a18b",
"nextbike": "#00f",
"newpipe": "#f00",
"nina": "#e57004",
"opentasks": "#409f8f",
"outlook mail": "#0072c6",
"paypal": "#003087",
"post & dhl": "#f2c101",
"signal": "#00f",
"skype": "#00aff0",
"slack": "#e51670",
"snapchat": "#ff0",
"steam": "#171a21",
"teams": "#464eb8",
"telegram": "#0088cc",
"telegram foss": "#0088cc",
"to do": "#3999e5",
"twitch": "#6441A4",
"twitter": "#1da1f2",
"whatsapp": "#4fce5d",
"wordfeud": "#e7d3c7",
"youtube": "#f00",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
"id": "messageicons",
"name": "Message Icons",
"version": "0.01",
"description": "Library containing a list of icons and colors for apps",
"icon": "app.png",
"type": "module",
"tags": "tool,system",
"supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"],
"provides_modules" : ["messageicons"],
"storage": [

View File

@ -74,3 +74,4 @@
0.52: Fix require("messages").buzz() regression 0.52: Fix require("messages").buzz() regression
Fix background color in messages list after one unread message is shown Fix background color in messages list after one unread message is shown
0.53: Messages now uses Bangle.load() to load messages app faster (if possible) 0.53: Messages now uses Bangle.load() to load messages app faster (if possible)
0.54: Move icons out to messageicons module

View File

@ -316,10 +316,14 @@ function showMessage(msgid) {
{type:"txt", font:fontSmall, label:msg.src||/*LANG*/"Message", bgCol:g.theme.bg2, col: g.theme.fg2, fillx:1, pad:2, halign:1 }, {type:"txt", font:fontSmall, label:msg.src||/*LANG*/"Message", bgCol:g.theme.bg2, col: g.theme.fg2, fillx:1, pad:2, halign:1 },
title?{type:"txt", font:titleFont, label:title, bgCol:g.theme.bg2, col: g.theme.fg2, fillx:1, pad:2 }:{}, title?{type:"txt", font:titleFont, label:title, bgCol:g.theme.bg2, col: g.theme.fg2, fillx:1, pad:2 }:{},
]}, ]},
{ type:"btn", src:require("messages").getMessageImage(msg), col:require("messages").getMessageImageCol(msg, g.theme.fg2), pad: 3, cb:()=>{ { type:"btn",
cancelReloadTimeout(); // don't auto-reload to clock now src:require("messageicons").getImage(msg),
showMessageSettings(msg); col:require("messageicons").getColor(msg, {settings:settings, default:g.theme.fg2}),
}}, pad: 3, cb:()=>{
cancelReloadTimeout(); // don't auto-reload to clock now
]}, ]},
{type:"txt", font:bodyFont, label:body, fillx:1, filly:1, pad:2, cb:()=>{ {type:"txt", font:bodyFont, label:body, fillx:1, filly:1, pad:2, cb:()=>{
// allow tapping to show a larger version // allow tapping to show a larger version
@ -382,14 +386,15 @@ function checkMessages(options) {
g.clearRect(r.x,r.y,r.x+r.w, r.y+r.h); g.clearRect(r.x,r.y,r.x+r.w, r.y+r.h);
if (!msg) return; if (!msg) return;
var x = r.x+2, title = msg.title, body = msg.body; var x = r.x+2, title = msg.title, body = msg.body;
var img = require("messages").getMessageImage(msg); var img = require("messageicons").getImage(msg);
if (msg.id=="music") { if (msg.id=="music") {
title = msg.artist || /*LANG*/"Music"; title = msg.artist || /*LANG*/"Music";
body = msg.track; body = msg.track;
} }
if (img) { if (img) {
var fg = g.getColor(); var fg = g.getColor(),
g.setColor(require("messages").getMessageImageCol(msg,fg)).drawImage(img, x+24, r.y+24, {rotate:0}) // force centering col = require("messageicons").getColor(msg, {settings:settings, default:fg});
g.setColor(col).drawImage(img, x+24, r.y+24, {rotate:0}) // force centering
.setColor(fg); // only color the icon .setColor(fg); // only color the icon
x += 50; x += 50;
} }

View File

@ -142,22 +142,22 @@ exports.getMessages = function() {
exports.buzz = function(msgSrc) { exports.buzz = function(msgSrc) {
exports.stopBuzz(); // cancel any previous buzz timeouts exports.stopBuzz(); // cancel any previous buzz timeouts
if ((require('Storage').readJSON('setting.json',1)||{}).quiet) return Promise.resolve(); // never buzz during Quiet Mode if ((require('Storage').readJSON('setting.json',1)||{}).quiet) return Promise.resolve(); // never buzz during Quiet Mode
var msgSettings = require('Storage').readJSON("messages.settings.json", true) || {};
var pattern; var pattern;
if (msgSrc && msgSrc.toLowerCase() === "phone") { if (msgSrc && msgSrc.toLowerCase() === "phone") {
// special vibration pattern for incoming calls // special vibration pattern for incoming calls
pattern = (require('Storage').readJSON("messages.settings.json", true) || {}).vibrateCalls; pattern = msgSettings.vibrateCalls;
} else { } else {
pattern = (require('Storage').readJSON("messages.settings.json", true) || {}).vibrate; pattern = msgSettings.vibrate;
} }
if (pattern === undefined) { pattern = ":"; } // pattern may be "", so we can't use || ":" here if (pattern === undefined) { pattern = ":"; } // pattern may be "", so we can't use || ":" here
if (!pattern) return Promise.resolve(); if (!pattern) return Promise.resolve();
var repeat = (require('Storage').readJSON("messages.settings.json", true) || {}).repeat; var repeat = msgSettings.repeat;
if (repeat===undefined) repeat=4; // repeat may be zero if (repeat===undefined) repeat=4; // repeat may be zero
if (repeat) { if (repeat) {
exports.buzzTimeout = setTimeout(()=>require("buzz").pattern(pattern), repeat*1000); exports.buzzTimeout = setTimeout(()=>require("buzz").pattern(pattern), repeat*1000);
var vibrateTimeout = (require('Storage').readJSON("messages.settings.json", true) || {}).vibrateTimeout; var vibrateTimeout = msgSettings.vibrateTimeout;
if (vibrateTimeout===undefined) vibrateTimeout=60; if (vibrateTimeout===undefined) vibrateTimeout=60;
if (vibrateTimeout && !exports.stopTimeout) exports.stopTimeout = setTimeout(exports.stopBuzz, vibrateTimeout*1000); if (vibrateTimeout && !exports.stopTimeout) exports.stopTimeout = setTimeout(exports.stopBuzz, vibrateTimeout*1000);
} }
@ -172,107 +172,3 @@ exports.stopBuzz = function() {
if (exports.stopTimeout) clearTimeout(exports.stopTimeout); if (exports.stopTimeout) clearTimeout(exports.stopTimeout);
delete exports.stopTimeout; delete exports.stopTimeout;
}; };
exports.getMessageImage = function(msg) {
* icons should be 24x24px or less with 1bpp colors and 'Transparency to Color'
* http://www.espruino.com/Image+Converter
if (msg.img) return atob(msg.img);
const s = (("string"=== typeof msg) ? msg : (msg.src || "")).toLowerCase();
if (s=="alarm" || s =="alarmclockreceiver") return atob("GBjBAP////8AAAAAAAACAEAHAOAefng5/5wTgcgHAOAOGHAMGDAYGBgYGBgYGBgYGBgYDhgYBxgMATAOAHAHAOADgcAB/4AAfgAAAAAAAAA=");
if (s=="bibel") return atob("GBgBAAAAA//wD//4D//4H//4H/f4H/f4H+P4H4D4H4D4H/f4H/f4H/f4H/f4H/f4H//4H//4H//4GAAAEAAAEAAACAAAB//4AAAA");
if (s=="calendar" || s=="etar") return atob("GBiBAAAAAAAAAAAAAA//8B//+BgAGBgAGBgAGB//+B//+B//+B9m2B//+B//+Btm2B//+B//+Btm+B//+B//+A//8AAAAAAAAAAAAA==");
if (s=="corona-warn") return atob("GBgBAAAAABwAAP+AAf/gA//wB/PwD/PgDzvAHzuAP8EAP8AAPAAAPMAAP8AAH8AAHzsADzuAB/PAB/PgA//wAP/gAH+AAAwAAAAA");
if (s=="discord") return atob("GBgBAAAAAAAAAAAAAIEABwDgDP8wH//4H//4P//8P//8P//8Pjx8fhh+fzz+f//+f//+e//ePH48HwD4AgBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA");
if (s=="facebook" || s=="messenger") return atob("GBiBAAAAAAAAAAAYAAD/AAP/wAf/4A/48A/g8B/g+B/j+B/n+D/n/D8A/B8A+B+B+B/n+A/n8A/n8Afn4APnwADnAAAAAAAAAAAAAA==");
if (s=="google") return atob("GBiBAAAAAAD/AAP/wAf/4A/D4B8AwDwAADwAAHgAAHgAAHAAAHAH/nAH/nAH/ngH/ngAHjwAPDwAfB8A+A/D8Af/4AP/wAD/AAAAAA==");
if (s=="google home") return atob("GBiCAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAoAAAAAACqAAAAAAKqwAAAAAqroAAAACquqAAAAKq+qgAAAqr/qoAACqv/6qAAKq//+qgA6r///qsAqr///6sAqv///6sAqv///6sAqv///6sA6v///6sA6v///qsA6qqqqqsA6qqqqqsA6qqqqqsAP7///vwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=="); // 2 bit unpaletted
if (s=="home assistant") return atob("FhaBAAAAAADAAAeAAD8AAf4AD/3AfP8D7fwft/D/P8ec572zbzbNsOEhw+AfD8D8P4fw/z/D/P8P8/w/z/AAAAA=");
if (s=="kalender") return atob("GBgBBgBgBQCgff++RQCiRgBiQAACf//+QAACQAACR//iRJkiRIEiR//iRNsiRIEiRJkiR//iRIEiRIEiR//iQAACQAACf//+AAAA");
if (s=="lieferando") return atob("GBgBABgAAH5wAP9wAf/4A//4B//4D//4H//4P/88fV8+fV4//V4//Vw/HVw4HVw4HBg4HBg4HBg4HDg4Hjw4Hj84Hj44Hj44Hj44");
if (s=="mattermost") return atob("GBgBAAAAAPAAA+EAB4MADgcYHAcYOA8MOB8OeD8GcD8GcH8GcD8HcD8HeBwHeAAOfAAOfgAePwA8P8D8H//4D//wB//gAf/AAH4A");
if (s=="outlook mail") return atob("HBwBAAAAAAAAAAAIAAAfwAAP/gAB/+AAP/5/A//v/D/+/8P/7/g+Pv8Dye/gPd74w5znHDnOB8Oc4Pw8nv/Dwe/8Pj7/w//v/D/+/8P/7/gf/gAA/+AAAfwAAACAAAAAAAAAAAA=");
if (s=="paypal") return atob("GBgBAAAAAAAAAAAAAf+AAf/AAf/gA//gA//gA//wA//wA//wA//wB//wB//wB//gB/+AB/gAB/gAB/gAAPgAAPgAAAAAAAAAAAAA");
if (s=="phone") return atob("FxeBABgAAPgAAfAAB/AAD+AAH+AAP8AAP4AAfgAA/AAA+AAA+AAA+AAB+AAB+AAB+OAB//AB//gB//gA//AA/8AAf4AAPAA=");
if (s=="post & dhl") return atob("GBgBAPgAE/5wMwZ8NgN8NgP4NgP4HgP4HgPwDwfgD//AB/+AAf8AAAAABs7AHcdgG4MwAAAAGESAFESAEkSAEnyAEkSAFESAGETw");
if (s=="signal") return atob("GBgBAAAAAGwAAQGAAhggCP8QE//AB//oJ//kL//wD//0D//wT//wD//wL//0J//kB//oA//ICf8ABfxgBYBAADoABMAABAAAAAAA");
if (s=="skype") return atob("GhoBB8AAB//AA//+Af//wH//+D///w/8D+P8Afz/DD8/j4/H4fP5/A/+f4B/n/gP5//B+fj8fj4/H8+DB/PwA/x/A/8P///B///gP//4B//8AD/+AAA+AA==");
if (s=="snapchat") return atob("GBgBAAAAAAAAAH4AAf+AAf+AA//AA//AA//AA//AA//AH//4D//wB//gA//AB//gD//wH//4f//+P//8D//wAf+AAH4AAAAAAAAA");
if (s=="teams") return atob("GBgBAAAAAAAAAAQAAB4AAD8IAA8cP/M+f/scf/gIeDgAfvvefvvffvvffvvffvvff/vff/veP/PeAA/cAH/AAD+AAD8AAAQAAAAA");
if (s=="telegram" || s=="telegram foss") return atob("GBiBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAwAAHwAA/wAD/wAf3gD/Pgf+fh/4/v/z/P/H/D8P/Acf/AM//AF/+AF/+AH/+ADz+ADh+ADAcAAAMAAAAA==");
if (s=="to do" || s=="opentasks") return atob("GBgBAAAAAAAAAAAwAAB4AAD8AAH+AAP/DAf/Hg//Px/+f7/8///4///wf//gP//AH/+AD/8AB/4AA/wAAfgAAPAAAGAAAAAAAAAA");
if (s=="twitch") return atob("GBgBH//+P//+P//+eAAGeAAGeAAGeDGGeDOGeDOGeDOGeDOGeDOGeDOGeAAOeAAOeAAcf4/4f5/wf7/gf//Af/+AA/AAA+AAAcAA");
if (s=="twitter") return atob("GhYBAABgAAB+JgA/8cAf/ngH/5+B/8P8f+D///h///4f//+D///g///wD//8B//+AP//gD//wAP/8AB/+AB/+AH//AAf/AAAYAAA");
if (s=="warnapp") return atob("GBgBAAAAAAAAAAAAAH4AAP8AA//AA//AD//gP//gf//4f//+/+P+/8H//8n//4n/fxh/fzg+Pj88Dn44AA4AAAwAAAwAAAgAAAAA");
if (s=="whatsapp") return atob("GBiBAAB+AAP/wAf/4A//8B//+D///H9//n5//nw//vw///x///5///4///8e//+EP3/APn/wPn/+/j///H//+H//8H//4H//wMB+AA==");
if (s=="wordfeud") return atob("GBgCWqqqqqqlf//////9v//////+v/////++v/////++v8///Lu+v8///L++v8///P/+v8v//P/+v9v//P/+v+fx/P/+v+Pk+P/+v/PN+f/+v/POuv/+v/Ofdv/+v/NvM//+v/I/Y//+v/k/k//+v/i/w//+v/7/6//+v//////+v//////+f//////9Wqqqqqql");
if (s=="youtube" || s=="newpipe") return atob("GBgBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAf8AH//4P//4P//8P//8P5/8P4/8f4P8f4P8P4/8P5/8P//8P//8P//4H//4Af8AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA");
if (msg.id=="music") return atob("FhaBAH//+/////////////h/+AH/4Af/gB/+H3/7/f/v9/+/3/7+f/vB/w8H+Dwf4PD/x/////////////3//+A=");
// if (s=="sms message" || s=="mail" || s=="gmail") // .. default icon (below)
return atob("FhKBAH//+P//yf/+c//z5/+fz/z/n+f/Pz/+ef/8D///////////////////////f//4///A");
exports.getMessageImageCol = function(msg,def) {
let iconColorMode = (require('Storage').readJSON("messages.settings.json", 1) || {}).iconColorMode;
if (iconColorMode == 'mono')
return g.theme.fg;
const s = (("string"=== typeof msg) ? msg : (msg.src || "")).toLowerCase();
return {
// generic colors, using B2-safe colors
// DO NOT USE BLACK OR WHITE HERE, just leave the declaration out and then the theme's fg color will be used
"airbnb": "#f00",
"mail": "#ff0",
"music": "#f0f",
"phone": "#0f0",
"sms message": "#0ff",
// brands, according to https://www.schemecolor.com/?s (picking one for multicolored logos)
// all dithered on B2, but we only use the color for the icons. (Could maybe pick the closest 3-bit color for B2?)
"bibel": "#54342c",
"bring": "#455a64",
"discord": "#738adb",
"etar": "#36a18b",
"facebook": "#4267b2",
"gmail": "#ea4335",
"gmx": "#1c449b",
"google": "#4285F4",
"google home": "#fbbc05",
// "home assistant": "#41bdf5", // ha-blue is #41bdf5, but that's the background
"instagram": "#dd2a7b",
"lieferando": "#ee5c00",
"messenger": "#0078ff",
"mattermost": "#00f",
"n26": "#36a18b",
"nextbike": "#00f",
"newpipe": "#f00",
"nina": "#e57004",
"opentasks": "#409f8f",
"outlook mail": "#0072c6",
"paypal": "#003087",
"post & dhl": "#f2c101",
"signal": "#00f",
"skype": "#00aff0",
"slack": "#e51670",
"snapchat": "#ff0",
"steam": "#171a21",
"teams": "#464eb8",
"telegram": "#0088cc",
"telegram foss": "#0088cc",
"to do": "#3999e5",
"twitch": "#6441A4",
"twitter": "#1da1f2",
"whatsapp": "#4fce5d",
"wordfeud": "#e7d3c7",
"youtube": "#f00",
}[s]||(def !== undefined?def:g.theme.fg);

View File

@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
{ {
"id": "messages", "id": "messages",
"name": "Messages", "name": "Messages",
"version": "0.53", "version": "0.54",
"description": "App to display notifications from iOS and Gadgetbridge/Android", "description": "App to display notifications from iOS and Gadgetbridge/Android",
"icon": "app.png", "icon": "app.png",
"type": "app", "type": "app",
"tags": "tool,system", "tags": "tool,system",
"supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"],
"dependencies" : { "messageicons":"module" },
"readme": "README.md", "readme": "README.md",
"storage": [ "storage": [
{"name":"messages.app.js","url":"app.js"}, {"name":"messages.app.js","url":"app.js"},

View File

@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ WIDGETS["messages"]={area:"tl", width:0, draw:function(recall) {
g.reset().clearRect(this.x, this.y, this.x+this.width, this.y+23); g.reset().clearRect(this.x, this.y, this.x+this.width, this.y+23);
for(let i = 0;i < msgsShown;i++) { for(let i = 0;i < msgsShown;i++) {
const msg = this.msgs[i]; const msg = this.msgs[i];
const colors = [g.theme.bg, g.setColor(require("messages").getMessageImageCol(msg)).getColor()]; const colors = [g.theme.bg,
require("messageicons").getColor(msg, {settings:settings})];
if (settings.flash && ((Date.now()/1000)&1)) { if (settings.flash && ((Date.now()/1000)&1)) {
if (colors[1] == g.theme.fg) { if (colors[1] == g.theme.fg) {
colors.reverse(); colors.reverse();
@ -31,7 +32,7 @@ WIDGETS["messages"]={area:"tl", width:0, draw:function(recall) {
} }
g.setColor(colors[1]).setBgColor(colors[0]); g.setColor(colors[1]).setBgColor(colors[0]);
// draw the icon, or '...' if too many messages // draw the icon, or '...' if too many messages
g.drawImage(i == (settings.maxMessages - 1) && this.msgs.length > settings.maxMessages ? atob("EASBAGGG88/zz2GG") : require("messages").getMessageImage(msg), g.drawImage(i == (settings.maxMessages - 1) && this.msgs.length > settings.maxMessages ? atob("EASBAGGG88/zz2GG") : require("messageicons").getImage(msg),
this.x + 12 + i * 24, this.y + 12, {rotate:0/*force centering*/}); this.x + 12 + i * 24, this.y + 12, {rotate:0/*force centering*/});
} }
} }

View File

@ -1 +1,2 @@
0.01: New widget! 0.01: New widget!
0.02: Adjust to message icons moving to messageicons lib

View File

@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
{ {
"id": "widmsggrid", "id": "widmsggrid",
"name": "Messages Grid Widget", "name": "Messages Grid Widget",
"version": "0.01", "version": "0.02",
"description": "Widget that display notification icons in a grid", "description": "Widget that display notification icons in a grid",
"icon": "widget.png", "icon": "widget.png",
"type": "widget", "type": "widget",
"dependencies": {"messages":"app"}, "dependencies": {"messages":"app"},
"tags": "tool,system", "tags": "tool,system",
"supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"],
"dependencies" : { "messageicons":"module" },
"readme": "README.md", "readme": "README.md",
"storage": [ "storage": [
{"name":"widmsggrid.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} {"name":"widmsggrid.wid.js","url":"widget.js"}

View File

@ -32,15 +32,17 @@
.setClipRect(w.x, w.y, w.x + w.width - 1, w.y + 24); // guard against oversized icons .setClipRect(w.x, w.y, w.x + w.width - 1, w.y + 24); // guard against oversized icons
let r = 0, c = 0; // row, column let r = 0, c = 0; // row, column
const offset = pos => Math.floor(pos / cols * 24); // pixel offset for position in row/column const offset = pos => Math.floor(pos / cols * 24); // pixel offset for position in row/column
let icons = require("messageicons");
let defaultCol = icons.getColor("alert", {settings:settings});
w.srcs.forEach(src => { w.srcs.forEach(src => {
const appColor = require("messages").getMessageImageCol(src, require("messages").getMessageImageCol("alert")); const appColor = icons.getColor(src, {settings:settings,default:defaultCol});
let colors = [g.theme.bg, g.setColor(appColor).getColor()]; let colors = [g.theme.bg, appColor];
if (b) { if (b) {
if (colors[1] == g.theme.fg) colors = colors.reverse(); if (colors[1] == g.theme.fg) colors = colors.reverse();
else colors[1] = g.theme.fg; else colors[1] = g.theme.fg;
} }
g.setColor(colors[1]).setBgColor(colors[0]); g.setColor(colors[1]).setBgColor(colors[0]);
g.drawImage(require("messages").getMessageImage(src, "alert"), w.x+offset(c), w.y+offset(r), { scale: 1 / cols }); g.drawImage(icons.getImage(src), w.x+offset(c), w.y+offset(r), { scale: 1 / cols });
if (++c >= cols) { if (++c >= cols) {
c = 0; c = 0;
r++; r++;
@ -89,4 +91,4 @@
}; };
delete s; delete s;
const w = WIDGETS["msggrid"]; const w = WIDGETS["msggrid"];
})(); })();

View File

@ -76,12 +76,12 @@ const APP_KEYS = [
'id', 'name', 'shortName', 'version', 'icon', 'screenshots', 'description', 'tags', 'type', 'id', 'name', 'shortName', 'version', 'icon', 'screenshots', 'description', 'tags', 'type',
'sortorder', 'readme', 'custom', 'customConnect', 'interface', 'storage', 'data', 'sortorder', 'readme', 'custom', 'customConnect', 'interface', 'storage', 'data',
'supports', 'allow_emulator', 'supports', 'allow_emulator',
'dependencies' 'dependencies', 'provides_modules'
]; ];
const STORAGE_KEYS = ['name', 'url', 'content', 'evaluate', 'noOverwite', 'supports', 'noOverwrite']; const STORAGE_KEYS = ['name', 'url', 'content', 'evaluate', 'noOverwite', 'supports', 'noOverwrite'];
const DATA_KEYS = ['name', 'wildcard', 'storageFile', 'url', 'content', 'evaluate']; const DATA_KEYS = ['name', 'wildcard', 'storageFile', 'url', 'content', 'evaluate'];
const SUPPORTS_DEVICES = ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"]; // device IDs allowed for 'supports' const SUPPORTS_DEVICES = ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"]; // device IDs allowed for 'supports'
const METADATA_TYPES = ["app","clock","widget","bootloader","RAM","launch","textinput","scheduler","notify","locale","settings","waypoints"]; // values allowed for "type" field const METADATA_TYPES = ["app","clock","widget","bootloader","RAM","launch","scheduler","notify","locale","settings","waypoints","module"]; // values allowed for "type" field
const FORBIDDEN_FILE_NAME_CHARS = /[,;]/; // used as separators in appid.info const FORBIDDEN_FILE_NAME_CHARS = /[,;]/; // used as separators in appid.info
const VALID_DUPLICATES = [ '.tfmodel', '.tfnames' ]; const VALID_DUPLICATES = [ '.tfmodel', '.tfnames' ];
const GRANDFATHERED_ICONS = ["s7clk", "snek", "astral", "alpinenav", "slomoclock", "arrow", "pebble", "rebble"]; const GRANDFATHERED_ICONS = ["s7clk", "snek", "astral", "alpinenav", "slomoclock", "arrow", "pebble", "rebble"];
@ -167,16 +167,15 @@ apps.forEach((app,appIdx) => {
if (app.dependencies) { if (app.dependencies) {
if (("object"==typeof app.dependencies) && !Array.isArray(app.dependencies)) { if (("object"==typeof app.dependencies) && !Array.isArray(app.dependencies)) {
Object.keys(app.dependencies).forEach(dependency => { Object.keys(app.dependencies).forEach(dependency => {
if (!["type","app"].includes(app.dependencies[dependency])) if (!["type","app","module"].includes(app.dependencies[dependency]))
ERROR(`App ${app.id} 'dependencies' must all be tagged 'type' or 'app' right now`, {file:metadataFile}); ERROR(`App ${app.id} 'dependencies' must all be tagged 'type/app/module' right now`, {file:metadataFile});
if (app.dependencies[dependency]=="type" && !METADATA_TYPES.includes(dependency)) if (app.dependencies[dependency]=="type" && !METADATA_TYPES.includes(dependency))
ERROR(`App ${app.id} 'type' dependency must be one of `+METADATA_TYPES, {file:metadataFile}); ERROR(`App ${app.id} 'type' dependency must be one of `+METADATA_TYPES, {file:metadataFile});
}); });
} else } else
ERROR(`App ${app.id} 'dependencies' must be an object`, {file:metadataFile}); ERROR(`App ${app.id} 'dependencies' must be an object`, {file:metadataFile});
} }
var fileNames = []; var fileNames = [];
app.storage.forEach((file) => { app.storage.forEach((file) => {
if (!file.name) ERROR(`App ${app.id} has a file with no name`, {file:metadataFile}); if (!file.name) ERROR(`App ${app.id} has a file with no name`, {file:metadataFile});
@ -236,7 +235,7 @@ apps.forEach((app,appIdx) => {
// clock app checks // clock app checks
if (app.type=="clock") { if (app.type=="clock") {
var a = fileContents.indexOf("Bangle.loadWidgets()"); var a = fileContents.indexOf("Bangle.loadWidgets()");
var b = fileContents.indexOf("Bangle.setUI("); var b = fileContents.indexOf("Bangle.setUI(");
if (a>=0 && b>=0 && a<b) if (a>=0 && b>=0 && a<b)
WARN(`Clock ${app.id} file calls loadWidgets before setUI (clock widget/etc won't be aware a clock app is running)`, {file:appDirRelative+file.url, line : fileContents.substr(0,a).split("\n").length}); WARN(`Clock ${app.id} file calls loadWidgets before setUI (clock widget/etc won't be aware a clock app is running)`, {file:appDirRelative+file.url, line : fileContents.substr(0,a).split("\n").length});
} }
@ -326,6 +325,15 @@ apps.forEach((app,appIdx) => {
ERROR(`App ${app.id} should include file named ${fileName} but it doesn't`, {file:metadataFile}); ERROR(`App ${app.id} should include file named ${fileName} but it doesn't`, {file:metadataFile});
}); });
} }
if (app.type=="module" && !app.provides_modules) {
ERROR(`App ${app.id} has type:module but it doesn't have a provides_modules field`, {file:metadataFile});
if (app.provides_modules) {
app.provides_modules.forEach(modulename => {
if (!app.storage.find(s=>s.name==modulename))
ERROR(`App ${app.id} has provides_modules ${modulename} but it doesn't provide that filename`, {file:metadataFile});
}); });


@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit b294d25f395c0d2830dcb4203a6aff46339d17b7 Subproject commit c379f01cac3f41e3d60ec4ff2d162331fffb799f