2021-12-04 08:49:50 +00:00
/ * !
2021-12-11 17:04:02 +00:00
* This script was taked from this page http : //www.shamash.org/help/javadate.shtml and ported to Node.js by Ionică Bizău in https://github.com/IonicaBizau/hebrew-date
2021-12-04 08:49:50 +00:00
* This script was adapted from C sources written by
* Scott E . Lee , which contain the following copyright notice :
* Copyright 1993 - 1995 , Scott E . Lee , all rights reserved .
* Permission granted to use , copy , modify , distribute and sell so long as
* the above copyright and this permission statement are retained in all
* Bill Hastings
* RBI Software Systems
* bhastings @ rbi . com
* /
var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol . iterator === "symbol" ? function ( obj ) { return typeof obj ; } : function ( obj ) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj . constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol . prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj ; } ;
2021-12-11 17:04:02 +00:00
var GREG _SDN _OFFSET = 32045 , DAYS _PER _5 _MONTHS = 153 , DAYS _PER _4 _YEARS = 1461 , DAYS _PER _400 _YEARS = 146097 ;
var HEB _SDN _OFFSET = 347997 , NEW _MOON _OF _CREATION = 31524 , NOON = 18 * HALAKIM _PER _HOUR , AM3 _11 _20 = 9 * HALAKIM _PER _HOUR + 204 , AM9 _32 _43 = 15 * HALAKIM _PER _HOUR + 589 ;
var SUN = 0 , MON = 1 , TUES = 2 , WED = 3 , THUR = 4 , FRI = 5 , SAT = 6 ;
2021-12-04 08:49:50 +00:00
function weekdayarr ( d0 , d1 , d2 , d3 , d4 , d5 , d6 ) {
this [ 0 ] = d0 ;
this [ 1 ] = d1 ;
this [ 2 ] = d2 ;
this [ 3 ] = d3 ;
this [ 4 ] = d4 ;
this [ 5 ] = d5 ;
this [ 6 ] = d6 ;
function gregmontharr ( m0 , m1 , m2 , m3 , m4 , m5 , m6 , m7 , m8 , m9 , m10 , m11 ) {
this [ 0 ] = m0 ;
this [ 1 ] = m1 ;
this [ 2 ] = m2 ;
this [ 3 ] = m3 ;
this [ 4 ] = m4 ;
this [ 5 ] = m5 ;
this [ 6 ] = m6 ;
this [ 7 ] = m7 ;
this [ 8 ] = m8 ;
this [ 9 ] = m9 ;
this [ 10 ] = m10 ;
this [ 11 ] = m11 ;
2021-12-11 17:04:02 +00:00
function hebrewmontharr ( m0 , m1 , m2 , m3 , m4 , m5 , m6 , m7 , m8 , m9 , m10 , m11 , m12 , m13 ) {
2021-12-04 08:49:50 +00:00
this [ 0 ] = m0 ;
this [ 1 ] = m1 ;
this [ 2 ] = m2 ;
this [ 3 ] = m3 ;
this [ 4 ] = m4 ;
this [ 5 ] = m5 ;
this [ 6 ] = m6 ;
this [ 7 ] = m7 ;
this [ 8 ] = m8 ;
this [ 9 ] = m9 ;
this [ 10 ] = m10 ;
this [ 11 ] = m11 ;
this [ 12 ] = m12 ;
this [ 13 ] = m13 ;
function monthsperyeararr ( m0 , m1 , m2 , m3 , m4 , m5 , m6 , m7 , m8 , m9 , m10 , m11 , m12 , m13 , m14 , m15 , m16 , m17 , m18 ) {
this [ 0 ] = m0 ;
this [ 1 ] = m1 ;
this [ 2 ] = m2 ;
this [ 3 ] = m3 ;
this [ 4 ] = m4 ;
this [ 5 ] = m5 ;
this [ 6 ] = m6 ;
this [ 7 ] = m7 ;
this [ 8 ] = m8 ;
this [ 9 ] = m9 ;
this [ 10 ] = m10 ;
this [ 11 ] = m11 ;
this [ 12 ] = m12 ;
this [ 13 ] = m13 ;
this [ 14 ] = m14 ;
this [ 15 ] = m15 ;
this [ 16 ] = m16 ;
this [ 17 ] = m17 ;
this [ 18 ] = m18 ;
2021-12-11 17:04:02 +00:00
var gWeekday = new weekdayarr ( "Sun" , "Mon" , "Tues" , "Wednes" , "Thurs" , "Fri" , "Satur" ) , gMonth = new gregmontharr ( "January" , "February" , "March" , "April" , "May" , "June" , "July" , "August" , "September" , "October" , "November" , "December" ) , hMonth = new hebrewmontharr ( "Tishri" , "Heshvan" , "Kislev" , "Tevet" , "Shevat" , "AdarI" , "AdarII" , "Nisan" , "Iyyar" , "Sivan" , "Tammuz" , "Av" , "Elul" ) , mpy = new monthsperyeararr ( 12 , 12 , 13 , 12 , 12 , 13 , 12 , 13 , 12 , 12 , 13 , 12 , 12 , 13 , 12 , 12 , 13 , 12 , 13 ) ;
2021-12-04 08:49:50 +00:00
/ * *
* hebrewDate
* Convert the Gregorian dates into Hebrew calendar dates .
* @ name hebrewDate
* @ function
* @ param { Date | Number } inputDate The date object ( representing the Gregorian date ) or the year .
* @ return { Object } An object containing :
* - ` year ` : The Hebrew year .
* - ` month ` : The Hebrew month .
* - ` month_name ` : The Hebrew month name .
* - ` date ` : The Hebrew date .
* /
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function hebrewDate ( inputDateOrYear ) {
2021-12-04 09:34:50 +00:00
var inputMonth , inputDate ;
2021-12-11 17:04:02 +00:00
var hebrewMonth = 0 , hebrewDate = 0 , hebrewYear = 0 , metonicCycle = 0 , metonicYear = 0 , moladDay = 0 , moladHalakim = 0 ;
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function GregorianToSdn ( inputYear , inputMonth , inputDay ) {
2021-12-11 17:04:02 +00:00
var year = 0 , month = 0 , sdn = void 0 ;
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// Make year a positive number
if ( inputYear < 0 ) {
year = inputYear + 4801 ;
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else {
2021-12-04 08:49:50 +00:00
year = inputYear + 4800 ;
// Adjust the start of the year
if ( inputMonth > 2 ) {
month = inputMonth - 3 ;
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else {
2021-12-04 08:49:50 +00:00
month = inputMonth + 9 ;
year -- ;
sdn = Math . floor ( Math . floor ( year / 100 ) * DAYS _PER _400 _YEARS / 4 ) ;
sdn += Math . floor ( year % 100 * DAYS _PER _4 _YEARS / 4 ) ;
sdn += Math . floor ( ( month * DAYS _PER _5 _MONTHS + 2 ) / 5 ) ;
sdn += inputDay - GREG _SDN _OFFSET ;
return sdn ;
function SdnToHebrew ( sdn ) {
2021-12-11 17:04:02 +00:00
var tishri1 = 0 , tishri1After = 0 , yearLength = 0 , inputDay = sdn - HEB _SDN _OFFSET ;
2021-12-04 08:49:50 +00:00
FindTishriMolad ( inputDay ) ;
tishri1 = Tishri1 ( metonicYear , moladDay , moladHalakim ) ;
if ( inputDay >= tishri1 ) {
// It found Tishri 1 at the start of the year.
hebrewYear = metonicCycle * 19 + metonicYear + 1 ;
if ( inputDay < tishri1 + 59 ) {
if ( inputDay < tishri1 + 30 ) {
hebrewMonth = 1 ;
hebrewDate = inputDay - tishri1 + 1 ;
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else {
2021-12-04 08:49:50 +00:00
hebrewMonth = 2 ;
hebrewDate = inputDay - tishri1 - 29 ;
return ;
// We need the length of the year to figure this out,so find Tishri 1 of the next year.
moladHalakim += HALAKIM _PER _LUNAR _CYCLE * mpy [ metonicYear ] ;
moladDay += Math . floor ( moladHalakim / HALAKIM _PER _DAY ) ;
moladHalakim = moladHalakim % HALAKIM _PER _DAY ;
tishri1After = Tishri1 ( ( metonicYear + 1 ) % 19 , moladDay , moladHalakim ) ;
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else {
2021-12-04 08:49:50 +00:00
// It found Tishri 1 at the end of the year.
hebrewYear = metonicCycle * 19 + metonicYear ;
if ( inputDay >= tishri1 - 177 ) {
// It is one of the last 6 months of the year.
if ( inputDay > tishri1 - 30 ) {
hebrewMonth = 13 ;
hebrewDate = inputDay - tishri1 + 30 ;
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else if ( inputDay > tishri1 - 60 ) {
2021-12-04 08:49:50 +00:00
hebrewMonth = 12 ;
hebrewDate = inputDay - tishri1 + 60 ;
2021-12-11 17:04:02 +00:00
else if ( inputDay > tishri1 - 89 ) {
2021-12-04 08:49:50 +00:00
hebrewMonth = 11 ;
hebrewDate = inputDay - tishri1 + 89 ;
2021-12-11 17:04:02 +00:00
else if ( inputDay > tishri1 - 119 ) {
2021-12-04 08:49:50 +00:00
hebrewMonth = 10 ;
hebrewDate = inputDay - tishri1 + 119 ;
2021-12-11 17:04:02 +00:00
else if ( inputDay > tishri1 - 148 ) {
2021-12-04 08:49:50 +00:00
hebrewMonth = 9 ;
hebrewDate = inputDay - tishri1 + 148 ;
2021-12-11 17:04:02 +00:00
else {
2021-12-04 08:49:50 +00:00
hebrewMonth = 8 ;
hebrewDate = inputDay - tishri1 + 178 ;
return ;
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else {
2021-12-04 08:49:50 +00:00
if ( mpy [ ( hebrewYear - 1 ) % 19 ] == 13 ) {
hebrewMonth = 7 ;
hebrewDate = inputDay - tishri1 + 207 ;
2021-12-11 17:04:02 +00:00
if ( hebrewDate > 0 )
return ;
2021-12-04 08:49:50 +00:00
hebrewMonth -- ;
hebrewDate += 30 ;
2021-12-11 17:04:02 +00:00
if ( hebrewDate > 0 )
return ;
2021-12-04 08:49:50 +00:00
hebrewMonth -- ;
hebrewDate += 30 ;
2021-12-11 17:04:02 +00:00
else {
2021-12-04 08:49:50 +00:00
hebrewMonth = 6 ;
hebrewDate = inputDay - tishri1 + 207 ;
2021-12-11 17:04:02 +00:00
if ( hebrewDate > 0 )
return ;
2021-12-04 08:49:50 +00:00
hebrewMonth -- ;
hebrewDate += 30 ;
2021-12-11 17:04:02 +00:00
if ( hebrewDate > 0 )
return ;
2021-12-04 08:49:50 +00:00
hebrewMonth -- ;
hebrewDate += 29 ;
2021-12-11 17:04:02 +00:00
if ( hebrewDate > 0 )
return ;
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// We need the length of the year to figure this out,so find Tishri 1 of this year.
tishri1After = tishri1 ;
FindTishriMolad ( moladDay - 365 ) ;
tishri1 = Tishri1 ( metonicYear , moladDay , moladHalakim ) ;
yearLength = tishri1After - tishri1 ;
moladDay = inputDay - tishri1 - 29 ;
if ( yearLength == 355 || yearLength == 385 ) {
// Heshvan has 30 days
if ( moladDay <= 30 ) {
hebrewMonth = 2 ;
hebrewDate = moladDay ;
return ;
moladDay -= 30 ;
2021-12-11 17:04:02 +00:00
else {
2021-12-04 08:49:50 +00:00
// Heshvan has 29 days
if ( moladDay <= 29 ) {
hebrewMonth = 2 ;
hebrewDate = moladDay ;
return ;
moladDay -= 29 ;
// It has to be Kislev.
hebrewMonth = 3 ;
hebrewDate = moladDay ;
function FindTishriMolad ( inputDay ) {
// Estimate the metonic cycle number. Note that this may be an under
// estimate because there are 6939.6896 days in a metonic cycle not
// 6940,but it will never be an over estimate. The loop below will
// correct for any error in this estimate.
metonicCycle = Math . floor ( ( inputDay + 310 ) / 6940 ) ;
// Calculate the time of the starting molad for this metonic cycle.
MoladOfMetonicCycle ( ) ;
// If the above was an under estimate,increment the cycle number until
// the correct one is found. For modern dates this loop is about 98.6%
// likely to not execute,even once,because the above estimate is
// really quite close.
while ( moladDay < inputDay - 6940 + 310 ) {
metonicCycle ++ ;
moladHalakim += HALAKIM _PER _METONIC _CYCLE ;
moladDay += Math . floor ( moladHalakim / HALAKIM _PER _DAY ) ;
moladHalakim = moladHalakim % HALAKIM _PER _DAY ;
// Find the molad of Tishri closest to this date.
for ( metonicYear = 0 ; metonicYear < 18 ; metonicYear ++ ) {
2021-12-11 17:04:02 +00:00
if ( moladDay > inputDay - 74 )
break ;
2021-12-04 08:49:50 +00:00
moladHalakim += HALAKIM _PER _LUNAR _CYCLE * mpy [ metonicYear ] ;
moladDay += Math . floor ( moladHalakim / HALAKIM _PER _DAY ) ;
moladHalakim = moladHalakim % HALAKIM _PER _DAY ;
function MoladOfMetonicCycle ( ) {
2021-12-11 17:04:02 +00:00
var r1 = void 0 , r2 = void 0 , d1 = void 0 , d2 = void 0 ;
2021-12-04 08:49:50 +00:00
// Start with the time of the first molad after creation.
// Calculate gMetonicCycle * HALAKIM_PER_METONIC_CYCLE. The upper 32
// bits of the result will be in r2 and the lower 16 bits will be in r1.
r1 += metonicCycle * ( HALAKIM _PER _METONIC _CYCLE & 0xFFFF ) ;
r2 = r1 >> 16 ;
r2 += metonicCycle * ( HALAKIM _PER _METONIC _CYCLE >> 16 & 0xFFFF ) ;
// Calculate r2r1 / HALAKIM_PER_DAY. The remainder will be in r1,the
// upper 16 bits of the quotient will be in d2 and the lower 16 bits
// will be in d1.
d2 = Math . floor ( r2 / HALAKIM _PER _DAY ) ;
r2 -= d2 * HALAKIM _PER _DAY ;
r1 = r2 << 16 | r1 & 0xFFFF ;
d1 = Math . floor ( r1 / HALAKIM _PER _DAY ) ;
r1 -= d1 * HALAKIM _PER _DAY ;
moladDay = d2 << 16 | d1 ;
moladHalakim = r1 ;
function Tishri1 ( metonicYear , moladDay , moladHalakim ) {
2021-12-11 17:04:02 +00:00
var tishri1 = moladDay , dow = tishri1 % 7 , leapYear = metonicYear == 2 || metonicYear == 5 || metonicYear == 7 || metonicYear == 10 || metonicYear == 13 || metonicYear == 16 || metonicYear == 18 , lastWasLeapYear = metonicYear == 3 || metonicYear == 6 || metonicYear == 8 || metonicYear == 11 || metonicYear == 14 || metonicYear == 17 || metonicYear == 0 ;
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// Apply rules 2,3 and 4
if ( moladHalakim >= NOON || ! leapYear && dow == TUES && moladHalakim >= AM3 _11 _20 || lastWasLeapYear && dow == MON && moladHalakim >= AM9 _32 _43 ) {
tishri1 ++ ;
dow ++ ;
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if ( dow == 7 )
dow = 0 ;
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// Apply rule 1 after the others because it can cause an additional delay of one day.
if ( dow == WED || dow == FRI || dow == SUN ) {
tishri1 ++ ;
return tishri1 ;
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var inputYear = inputDateOrYear ;
2021-12-04 08:49:50 +00:00
if ( ( typeof inputYear === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof ( inputYear ) ) === "object" ) {
inputMonth = inputDateOrYear . getMonth ( ) + 1 ;
inputDate = inputDateOrYear . getDate ( ) ;
inputYear = inputDateOrYear . getFullYear ( ) ;
SdnToHebrew ( GregorianToSdn ( inputYear , inputMonth , inputDate ) ) ;
return {
year : hebrewYear ,
month : hebrewMonth ,
date : hebrewDate ,
month _name : hMonth [ hebrewMonth - 1 ]
} ;
2021-12-11 18:01:34 +00:00
2021-12-11 17:45:22 +00:00
exports . hebrewDate = hebrewDate ;