module Internal.Tools.StrippedEvent exposing (StrippedEvent, coder, strip) {-| # Stripped event The stripped event is a simple Matrix event that does not contain any metadata. @docs StrippedEvent, coder, strip -} import Internal.Config.Text as Text import Internal.Tools.Json as Json type alias StrippedEvent = { content : Json.Value, eventType : String } coder : Json.Coder StrippedEvent coder = Json.object2 { name = , description = , init = StrippedEvent } (Json.field.required { fieldName = "content" , toField = .content , description = [ "Event content" ] , coder = Json.value } ) (Json.field.required { fieldName = "type" , toField = .eventType , description = [ "Event type, generally namespaced using the Java package naming convention." ] , coder = Json.string } ) strip : { a | content : Json.Value, eventType : String } -> StrippedEvent strip { content, eventType } = { content = content, eventType = eventType }