Ever wondered when Sunset really is, what time will it hit? When the Sun will be highest in the sky? When you phone your friend in another country, you can easily find the time, but is it light where they are? The solar clock gives you a pictoral view of the day. It also gives you the opportunity to get the same view on another city in another timezone.
## Usage
### Uploading the clock
### Reading the clock through the day
### Button 3
Change Location
### Button 4 and 5
Move Time backwards and forwards
### Button 1
Rest to now
## Further Details
For further details of design and working please visit [The Project Page]( https://adrianwkirk.notion.site/Solar-Clock-a2b6268075a6481686b86ecc2094dc14)
## Requests
Reach out to adrian@adriankirk.com if you have feature requests or notice bugs.
## Creator
Made by [Adrian Kirk](mailto:adrian@adriankirk.com)