module Matrix.Room exposing ( Room, mostRecentEvents, roomId , getAccountData ) {-| # Room What is usually called a chat, a channel, a conversation or a group chat on other platforms, the term used in Matrix is a "room". A room is a conversation where a group of users talk to each other. @docs Room, mostRecentEvents, roomId This module exposes various functions that help you inspect various aspects of a room. ## Account data Account data is personal information that the user stores about this Matrix room. This may include information like: - What type of room this is - A list of members in the room to ignore - A list of currently ongoing chess matches in the room - Personal notes the user may be taking You may consider the account data as a `Dict String Json.Value` type. Account data is linked to the user account: other logged in devices can see the account data too, as the server synchronizes it, but the server shouldn´t show it to other users. @docs getAccountData -} import Internal.Values.Envelope as Envelope import Internal.Values.Room as Internal import Json.Encode as E import Types exposing (Room(..)) {-| The Matrix Room type representing a room that the Matrix user has joined. -} type alias Room = Types.Room {-| Get a piece of account data linked to a certain string key. -} getAccountData : String -> Room -> Maybe E.Value getAccountData key (Room room) = Envelope.extract (Internal.getAccountData key) room {-| Get a room's room id. This is an opaque string that distinguishes rooms from each other. -} roomId : Room -> String roomId (Room room) = Envelope.extract .roomId room {-| Get a list of the most recent events sent in the room. -} mostRecentEvents : Room -> List Types.Event mostRecentEvents (Room room) = Envelope.mapList Internal.mostRecentEvents room |> Types.Event