module Test.Tools.RationalOrder exposing (..) import Test exposing (..) import Fuzz exposing (Fuzzer) import Expect import Internal.Tools.RationalOrder as RO exposing (RationalOrder(..)) fuzzer : Fuzzer RationalOrder fuzzer = Fuzz.map2 With (Fuzz.lazy (\_ -> Fuzz.maybe fuzzer)) twoUnequal : Fuzzer (RationalOrder, RationalOrder) twoUnequal = fuzzer |> Fuzz.andThen (\o -> Fuzz.map2 (\o1 o2 -> if o1 o2 == LT then ( o1, o2 ) else ( o2, o1 ) ) (Fuzz.constant o) (Fuzz.filter ((/=) o) fuzzer) ) suite : Test suite = describe "RationalOrder" [ describe "Semantic truths" [ describe "After is always greater" [ fuzz fuzzer "Forwards" (\o -> Expect.equal LT ( o (RO.after o)) ) , fuzz fuzzer "Backwards" (\o -> Expect.equal GT ( (RO.after o) o) ) ] , describe "Before is always lesser" [ fuzz fuzzer "Forwards" (\o -> Expect.equal GT ( o (RO.before o)) ) , fuzz fuzzer "Backwards" (\o -> Expect.equal LT ( (RO.before o) o) ) ] , describe "Two unequal == two unequal" [ fuzz twoUnequal "Forwards" (\(small, big) -> Expect.equal LT ( small big) ) , fuzz twoUnequal "Backwards" (\(small, big) -> Expect.equal GT ( big small) ) ] , describe "compare" [ fuzz2 fuzzer fuzzer "EQ iff same value" (\o1 o2 -> Expect.equal (o1 == o2) ( o1 o2 == EQ) ) , fuzz2 fuzzer fuzzer "LT iff opposite GT" (\o1 o2 -> Expect.equal ( o1 o2 == LT) ( o2 o1 == GT) ) ] , describe "Between is always between" [ fuzz twoUnequal "Less than first - forwards" (\(small, big) -> (RO.between small big) |> small |> Expect.equal LT ) , fuzz twoUnequal "Less than first - backwards" (\(small, big) -> small |> (RO.between small big) |> Expect.equal GT ) , fuzz twoUnequal "Less than second - forwards" (\(small, big) -> RO.between small big |> big |> Expect.equal GT ) , fuzz twoUnequal "Less than second - backwards" (\(small, big) -> big |> (RO.between small big) |> Expect.equal LT ) ] ] , describe "Between creates between" [ test "With 0 Nothing <--> With 1 Nothing" (\() -> RO.between (With 0 Nothing) (With 1 Nothing) |> Expect.equal (With 0 (Just (With 0 Nothing))) ) , test "With 1 Nothing <--> With 0 Nothing" (\() -> RO.between (With 1 Nothing) (With 0 Nothing) |> Expect.equal (With 0 (Just (With 0 Nothing))) ) , test "With 0 is filled between With 1 Nothing" (\() -> With 0 Nothing |> RO.between (With 1 Nothing) |> RO.between (With 1 Nothing) |> RO.between (With 1 Nothing) |> RO.between (With 1 Nothing) |> RO.between (With 1 Nothing) |> RO.between (With 1 Nothing) |> Expect.equal (With 0 (Just (With 5 Nothing))) ) , test "Will start counting high level as soon as possible" (\() -> With 0 Nothing |> RO.between (With 1 Nothing) |> RO.between (With 1 Nothing) |> RO.between (With 1 Nothing) |> RO.between (With 1 Nothing) |> RO.between (With 1 Nothing) |> RO.between (With 1 Nothing) |> RO.between (With 5 Nothing) |> RO.between (With 5 Nothing) |> Expect.equal (With 2 Nothing) ) , test "Will start counting high level, then return lower level" (\() -> With 0 Nothing |> RO.between (With 1 Nothing) |> RO.between (With 1 Nothing) |> RO.between (With 1 Nothing) |> RO.between (With 1 Nothing) |> RO.between (With 1 Nothing) |> RO.between (With 1 Nothing) |> RO.between (With 5 Nothing) |> RO.between (With 5 Nothing) |> RO.between (With 5 Nothing) |> RO.between (With 5 Nothing) |> RO.between (With 5 Nothing) |> RO.between (With 5 Nothing) |> RO.between (With 5 Nothing) |> RO.between (With 5 Nothing) |> RO.between (With 5 Nothing) |> RO.between (With 5 Nothing) |> RO.between (With 5 Nothing) |> Expect.equal (With 4 (Just (With 6 Nothing))) ) , fuzz2 fuzzer fuzzer "Between is commutative" (\o1 o2 -> Expect.equal (RO.between o1 o2) (RO.between o2 o1) ) ] , describe "After" [ fuzz "One more - level 1" (\a -> Expect.equal ( RO.after <| With a Nothing ) ( With (a + 1) Nothing) ) , fuzz2 "One more - level 2" (\a b -> Expect.equal ( RO.after <| With a <| Just <| With b Nothing ) ( With (a + 1) Nothing) ) , fuzz3 "One more - level 3" (\a b c -> Expect.equal ( RO.after <| With a <| Just <| With b <| Just <| With c Nothing ) ( With (a + 1) Nothing) ) ] , describe "Before" [ fuzz "One less - level 1" (\a -> Expect.equal ( RO.before <| With a Nothing ) ( With (a - 1) Nothing) ) , fuzz2 "One less - level 2" (\a b -> Expect.equal ( RO.before <| With a <| Just <| With b Nothing ) ( With (a - 1) Nothing) ) , fuzz3 "One less - level 3" (\a b c -> Expect.equal ( RO.before <| With a <| Just <| With b <| Just <| With c Nothing ) ( With (a - 1) Nothing) ) ] , describe "Compare vs. list compare" [ fuzz2 (Fuzz.listOfLengthBetween 1 32 (Fuzz.listOfLengthBetween 1 32 "Compares the same between normal lists and orders" (\l1 l2 -> Expect.equal ( Just <| l1 l2 ) ( Maybe.map2 (RO.fromList l1) (RO.fromList l2)) ) , fuzz2 fuzzer fuzzer "Compares the same when converted to list" (\o1 o2 -> Expect.equal ( o1 o2 ) ( (RO.toList o1) (RO.toList o2) ) ) ] ]