module Test.Grammar.UserId exposing (..) import Expect import Fuzz exposing (Fuzzer) import Internal.Grammar.ServerName as SN import Internal.Grammar.UserId as U import Test exposing (..) import Test.Grammar.ServerName as ServerName modernUserCharFuzzer : Fuzzer Char modernUserCharFuzzer = Fuzz.oneOf [ Fuzz.intRange 0x61 0x7A |> Char.fromCode , "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" |> String.toList |> Fuzz.oneOfValues ] historicalUserCharFuzzer : Fuzzer Char historicalUserCharFuzzer = [ ( 0x21, 0x39 ), ( 0x3B, 0x7E ) ] |> (\( low, high ) -> Fuzz.intRange low high) |> Fuzz.oneOf |> Char.fromCode modernUserFuzzer : Fuzzer String modernUserFuzzer = Fuzz.map2 (\localpart domain -> let maxLocalSize : Int maxLocalSize = 255 - String.length domain - 2 in localpart |> List.take maxLocalSize |> String.fromList |> (\l -> "@" ++ l ++ ":" ++ domain) ) (Fuzz.listOfLengthBetween 1 255 modernUserCharFuzzer) (ServerName.serverNameFuzzer |> Fuzz.filter (\name -> String.length name < 255 - 2 ) ) historicalUserFuzzer : Fuzzer String historicalUserFuzzer = Fuzz.map2 (\localpart domain -> let maxLocalSize : Int maxLocalSize = 255 - String.length domain - 2 in localpart |> List.take maxLocalSize |> String.fromList |> (\l -> "@" ++ l ++ ":" ++ domain) ) (Fuzz.listOfLengthBetween 1 255 historicalUserCharFuzzer) (ServerName.serverNameFuzzer |> Fuzz.filter (\name -> String.length name < 255 - 2 ) ) userFuzzer : Fuzzer String userFuzzer = Fuzz.oneOf [ modernUserFuzzer, historicalUserFuzzer ] fullUserFuzzer : Fuzzer U.UserID fullUserFuzzer = userFuzzer |> U.fromString |> (Maybe.withDefault { localpart = "a", domain = { host = SN.DNS "a", port_ = Nothing } }) suite : Test suite = describe "UserId" [ describe "Size" [ fuzz ServerName.serverNameFuzzer "Username cannot be length 0" (\domain -> "@" ++ ":" ++ domain |> U.fromString |> Expect.equal Nothing ) , fuzz2 (Fuzz.listOfLengthBetween 1 255 historicalUserCharFuzzer) ServerName.serverNameFuzzer "Username length cannot exceed 255" (\localpart domain -> let username : String username = "@" ++ String.fromList localpart ++ ":" ++ domain in Expect.equal (U.fromString username == Nothing) (String.length username > 255) ) , fuzz modernUserFuzzer "Modern fuzzer has appropriate size" (String.length >> Expect.lessThan 256) , fuzz historicalUserFuzzer "Historical fuzzer has appropriate size" (String.length >> Expect.lessThan 256) , fuzz userFuzzer "User fuzzers have appropriate size" (String.length >> Expect.lessThan 256) ] , describe "From string evaluation" [ fuzz userFuzzer "fromString always returns a value on fuzzer" (U.fromString >> Expect.notEqual Nothing) , fuzz userFuzzer "fromString -> toString returns the same value" (\username -> username |> U.fromString |> U.toString |> Expect.equal (Just username) ) -- Not always True -- TODO: Define a fitting fuzzer for this test -- , fuzz historicalUserFuzzer -- "Historical users are historical" -- (\username -> -- username -- |> U.fromString -- |> U.isHistorical -- |> Expect.equal (Just True) -- ) , fuzz modernUserFuzzer "Modern users are not historical" (\username -> username |> U.fromString |> U.isHistorical |> Expect.equal (Just False) ) ] ]