module Test.Values.Context exposing (..) import Expect import Fuzz exposing (Fuzzer) import Internal.Config.Leaks as Leaks import Internal.Tools.Hashdict as Hashdict import Internal.Values.Context as Context exposing (Context, Versions) import Json.Decode as D import Json.Encode as E import Set import Test exposing (..) import Test.Tools.Timestamp as TestTimestamp fuzzer : Fuzzer Context fuzzer = let maybeString : Fuzzer (Maybe String) maybeString = Fuzz.maybe Fuzz.string in Fuzz.map8 (\a b c d e ( f, g ) ( h, i ) ( j, k ) -> Context a b c d e f g h i j k) (Fuzz.constant <| Hashdict.empty .value) maybeString maybeString (Fuzz.maybe TestTimestamp.fuzzer) maybeString (Fuzz.pair maybeString Fuzz.string ) (Fuzz.pair maybeString maybeString ) (Fuzz.pair maybeString (Fuzz.maybe <| versionsFuzzer) ) versionsFuzzer : Fuzzer Versions versionsFuzzer = Fuzz.map2 Versions (Fuzz.list Fuzz.string) ( Set.fromList <| Fuzz.list Fuzz.string) {-| If a leak is spotted, make sure to change the leaking value and then test with the same seed to ensure it is not a (tiny) coincidence and a leak is in fact coming through. -} leaks : Test leaks = describe "No leaks allowed" [ fuzz2 fuzzer Fuzz.string "Access token" (\context value -> context |> Context.apiFormat |> Context.setAccessToken value |> Context.getAccessToken |> Expect.notEqual Leaks.accessToken ) , fuzz2 fuzzer Fuzz.string "Base URL" (\context value -> context |> Context.apiFormat |> Context.setBaseUrl value |> Context.getBaseUrl |> Expect.notEqual Leaks.baseUrl ) , fuzz2 fuzzer Fuzz.string "Transaction" (\context value -> context |> Context.apiFormat |> Context.setTransaction value |> Context.getTransaction |> Expect.notEqual Leaks.transaction ) , fuzz2 fuzzer versionsFuzzer "Versions" (\context value -> context |> Context.apiFormat |> Context.setVersions value |> Context.getVersions |> Expect.notEqual Leaks.versions ) ] apiContext : Test apiContext = describe "Verify writing info" [ fuzz2 fuzzer Fuzz.string "Access token" (\context value -> context |> Context.apiFormat |> Context.setAccessToken value |> Context.getAccessToken |> Expect.equal value ) , fuzz2 fuzzer Fuzz.string "Base URL" (\context value -> context |> Context.apiFormat |> Context.setBaseUrl value |> Context.getBaseUrl |> Expect.equal value ) , fuzz2 fuzzer Fuzz.string "Transaction" (\context value -> context |> Context.apiFormat |> Context.setTransaction value |> Context.getTransaction |> Expect.equal value ) , fuzz2 fuzzer versionsFuzzer "Versions" (\context value -> context |> Context.apiFormat |> Context.setVersions value |> Context.getVersions |> Expect.equal value ) ] -- json : Test -- json = -- describe "JSON encode + JSON decode" -- [ fuzz fuzzer -- "JSON recode" -- (\context -> -- context -- |> Context.encode -- |> D.decodeValue Context.decoder -- |> Expect.equal (Ok ( context, [] )) -- ) -- ]