* Max time (ms): Maximum time between two steps in milliseconds, steps will not be counted if exceeded. Standard: 1100
* Min time (ms): Minimum time between two steps in milliseconds, steps will not be counted if fallen below. Standard: 240
* Step threshold: How many steps are needed to reach 'active' mode. If you do not reach the threshold in the 'Active Reset' time, the steps are not counted. Standard: 30
* Act.Res. (ms): Active Reset. After how many miliseconds will the 'active mode' reset. You have to reach the step threshold in this time, otherwise the steps are not counted. Standard: 30000
* Step sens.: Step Sensitivity. How sensitive should the sted detection be? This changes sensitivity in step detection in the firmware. Standard in firmware: 80
* Step goal: This is your daily step goal. Standard: 10000
* Step length: Length of one step in cm. Standard: 75
* Line One: What to display in line one, steps or distance. Standard: steps
* Line Two: What to display in line two, steps or distance. Standard: distance