"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.default = normalizeModuleAndLoadMetadata; exports.hasExports = hasExports; exports.isSideEffectImport = isSideEffectImport; exports.validateImportInteropOption = validateImportInteropOption; var _path = require("path"); var _helperValidatorIdentifier = require("@babel/helper-validator-identifier"); var _helperSplitExportDeclaration = require("@babel/helper-split-export-declaration"); function hasExports(metadata) { return metadata.hasExports; } function isSideEffectImport(source) { return source.imports.size === 0 && source.importsNamespace.size === 0 && source.reexports.size === 0 && source.reexportNamespace.size === 0 && !source.reexportAll; } function validateImportInteropOption(importInterop) { if (typeof importInterop !== "function" && importInterop !== "none" && importInterop !== "babel" && importInterop !== "node") { throw new Error(`.importInterop must be one of "none", "babel", "node", or a function returning one of those values (received ${importInterop}).`); } return importInterop; } function resolveImportInterop(importInterop, source, filename) { if (typeof importInterop === "function") { return validateImportInteropOption(importInterop(source, filename)); } return importInterop; } function normalizeModuleAndLoadMetadata(programPath, exportName, { importInterop, initializeReexports = false, lazy = false, esNamespaceOnly = false, filename }) { if (!exportName) { exportName = programPath.scope.generateUidIdentifier("exports").name; } const stringSpecifiers = new Set(); nameAnonymousExports(programPath); const { local, source, hasExports } = getModuleMetadata(programPath, { initializeReexports, lazy }, stringSpecifiers); removeImportExportDeclarations(programPath); for (const [, metadata] of source) { if (metadata.importsNamespace.size > 0) { metadata.name = metadata.importsNamespace.values().next().value; } const resolvedInterop = resolveImportInterop(importInterop, metadata.source, filename); if (resolvedInterop === "none") { metadata.interop = "none"; } else if (resolvedInterop === "node" && metadata.interop === "namespace") { metadata.interop = "node-namespace"; } else if (resolvedInterop === "node" && metadata.interop === "default") { metadata.interop = "node-default"; } else if (esNamespaceOnly && metadata.interop === "namespace") { metadata.interop = "default"; } } return { exportName, exportNameListName: null, hasExports, local, source, stringSpecifiers }; } function getExportSpecifierName(path, stringSpecifiers) { if (path.isIdentifier()) { return path.node.name; } else if (path.isStringLiteral()) { const stringValue = path.node.value; if (!(0, _helperValidatorIdentifier.isIdentifierName)(stringValue)) { stringSpecifiers.add(stringValue); } return stringValue; } else { throw new Error(`Expected export specifier to be either Identifier or StringLiteral, got ${path.node.type}`); } } function assertExportSpecifier(path) { if (path.isExportSpecifier()) { return; } else if (path.isExportNamespaceSpecifier()) { throw path.buildCodeFrameError("Export namespace should be first transformed by `@babel/plugin-proposal-export-namespace-from`."); } else { throw path.buildCodeFrameError("Unexpected export specifier type"); } } function getModuleMetadata(programPath, { lazy, initializeReexports }, stringSpecifiers) { const localData = getLocalExportMetadata(programPath, initializeReexports, stringSpecifiers); const sourceData = new Map(); const getData = sourceNode => { const source = sourceNode.value; let data = sourceData.get(source); if (!data) { data = { name: programPath.scope.generateUidIdentifier((0, _path.basename)(source, (0, _path.extname)(source))).name, interop: "none", loc: null, imports: new Map(), importsNamespace: new Set(), reexports: new Map(), reexportNamespace: new Set(), reexportAll: null, lazy: false, source }; sourceData.set(source, data); } return data; }; let hasExports = false; programPath.get("body").forEach(child => { if (child.isImportDeclaration()) { const data = getData(child.node.source); if (!data.loc) data.loc = child.node.loc; child.get("specifiers").forEach(spec => { if (spec.isImportDefaultSpecifier()) { const localName = spec.get("local").node.name; data.imports.set(localName, "default"); const reexport = localData.get(localName); if (reexport) { localData.delete(localName); reexport.names.forEach(name => { data.reexports.set(name, "default"); }); } } else if (spec.isImportNamespaceSpecifier()) { const localName = spec.get("local").node.name; data.importsNamespace.add(localName); const reexport = localData.get(localName); if (reexport) { localData.delete(localName); reexport.names.forEach(name => { data.reexportNamespace.add(name); }); } } else if (spec.isImportSpecifier()) { const importName = getExportSpecifierName(spec.get("imported"), stringSpecifiers); const localName = spec.get("local").node.name; data.imports.set(localName, importName); const reexport = localData.get(localName); if (reexport) { localData.delete(localName); reexport.names.forEach(name => { data.reexports.set(name, importName); }); } } }); } else if (child.isExportAllDeclaration()) { hasExports = true; const data = getData(child.node.source); if (!data.loc) data.loc = child.node.loc; data.reexportAll = { loc: child.node.loc }; } else if (child.isExportNamedDeclaration() && child.node.source) { hasExports = true; const data = getData(child.node.source); if (!data.loc) data.loc = child.node.loc; child.get("specifiers").forEach(spec => { assertExportSpecifier(spec); const importName = getExportSpecifierName(spec.get("local"), stringSpecifiers); const exportName = getExportSpecifierName(spec.get("exported"), stringSpecifiers); data.reexports.set(exportName, importName); if (exportName === "__esModule") { throw spec.get("exported").buildCodeFrameError('Illegal export "__esModule".'); } }); } else if (child.isExportNamedDeclaration() || child.isExportDefaultDeclaration()) { hasExports = true; } }); for (const metadata of sourceData.values()) { let needsDefault = false; let needsNamed = false; if (metadata.importsNamespace.size > 0) { needsDefault = true; needsNamed = true; } if (metadata.reexportAll) { needsNamed = true; } for (const importName of metadata.imports.values()) { if (importName === "default") needsDefault = true;else needsNamed = true; } for (const importName of metadata.reexports.values()) { if (importName === "default") needsDefault = true;else needsNamed = true; } if (needsDefault && needsNamed) { metadata.interop = "namespace"; } else if (needsDefault) { metadata.interop = "default"; } } for (const [source, metadata] of sourceData) { if (lazy !== false && !(isSideEffectImport(metadata) || metadata.reexportAll)) { if (lazy === true) { metadata.lazy = !/\./.test(source); } else if (Array.isArray(lazy)) { metadata.lazy = lazy.indexOf(source) !== -1; } else if (typeof lazy === "function") { metadata.lazy = lazy(source); } else { throw new Error(`.lazy must be a boolean, string array, or function`); } } } return { hasExports, local: localData, source: sourceData }; } function getLocalExportMetadata(programPath, initializeReexports, stringSpecifiers) { const bindingKindLookup = new Map(); programPath.get("body").forEach(child => { let kind; if (child.isImportDeclaration()) { kind = "import"; } else { if (child.isExportDefaultDeclaration()) { child = child.get("declaration"); } if (child.isExportNamedDeclaration()) { if (child.node.declaration) { child = child.get("declaration"); } else if (initializeReexports && child.node.source && child.get("source").isStringLiteral()) { child.get("specifiers").forEach(spec => { assertExportSpecifier(spec); bindingKindLookup.set(spec.get("local").node.name, "block"); }); return; } } if (child.isFunctionDeclaration()) { kind = "hoisted"; } else if (child.isClassDeclaration()) { kind = "block"; } else if (child.isVariableDeclaration({ kind: "var" })) { kind = "var"; } else if (child.isVariableDeclaration()) { kind = "block"; } else { return; } } Object.keys(child.getOuterBindingIdentifiers()).forEach(name => { bindingKindLookup.set(name, kind); }); }); const localMetadata = new Map(); const getLocalMetadata = idPath => { const localName = idPath.node.name; let metadata = localMetadata.get(localName); if (!metadata) { const kind = bindingKindLookup.get(localName); if (kind === undefined) { throw idPath.buildCodeFrameError(`Exporting local "${localName}", which is not declared.`); } metadata = { names: [], kind }; localMetadata.set(localName, metadata); } return metadata; }; programPath.get("body").forEach(child => { if (child.isExportNamedDeclaration() && (initializeReexports || !child.node.source)) { if (child.node.declaration) { const declaration = child.get("declaration"); const ids = declaration.getOuterBindingIdentifierPaths(); Object.keys(ids).forEach(name => { if (name === "__esModule") { throw declaration.buildCodeFrameError('Illegal export "__esModule".'); } getLocalMetadata(ids[name]).names.push(name); }); } else { child.get("specifiers").forEach(spec => { const local = spec.get("local"); const exported = spec.get("exported"); const localMetadata = getLocalMetadata(local); const exportName = getExportSpecifierName(exported, stringSpecifiers); if (exportName === "__esModule") { throw exported.buildCodeFrameError('Illegal export "__esModule".'); } localMetadata.names.push(exportName); }); } } else if (child.isExportDefaultDeclaration()) { const declaration = child.get("declaration"); if (declaration.isFunctionDeclaration() || declaration.isClassDeclaration()) { getLocalMetadata(declaration.get("id")).names.push("default"); } else { throw declaration.buildCodeFrameError("Unexpected default expression export."); } } }); return localMetadata; } function nameAnonymousExports(programPath) { programPath.get("body").forEach(child => { if (!child.isExportDefaultDeclaration()) return; (0, _helperSplitExportDeclaration.default)(child); }); } function removeImportExportDeclarations(programPath) { programPath.get("body").forEach(child => { if (child.isImportDeclaration()) { child.remove(); } else if (child.isExportNamedDeclaration()) { if (child.node.declaration) { child.node.declaration._blockHoist = child.node._blockHoist; child.replaceWith(child.node.declaration); } else { child.remove(); } } else if (child.isExportDefaultDeclaration()) { const declaration = child.get("declaration"); if (declaration.isFunctionDeclaration() || declaration.isClassDeclaration()) { declaration._blockHoist = child.node._blockHoist; child.replaceWith(declaration); } else { throw declaration.buildCodeFrameError("Unexpected default expression export."); } } else if (child.isExportAllDeclaration()) { child.remove(); } }); } //# sourceMappingURL=normalize-and-load-metadata.js.map