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// Korvonnen pasted inside a function
exports.show = function karvonnen(hrmSettings, exsHrmStats) {
//This app is an extra feature implementation for the Run.app of the bangle.js. It's called run+
//The calculation of the Heart Rate Zones is based on the Karvonnen method. It requires to know maximum and minimum heart rates. More precise calculation methods require a lab.
//Other methods are even more approximative.
let R = Bangle.appRect;
//To calculate Heart rate zones, we need to know the heart rate reserve (HRR)
// HRR = maximum HR - Minimum HR. minhr is minimum hr, maxhr is maximum hr.
//get the hrr (heart rate reserve).
// I put random data here, but this has to come as a menu in the settings section so that users can change it.
2023-02-19 11:28:33 +00:00
let minhr = hrmSettings.min;
let maxhr = hrmSettings.max;
function calculatehrr(minhr, maxhr) {
return maxhr - minhr;}
//test input for hrr (it works).
let hrr = calculatehrr(minhr, maxhr);
//Test input to verify the zones work. The following value for "hr" has to be deleted and replaced with the Heart Rate Monitor input.
let hr = exsHrmStats.getValue();
let hr1 = hr;
// These letiables display next and previous HR zone.
//get the hrzones right. The calculation of the Heart rate zones here is based on the Karvonnen method
//60-70% of HRR+minHR = zone2. //70-80% of HRR+minHR = zone3. //80-90% of HRR+minHR = zone4. //90-99% of HRR+minHR = zone5. //=>99% of HRR+minHR = serious risk of heart attack
let minzone2 = hrr * 0.6 + minhr;
let maxzone2 = hrr * 0.7 + minhr;
let maxzone3 = hrr * 0.8 + minhr;
let maxzone4 = hrr * 0.9 + minhr;
let maxzone5 = hrr * 0.99 + minhr;
// HR data: large, readable, in the middle of the screen
function drawHR() {
g.drawString(hr, 62,66);
//These functions call arcs to show different HR zones.
//To shorten the code, I'll reference some letiables and reuse them.
let centreX = R.x + 0.5 * R.w; //g.getWidth();
let centreY = R.y + 0.5 * R.h; //g.getWidth();
let minRadius = 0.38 * R.h; //g.getWidth();
let maxRadius = 0.50 * R.h; //g.getWidth();
//####### A function to simplify a bit the code ######
function simplify (sA, eA, Z) {
const zone= require("graphics_utils");
let startAngle = zone.degreesToRadians(sA);
let endAngle = zone.degreesToRadians(eA);
zone.fillArc(g, centreX, centreY, minRadius, maxRadius, startAngle, endAngle);
g.drawString(Z, 29,80);
//####### A function to simplify next&previous zones ######
function zoning (max, min) {
g.drawString(max, 56,28);g.drawString(min, 60,128);
//draw background image (dithered green zones)(I should draw different zones in different dithered colors)
const HRzones= require("graphics_utils");
let minRadiusz = 0.44 * R.w;//g.getWidth();
let startAngle = HRzones.degreesToRadians(-88.5);
let endAngle = HRzones.degreesToRadians(268.5);
function drawBackGround() {
HRzones.fillArc(g, centreX, centreY, minRadiusz, maxRadius, startAngle, endAngle);
function getzone1() {g.setColor("#00ffff");{(simplify (-88.5, -20, "Z1"));}zoning(minzone2, minhr);}
function getzone2a() {g.setColor("#00ff00");{(simplify (-43.5, -21.5, "Z2"));}zoning(maxzone2, minzone2);}
function getzone2b() {g.setColor("#00ff00");{(simplify (-20, 1.5, "Z2"));}zoning(maxzone2, minzone2);}
function getzone2c() {g.setColor("#00ff00");{(simplify (3, 24, "Z2"));}zoning(maxzone2, minzone2);}
function getzone3a() {g.setColor("#ffff00");{(simplify (25.5, 46.5, "Z3"));}zoning(maxzone3, maxzone2);}
function getzone3b() {g.setColor("#ffff00");{(simplify (48, 69, "Z3"));}zoning(maxzone3, maxzone2);}
function getzone3c() {g.setColor("#ffff00");{(simplify (70.5, 91.5, "Z3"));}zoning(maxzone3, maxzone2);}
function getzone4a() {g.setColor("#ff8000");{(simplify (91, 114.5, "Z4"));}zoning(maxzone4, maxzone3);}
function getzone4b() {g.setColor("#ff8000");{(simplify (116, 137.5, "Z4"));}zoning(maxzone4, maxzone3);}
function getzone4c() {g.setColor("#ff8000");{(simplify (139, 160, "Z4"));}zoning(maxzone4, maxzone3);}
function getzone5a() {g.setColor("#ff0000");{(simplify (161.5, 182.5, "Z5"));}zoning(maxzone5, maxzone4);}
function getzone5b() {g.setColor("#ff0000");{(simplify (184, 205, "Z5"));}zoning(maxzone5, maxzone4);}
function getzone5c() {g.setColor("#ff0000");{(simplify (206.5, 227.5, "Z5"));}zoning(maxzone5, maxzone4);}
function getzonealert() {
const HRzonemax = require("graphics_utils");
let centreX1,centreY1,maxRadius1 = 1;
let minRadius = 0.40 * g.getWidth();
let startAngle1 = HRzonemax.degreesToRadians(-90);
let endAngle1 = HRzonemax.degreesToRadians(270);
HRzonemax.fillArc(g, centreX, centreY, minRadius, maxRadius, startAngle1, endAngle1);
g.drawString("ALERT", 26,66);
//Subdivided zones for better readability of zones when calling the images. //Changing HR zones will trigger the function with the image and previous&next HR zones.
function drawZones() {
if (hr <= hrr*0.6 + minhr) getzone1();
else if (hr <= hrr*0.64 + minhr) getzone2a();
else if (hr <= hrr*0.67 + minhr) getzone2b();
else if (hr <= hrr * 0.7 + minhr) getzone2c();
else if (hr <= hrr * 0.74 + minhr) getzone3a();
else if (hr <= hrr * 0.77 + minhr) getzone3b();
else if (hr <= hrr * 0.8 + minhr) getzone3c();
else if (hr <= hrr * 0.84 + minhr) getzone4a();
else if (hr <= hrr * 0.87 + minhr) getzone4b();
else if (hr <= hrr * 0.9 + minhr) getzone4c();
else if (hr <= hrr * 0.94 + minhr) getzone5a();
else if (hr <= hrr * 0.96 + minhr) getzone5b();
else if (hr <= hrr * 0.98 + minhr) getzone5c();
else if (hr >= maxhr - 2) {g.clear();getzonealert();}
let hrLast;
function updateUI() {
hrLast = hr;
hr = exsHrmStats.getValue();
if (hr!=hrLast) {
karvonnenInterval = setInterval(function() {
if (!isMenuDisplayed && karvonnenActive) updateUI();
}, 1000);
return karvonnenInterval;