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// Creates lib.js from icons
// npm install png-js
// default icon must come first in icon_names
var imageconverter = require("../../../webtools/imageconverter.js");
var icons = JSON.parse(require("fs").readFileSync(__dirname+"/icon_names.json"));
const imgOptions = {
mode : "1bit",
inverted : true,
transparent : true,
output: "raw"
var PNG = require('png-js');
var IMAGE_BYTES = 76;
var iconImages = []; // array of converted icons
var iconIndices = {}; // maps filename -> index in iconImages
var promises = [];
icons.forEach(icon => {
var index = iconIndices[icon.icon];
if (index===undefined) { // need a new icon
index = iconImages.length;
iconIndices[icon.icon] = index;
iconImages.push(""); // placeholder
// create image
console.log("Loading "+icon.icon);
var png = new PNG(require("fs").readFileSync(__dirname+"/"+icon.icon));
if (png.width!=24 || png.height!=24) {
console.warn(icon.icon+" should be 24x24px");
promises.push(new Promise(r => {
png.decode(function (pixels) {
var rgba = new Uint8Array(pixels);
var isTransparent = false;
for (var i=0;i<rgba.length;i+=4)
if (rgba[i+3]<255) isTransparent=true;
if (!isTransparent) { // make it transparent
for (var i=0;i<rgba.length;i+=4)
rgba[i+3] = 255-rgba[i];
imgOptions.width = png.width;
imgOptions.height = png.height;
var img = imageconverter.RGBAtoString(rgba, imgOptions);
iconImages[index] = img;
console.log("Loaded "+icon.icon);
if (img.length != IMAGE_BYTES) throw new Error("Image size should be 76 bytes");
r(); // done
icon.index = index;
Promise.all(promises).then(function() {
// Allocate a big array of icons
var iconData = new Uint8Array(IMAGE_BYTES * iconImages.length);
iconImages.forEach((img,idx) => {
// Yay, more JS. Why is it so hard to get the bytes???
iconData.set(Array.prototype.slice.call(Buffer.from(img,"binary")), idx*IMAGE_BYTES)
console.log("Saving images");
require("fs").writeFileSync(__dirname+"/../icons.img", Buffer.from(iconData,"binary"));
console.log("Saving library");
require("fs").writeFileSync(__dirname+"/../lib.js", `// This file is auto-generated - DO NOT MODIFY
// If you want to add icons, change icons/icon_names.json and re-run icons/generate.js
exports.getImage = function(msg) {
if (msg.img) return atob(msg.img);
let s = (("string"=== typeof msg) ? msg : (msg.src || "")).toLowerCase();
if (msg.id=="music") s="music";
let match = ${JSON.stringify(","+icons.map(icon=>icon.app+"|"+icon.index).join(",")+",")}.match(new RegExp(\`,\${s}\\\\|(\\\\d+)\`))
return require("Storage").read("messageicons.img", (match===null)?0:match[1]*${IMAGE_BYTES}, ${IMAGE_BYTES});
exports.getColor = function(msg,options) {
options = options||{};
var st = options.settings || require('Storage').readJSON("messages.settings.json", 1) || {};
if (options.default===undefined) options.default=g.theme.fg;
if (st.iconColorMode == 'mono') return options.default;
const s = (("string"=== typeof msg) ? msg : (msg.src || "")).toLowerCase();
return {
/* generic colors, using B2-safe colors */ ${ /* DO NOT USE BLACK OR WHITE HERE, just leave the declaration out and then the theme's fg color will be used */"" }
"airbnb": "#ff385c", // https://news.airbnb.com/media-assets/category/brand/
"mail": "#ff0",
"music": "#f0f",
"phone": "#0f0",
"sms message": "#0ff", ${ /*
brands, according to https://www.schemecolor.com/?s (picking one for multicolored logos)
all dithered on B2, but we only use the color for the icons. (Could maybe pick the closest 3-bit color for B2?)
"bibel": "#54342c",
"bring": "#455a64",
"discord": "#5865f2", // https://discord.com/branding
"etar": "#36a18b",
"facebook": "#1877f2", // https://www.facebook.com/brand/resources/facebookapp/logo
"gmail": "#ea4335",
"gmx": "#1c449b",
"google": "#4285F4",
"google home": "#fbbc05",
// "home assistant": "#41bdf5", // ha-blue is #41bdf5, but that's the background
"instagram": "#ff0069", // https://about.instagram.com/brand/gradient
2023-02-22 18:06:43 +00:00
"jira": "#0052cc", //https://atlassian.design/resources/logo-library
"lieferando": "#ff8000",
"linkedin": "#0a66c2", // https://brand.linkedin.com/
"messenger": "#0078ff",
"mastodon": "#563acc", // https://www.joinmastodon.org/branding
"mattermost": "#00f",
"n26": "#36a18b",
"nextbike": "#00f",
"newpipe": "#f00",
"nina": "#e57004",
"opentasks": "#409f8f",
"outlook mail": "#0078d4", // https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/fluentui#/styles/web/colors/products
"paypal": "#003087",
"pocket": "#ef4154f", // https://blog.getpocket.com/press/
"post & dhl": "#f2c101",
"reddit": "#ff4500", // https://www.redditinc.com/brand
"signal": "#3a76f0", // https://github.com/signalapp/Signal-Desktop/blob/main/images/signal-logo.svg
"skype": "#0078d4", // https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/fluentui#/styles/web/colors/products
"slack": "#e51670",
"snapchat": "#ff0",
"steam": "#171a21",
"teams": "#6264a7", // https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/fluentui#/styles/web/colors/products
"telegram": "#0088cc",
"telegram foss": "#0088cc",
"to do": "#3999e5",
"twitch": "#9146ff", // https://brand.twitch.tv/
"twitter": "#1d9bf0", // https://about.twitter.com/en/who-we-are/brand-toolkit
"vlc": "#ff8800",
"whatsapp": "#4fce5d",
"wordfeud": "#e7d3c7",
"youtube": "#f00", // https://www.youtube.com/howyoutubeworks/resources/brand-resources/#logos-icons-and-colors