module DocsDisplay exposing (..) import Colors as C import Element exposing (Element) import Element.Border as Border import Element.Events as Events import Element.Font as Font import Element.Region as Region import Html.Attributes import Internal.Tools.Json as Json exposing (Docs(..)) import Widget.Material.Typography as Typography type alias DObject = { name : String , description : List String , keys : List { field : String , description : List String , required : Json.RequiredField , content : Docs } } render : Docs -> Element String render docs = docs |> findObjects |> (\dobject -> Element.column [ Element.width Element.fill , Element.spacing 12 ] [ Element.el (List.append [ Region.heading 3 , Element.htmlAttribute <| ] Typography.h3 ) (Element.text , dobject.description |> (Element.text >> List.singleton >> Element.paragraph []) |> Element.column [] , toTable dobject ] ) |> List.append [ Element.paragraph [] [ Element.text "This coder decodes to " , toString docs ] , showFunctions (getFunctions docs) ] |> Element.column [ Element.spacing 20 , Element.width Element.fill ] findObjects : Docs -> List DObject findObjects docs = bfs [ docs ] [] bfs : List Docs -> List DObject -> List DObject bfs queue acc = case queue of [] -> acc head :: tail -> case head of DocsBool -> bfs tail acc DocsDict d -> bfs (d :: tail) acc DocsFloat -> bfs tail acc DocsInt -> bfs tail acc DocsLazy f -> bfs (f () :: tail) acc DocsList d -> bfs (d :: tail) acc DocsMap { content } -> bfs (content :: tail) acc DocsObject dobject -> if List.any (\item -> == acc then bfs tail acc else bfs (List.append tail ( .content dobject.keys)) (List.append acc [ dobject ]) DocsOptional d -> bfs (d :: tail) acc DocsRiskyMap { content } -> bfs (content :: tail) acc DocsString -> bfs tail acc DocsValue -> bfs tail acc toTable : DObject -> Element String toTable dobject = let toCell : Element String -> Int -> Element String toCell content i = Element.el [ if (i |> modBy 2) == 0 then C.background C.stdPicker.light.white else C.background C.stdPicker.medium.white , Element.padding 3 ] content header : String -> Element msg header t = t |> Element.text |> Element.el [ Element.height Element.fill , Element.width Element.fill , Font.bold ] in Element.indexedTable [ C.background <| C.stdPicker.light.white ] { data = dobject.keys , columns = [ { header = header "Field" , width = Element.fillPortion 1 , view = \i item -> toCell (Element.text item.field) i } , { header = header "Type" , width = Element.fillPortion 1 , view = \i item -> toCell (toString item.content) i } , { header = header "Description" , width = Element.fillPortion 3 , view = \i item -> showDescription i item } ] } {-| Show the description of a field in a table column. -} showDescription : Int -> { a | content : Docs, description : List String, required : Json.RequiredField } -> Element msg showDescription i { content, description, required } = Element.column [ if (i |> modBy 2) == 0 then C.background C.stdPicker.light.white else C.background C.stdPicker.medium.white , Element.padding 3 ] -- Field description [ case description of [] -> Element.paragraph [] [ Element.el [ Font.bold ] <| Element.text "WARNING: " , Element.text "This field has no documentation yet!" ] head :: tail -> Element.column [ Element.width Element.fill ] (List.append [ Element.paragraph [] [ Element.el [ Font.bold ] <| Element.text (case required of Json.RequiredField -> "Required: " _ -> "" ) , Element.text head ] ] ( (Element.text >> List.singleton >> Element.paragraph [] ) tail ) ) -- Additional function descriptions , showFunctions (getFunctions content) ] showFunctions : List { name : String, description : List String } -> Element msg showFunctions functions = functions |> List.indexedMap (\i f -> let name : C.AllNames C.Color -> C.Color name = case modBy 5 i of 0 -> .primary 1 -> .secondary 2 -> .tertiary 3 -> .quaternary _ -> .extra in Element.column [ Border.rounded 15 , C.background (name <| C.stdPicker.light) , C.border <| name <| C.stdPicker.dark , Border.width 2 , Element.padding 5 ] (( |> (++) "Function " |> Element.text |> Element.el [ Font.bold ] ) :: (Element.text >> List.singleton >> Element.paragraph [] ) f.description ) ) |> Element.column [ Element.padding 5 , Element.spacing 5 , Element.width Element.fill ] {-| Gather all the untranslatable functions that are hidden in the coders -} getFunctions : Docs -> List { name : String, description : List String } getFunctions docs = getFunctionBFS docs [] getFunctionBFS : Docs -> List { name : String, description : List String } -> List { name : String, description : List String } getFunctionBFS docs acc = case docs of DocsBool -> acc DocsDict d -> getFunctionBFS d acc DocsFloat -> acc DocsInt -> acc DocsLazy f -> getFunctionBFS (f ()) acc DocsList d -> getFunctionBFS d acc DocsMap { name, description, content } -> getFunctionBFS content (List.append acc [ { name = name, description = description } ]) DocsObject _ -> acc DocsOptional d -> getFunctionBFS d acc DocsRiskyMap { name, description, content } -> getFunctionBFS content (List.append acc [ { name = name, description = description } ]) DocsString -> acc DocsValue -> acc {-| Write JSON type as a string. -} toString : Docs -> Element String toString = let go : Docs -> List (Element String) go docs = case docs of DocsBool -> [ Element.text "bool" ] DocsDict d -> List.concat [ [ Element.text "{string:" ] , go d , [ Element.text "}" ] ] DocsFloat -> [ Element.text "float" ] DocsInt -> [ Element.text "int" ] DocsLazy f -> go (f ()) DocsList d -> List.concat [ [ Element.text "[" ] , go d , [ Element.text "]" ] ] DocsMap { name, content } -> List.concat [ [ Element.text name, Element.text "(" ] , go content , [ Element.text ")" ] ] DocsObject { name } -> name |> Element.text |> Element.el [ Events.onClick name ] |> List.singleton DocsOptional d -> go d DocsRiskyMap { name, content } -> List.concat [ [ Element.text name, Element.text "(" ] , go content , [ Element.text ")" ] ] DocsString -> [ Element.text "string" ] DocsValue -> [ Element.text "JSON" ] in go >> Element.paragraph [ [ Font.monospace ] , C.background C.stdPicker.dark.white ]