Fork 0

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if ((require("Storage").readJSON("messages.settings.json", true) || {}).maxMessages!==0) {
// NOTE when adding a custom "messages" widget:
// the name still needs to be "messages": the library calls WIDGETS["messages'].hide()/show()
// see e.g. widmsggrid
WIDGETS["messages"] = {
2023-04-25 21:09:05 +00:00
area: "tl", width: 0, srcs: [], draw: function(_w, recall) {
// If we had a setTimeout queued from the last time we were called, remove it
if (WIDGETS["messages"].i) {
delete WIDGETS["messages"].i;
Bangle.removeListener("touch", this.touch);
if (!this.width) return;
let settings = Object.assign({flash: true, maxMessages: 3}, require("Storage").readJSON("messages.settings.json", true) || {});
if (recall!==true || settings.flash) {
const msgsShown = E.clip(this.srcs.length, 0, settings.maxMessages);
g.reset().clearRect(this.x, this.y, this.x+this.width, this.y+23);
for(let i = 0; i<msgsShown; i++) {
const src = this.srcs[i];
const colors = [
require("messageicons").getColor(src, {settings: settings})
if (settings.flash && ((Date.now()/1000)&1)) {
if (colors[1]==g.theme.fg) {
} else {
colors[1] = g.theme.fg;
// draw the icon, or '...' if too many messages
g.drawImage(i==(settings.maxMessages-1) && this.srcs.length>settings.maxMessages ? atob("EASBAGGG88/zz2GG") : require("messageicons").getImage(src),
this.x+12+i*24, this.y+12, {rotate: 0/*force centering*/});
2023-04-25 21:09:05 +00:00
WIDGETS["messages"].i = setTimeout(() => WIDGETS["messages"].draw(WIDGETS["messages"], true), 1000);
if (process.env.HWVERSION>1) Bangle.on("touch", this.touch);
}, onMsg: function(type, msg) {
if (this.hidden) return;
if (type==="music") return;
if (msg.id && !msg.new && msg.t!=="remove") return;
let filterMessages = msgs => msgs.filter(msg => msg.new && msg.id != "music")
.filter((msg, i, arr) => arr.findIndex(nmsg => msg.src == nmsg.src) == i) // only include one of each type
.map(m => m.src); // we only need this for icon/color;
this.srcs = filterMessages(require("messages").getMessages(msg));
const settings = Object.assign({maxMessages:3},require('Storage').readJSON("messages.settings.json", true) || {});
this.width = 24 * E.clip(this.srcs.length, 0, settings.maxMessages);
if (type!=="init") Bangle.drawWidgets(); // "init" is not a real message type: see below
}, touch: function(b, c) {
var w = WIDGETS["messages"];
if (!w || !w.width || c.x<w.x || c.x>w.x+w.width || c.y<w.y || c.y>w.y+24) return;
// hide() and show() are required by the "message" library!
hide() {
if (this.width) {
// hide widget
this.width = 0;
}, show() {
delete this.hidden;
this.onMsg("show", {}); // reload messages+redraw
Bangle.on("message", WIDGETS["messages"].onMsg.bind(WIDGETS["messages"]));
if (require("Storage").read("messages.json")!==undefined) // only call init if we've got messages - otherwise we can avoid loading messages lib (saves 30ms)
WIDGETS["messages"].onMsg("init", {}); // abuse type="init" to prevent Bangle.drawWidgets();