# Anton Clock - Large font digital watch with seconds and date
Anton clock uses the "Anton" bold font to show the time in a clear, easily readable manner. On the Bangle.js 2, the time can be read easily even if the screen is locked and unlit.
## Features
The basic time representation only shows hours and minutes of the current time. However, Anton clock can show additional information:
* Seconds can be shown, either always or only if the screen is unlocked.
* To help easy recognition, the seconds can be coloured in blue on the Bangle.js 2.
* **Date** - It is possible to show the date together with the seconds:
* **No** - Date is _not_ shown in the seconds screen.
In this case, the seconds are centered below hour and minute.
* **Year** - Date is shown with day, month, and year. If "Date" in the main settings is configured to _ISO8601_, this is used here, too. Otherwise, the short local format is used.
* **Weekday** - Date is shown with day, month, and weekday.
Anton clock makes use of core Bangle.js 2 features (coloured display, display lock state). It also runs on the Bangle.js 1 but these features are not available there due to hardware restrictions.