module Internal.Api.Task exposing ( Task, run, Backpack , sendMessageEvent, sync ) {-| # Task module This module is used to define how API calls are made. These completed API tasks can be directly converted to Cmd types that the end user of the SDK can access. These tasks do not affect the `Vault` directly, but instead, return a `VaultUpdate` type that the user can apply to keep their `Vault` type up-to-date. ## Use @docs Task, run, Backpack ## Tasks @docs sendMessageEvent, sync -} import Internal.Api.BaseUrl.Api import Internal.Api.Chain as C import Internal.Api.LoginWithUsernameAndPassword.Api import Internal.Api.Now.Api import Internal.Api.Request as Request import Internal.Api.SendMessageEvent.Api import Internal.Api.Sync.Api import Internal.Api.Versions.Api import Internal.Config.Log exposing (Log, log) import Internal.Config.Text as Text import Internal.Tools.Json as Json import Internal.Values.Context as Context exposing (APIContext) import Internal.Values.Envelope as E exposing (EnvelopeUpdate(..)) import Internal.Values.Room exposing (RoomUpdate(..)) import Internal.Values.Vault exposing (VaultUpdate(..)) import Task {-| A Backpack is the ultimate message type that gets sent back by the Elm runtime, which can be accessed, viewed and inspected. -} type alias Backpack = { messages : List (EnvelopeUpdate VaultUpdate), logs : List Log } {-| A Task is a task that is ready to be sent to the outside world. -} type alias Task = C.TaskChain Never (EnvelopeUpdate VaultUpdate) {} {} {-| An UnFinished Task that is used somewhere else in this module to write a complete Task type. -} type alias UFTask a b = C.TaskChain Request.Error (EnvelopeUpdate VaultUpdate) a b {-| Get an access token to talk to the Matrix API -} getAccessToken : UFTask { a | baseUrl : (), now : (), versions : () } { a | accessToken : (), baseUrl : (), now : (), versions : () } getAccessToken c = case Context.fromApiFormat c of context -> case ( Context.mostPopularToken context, context.username, context.password ) of ( Just a, _, _ ) -> C.succeed { messages = [] , logs = [ log.debug "Using cached access token from Vault" ] , contextChange = Context.setAccessToken a } c ( Nothing, Just u, Just p ) -> Internal.Api.LoginWithUsernameAndPassword.Api.loginWithUsernameAndPassword { deviceId = Context.fromApiFormat c |> .deviceId , enableRefreshToken = Just True -- TODO: Turn this into a setting , initialDeviceDisplayName = Nothing -- TODO: Turn this into a setting , password = p , username = u } c ( Nothing, Nothing, _ ) -> Request.MissingUsername c ( Nothing, Just _, Nothing ) -> Request.MissingPassword c {-| Get the base URL where the Matrix API can be accessed -} getBaseUrl : UFTask a { a | baseUrl : () } getBaseUrl c = case Context.fromApiFormat c |> .baseUrl of Just b -> C.succeed { messages = [] , logs = [ log.debug "Using cached baseURL from Vault" ] , contextChange = Context.setBaseUrl b } c Nothing -> Internal.Api.BaseUrl.Api.baseUrl { url = Context.fromApiFormat c |> .serverName } |> C.catchWith (\_ -> let url : String url = Context.fromApiFormat c |> .serverName in { contextChange = Context.setBaseUrl url , logs = [ log.warn (Text.logs.baseUrlFailed url) ] , messages = [ E.SetBaseUrl url ] } ) |> (|>) c {-| Get the current timestamp -} getNow : UFTask { a | baseUrl : () } { a | baseUrl : (), now : () } getNow = Internal.Api.Now.Api.getNow {-| Get the versions that are potentially supported by the Matrix API -} getVersions : UFTask { a | baseUrl : () } { a | baseUrl : (), versions : () } getVersions c = case Context.fromApiFormat c |> .versions of Just v -> C.succeed { messages = [] , logs = [ log.debug "Using cached versions from Vault" ] , contextChange = Context.setVersions v } c Nothing -> Internal.Api.Versions.Api.versions c finishTask : UFTask {} b -> Task finishTask uftask = uftask |> C.andThen (C.succeed { messages = [] , logs = [] , contextChange = Context.reset } ) |> C.catchWith (\e -> case e of Request.MissingPassword -> { messages = [] , logs = [ log.error "Cannot log in - password is missing" ] , contextChange = Context.reset } Request.MissingUsername -> { messages = [] , logs = [ log.error "Cannot log in - username is missing" ] , contextChange = Context.reset } Request.NoSupportedVersion -> { messages = [] , logs = [ log.error "No supported version is available to complete the API interaction." ] , contextChange = Context.reset } Request.ServerReturnsBadJSON t -> { messages = [] , logs = [ log.error ("The server returned invalid JSON: " ++ t) ] , contextChange = Context.reset } Request.ServerReturnsError name _ -> { messages = [] , logs = [ log.error ("The server returns an error: " ++ name) ] , contextChange = Context.reset } _ -> { messages = [] -- TODO: Maybe categorize errors? , logs = [ log.warn "Encountered unhandled error" ] , contextChange = Context.reset } ) {-| Establish a Task Chain context where the base URL and supported list of versions are known. -} makeVB : UFTask a { a | baseUrl : (), versions : () } makeVB = C.andThen getVersions getBaseUrl {-| Establish a Task Chain context where the base URL and supported list of versions are known, and where an access token is available to make an authenticated API call. -} makeVBA : UFTask a { a | accessToken : (), baseUrl : (), now : (), versions : () } makeVBA = makeVB |> C.andThen getNow |> C.andThen getAccessToken {-| Send a message event to a room. -} sendMessageEvent : { content : Json.Value, eventType : String, roomId : String, transactionId : String } -> Task sendMessageEvent input = makeVBA |> C.andThen (Internal.Api.SendMessageEvent.Api.sendMessageEvent input) |> finishTask {-| Sync with the Matrix API to stay up-to-date. -} sync : { fullState : Maybe Bool, presence : Maybe String, since : Maybe String, timeout : Maybe Int } -> Task sync input = makeVBA |> C.andThen (Internal.Api.Sync.Api.sync input) |> finishTask {-| Transform a completed task into a Cmd. -} run : (Backpack -> msg) -> Task -> APIContext {} -> Cmd msg run toMsg task context = context |> C.toTask task |> Task.perform toMsg