module Dev.Route exposing (..) {-| This module tests whether routes are translated correctly. -} import Expect import Fuzz exposing (Fuzzer) import Route exposing (Route(..), toRoute) import Test exposing (..) import Url customPath : String -> Fuzzer Url.Url customPath path = (\url -> { url | path = path }) fuzzer -- TODO: Create a more valid URL fuzzer fuzzer : Fuzzer Url.Url fuzzer = Fuzz.map6 Url.Url (Fuzz.oneOfValues [ Url.Http, Url.Https ]) Fuzz.string (Fuzz.maybe Fuzz.string (Fuzz.maybe Fuzz.string) (Fuzz.maybe Fuzz.string) -- urlCheck : Test -- urlCheck = -- describe "URL fuzzer tests" -- [ fuzz fuzzer"Index always parses to url" -- (\url -> -- url -- |> Url.toString -- |> Url.fromString -- |> Expect.equal (Just url) -- ) -- ] suite : Test suite = describe "Route conversion" [ fuzz (customPath "/") "/ --> Home" (\url -> url |> toRoute |> Expect.equal Home ) , fuzz (customPath "/home") "/home --> Home" (\url -> url |> toRoute |> Expect.equal Home ) , fuzz (customPath "/index") "/index --> Home" (\url -> url |> toRoute |> Expect.equal Home ) , fuzz (Fuzz.asciiString |> Fuzz.filter (not << String.contains "/") |> Fuzz.andThen (\o -> Fuzz.pair (Fuzz.constant o) (customPath ("/object/" ++ o)) ) ) "Object can be seen" (\( o, url ) -> url |> toRoute |> Expect.equal (ViewObject o) ) ]