/* Copyright (c) 2022 Bangle.js contributors. See the file LICENSE for copying permission. */ // See Layout.md for documentation /* Minify to 'Layout.min.js' by: * checking out: https://github.com/espruino/EspruinoDocs * run: ../EspruinoDocs/bin/minify.js modules/Layout.js modules/Layout.min.js */ function Layout(layout, options) { this._l = this.l = layout; // Do we have >1 physical buttons? this.options = options || {}; this.lazy = this.options.lazy || false; this.physBtns = 1; let btnList; if (process.env.HWVERSION!=2) { this.physBtns = 3; // no touchscreen, find any buttons in 'layout' btnList = []; function btnRecurser(l) {"ram"; if (l.type=="btn") btnList.push(l); if (l.c) l.c.forEach(btnRecurser); } btnRecurser(layout); if (btnList.length) { // there are buttons in 'layout' // disable physical buttons - use them for back/next/select this.physBtns = 0; this.buttons = btnList; this.selectedButton = -1; } } if (this.options.btns) { var buttons = this.options.btns; if (this.physBtns >= buttons.length) { // enough physical buttons this.b = buttons; let btnHeight = Math.floor(Bangle.appRect.h / this.physBtns); if (this.physBtns > 2 && buttons.length==1) buttons.unshift({label:""}); // pad so if we have a button in the middle while (this.physBtns > buttons.length) buttons.push({label:""}); this._l.width = g.getWidth()-8; // text width this._l = {type:"h", filly:1, c: [ this._l, {type:"v", pad:1, filly:1, c: buttons.map(b=>(b.type="txt",b.font="6x8",b.height=btnHeight,b.r=1,b))} ]}; } else { // add 'soft' buttons this._l.width = g.getWidth()-32; // button width this._l = {type:"h", c: [ this._l, {type:"v", c: buttons.map(b=>(b.type="btn",b.filly=1,b.width=32,b.r=1,b))} ]}; // if we're selecting with physical buttons, add these to the list if (btnList) btnList.push.apply(btnList, this._l.c[1].c); } } // Link in all buttons/touchscreen/etc this.setUI(); // recurse over layout doing some fixing up if needed var ll = this; function recurser(l) {"ram"; // add IDs if (l.id) ll[l.id] = l; // fix type up if (!l.type) l.type=""; if (l.c) l.c.forEach(recurser); } recurser(this._l); this.updateNeeded = true; } Layout.prototype.setUI = function() { Bangle.setUI(); // remove all existing input handlers let uiSet; if (this.buttons) { // multiple buttons so we'll jus use back/next/select Bangle.setUI({mode:"updown", back:this.options.back, remove:this.options.remove}, dir=>{ var s = this.selectedButton, l=this.buttons.length; if (dir===undefined && this.buttons[s]) return this.buttons[s].cb(); if (this.buttons[s]) { delete this.buttons[s].selected; this.render(this.buttons[s]); } s = (s+l+dir) % l; if (this.buttons[s]) { this.buttons[s].selected = 1; this.render(this.buttons[s]); } this.selectedButton = s; }); uiSet = true; } if ((this.options.back || this.options.remove) && !uiSet) Bangle.setUI({mode: "custom", back: this.options.back, remove: this.options.remove}); // physical buttons -> actual applications if (this.b) { // Handler for button watch events function pressHandler(btn,e) { if (e.time-e.lastTime > 0.75 && this.b[btn].cbl) this.b[btn].cbl(e); else if (this.b[btn].cb) this.b[btn].cb(e); } if (Bangle.btnWatches) Bangle.btnWatches.forEach(clearWatch); Bangle.btnWatches = []; if (this.b[0]) Bangle.btnWatches.push(setWatch(pressHandler.bind(this,0), BTN1, {repeat:true,edge:-1})); if (this.b[1]) Bangle.btnWatches.push(setWatch(pressHandler.bind(this,1), BTN2, {repeat:true,edge:-1})); if (this.b[2]) Bangle.btnWatches.push(setWatch(pressHandler.bind(this,2), BTN3, {repeat:true,edge:-1})); } // Handle touch events on new Bangle.js if (process.env.HWVERSION==2) { function touchHandler(l,e) { if (l.cb && e.x>=l.x && e.y>=l.y && e.x<=l.x+l.w && e.y<=l.y+l.h) { if (e.type==2 && l.cbl) l.cbl(e); else if (l.cb) l.cb(e); } if (l.c) l.c.forEach(n => touchHandler(n,e)); } Bangle.touchHandler = (_,e)=>touchHandler(this._l,e); Bangle.on('touch',Bangle.touchHandler); } } function prepareLazyRender(l, rectsToClear, drawList, rects, parentBg) { var bgCol = l.bgCol == null ? parentBg : g.toColor(l.bgCol); if (bgCol != parentBg || l.type == "txt" || l.type == "btn" || l.type == "img" || l.type == "custom") { // Hash the layoutObject without including its children var c = l.c; delete l.c; var hash = "H"+E.CRC32(E.toJS(l)); // String keys maintain insertion order if (c) l.c = c; if (!delete rectsToClear[hash]) { var r = rects[hash] = [l.x,l.y,l.x+l.w-1,l.y+l.h-1]; r.bg = parentBg == null ? g.theme.bg : parentBg; if (drawList) { drawList.push(l); drawList = null; // Prevent children from being redundantly added to the drawList } } } if (l.c) for (var ch of l.c) prepareLazyRender(ch, rectsToClear, drawList, rects, bgCol); } Layout.prototype.render = function (l) { if (!l) l = this._l; if (this.updateNeeded) this.update(); var gfx=g; // define locally, because this is faster function render(l) {"ram"; gfx.reset(); if (l.col!==undefined) gfx.setColor(l.col); if (l.bgCol!==undefined) gfx.setBgColor(l.bgCol).clearRect(l.x,l.y,l.x+l.w-1,l.y+l.h-1); cb[l.type](l); } var cb = { "":function(){}, "txt":function(l){"ram"; if (l.wrap) { var lines = gfx.setFont(l.font).setFontAlign(0,-1).wrapString(l.label, l.w); var y = l.y+((l.h-gfx.getFontHeight()*lines.length)>>1); gfx.drawString(lines.join("\n"), l.x+(l.w>>1), y); } else { gfx.setFont(l.font).setFontAlign(0,0,l.r).drawString(l.label, l.x+(l.w>>1), l.y+(l.h>>1)); } }, "btn":function(l){"ram"; var x = l.x+(0|l.pad), y = l.y+(0|l.pad), w = l.w-(l.pad<<1), h = l.h-(l.pad<<1); var poly = [ x,y+4, x+4,y, x+w-5,y, x+w-1,y+4, x+w-1,y+h-5, x+w-5,y+h-1, x+4,y+h-1, x,y+h-5, x,y+4 ], bg = l.bgCol!==undefined?l.bgCol:gfx.theme.bg2, btnborder = l.btnBorder!==undefined?l.btnBorder:gfx.theme.fg2; if(l.selected){ bg = gfx.theme.bgH, btnborder = gfx.theme.fgH; } gfx.setColor(bg).fillPoly(poly).setColor(btnborder).drawPoly(poly); if (l.col!==undefined) gfx.setColor(l.col); if (l.src) gfx.setBgColor(bg).drawImage( "function"==typeof l.src?l.src():l.src, l.x + l.w/2, l.y + l.h/2, {scale: l.scale||undefined, rotate: Math.PI*0.5*(l.r||0)} ); else gfx.setFont(l.font||"6x8:2").setFontAlign(0,0,l.r).drawString(l.label,l.x+l.w/2,l.y+l.h/2); }, "img":function(l){"ram"; gfx.drawImage( "function"==typeof l.src?l.src():l.src, l.x + l.w/2, l.y + l.h/2, {scale: l.scale||undefined, rotate: Math.PI*0.5*(l.r||0)} ); }, "custom":function(l){"ram"; l.render(l); }, "h":function(l) { "ram"; l.c.forEach(render); }, "v":function(l) { "ram"; l.c.forEach(render); } }; if (this.lazy) { // we have to use 'var' here not 'let', otherwise the minifier // renames vars to the same name, which causes problems as Espruino // doesn't yet honour the scoping of 'let' if (!this.rects) this.rects = {}; var rectsToClear = this.rects.clone(); var drawList = []; prepareLazyRender(l, rectsToClear, drawList, this.rects, null); for (var h in rectsToClear) delete this.rects[h]; var clearList = Object.keys(rectsToClear).map(k=>rectsToClear[k]).reverse(); // Rects are cleared in reverse order so that the original bg color is restored for (var r of clearList) gfx.setBgColor(r.bg).clearRect.apply(g, r); drawList.forEach(render); } else { // non-lazy render(l); } }; Layout.prototype.forgetLazyState = function () { this.rects = {}; } Layout.prototype.layout = function (l) { // l = current layout element var cb = { "h" : function(l) {"ram"; var acc_w = l.x + (0|l.pad); var accfillx = 0; var fillx = l.c && l.c.reduce((a,l)=>a+(0|l.fillx),0); if (!fillx) { acc_w += (l.w-l._w)>>1; fillx=1; } var x = acc_w; l.c.forEach(c => { c.x = 0|x; acc_w += c._w; accfillx += 0|c.fillx; x = acc_w + Math.floor(accfillx*(l.w-l._w)/fillx); c.w = 0|(x - c.x); c.h = 0|(c.filly ? l.h - (l.pad<<1) : c._h); c.y = 0|(l.y + (0|l.pad) + ((1+(0|c.valign))*(l.h-(l.pad<<1)-c.h)>>1)); if (c.c) cb[c.type](c); }); }, "v" : function(l) {"ram"; var acc_h = l.y + (0|l.pad); var accfilly = 0; var filly = l.c && l.c.reduce((a,l)=>a+(0|l.filly),0); if (!filly) { acc_h += (l.h-l._h)>>1; filly=1; } var y = acc_h; l.c.forEach(c => { c.y = 0|y; acc_h += c._h; accfilly += 0|c.filly; y = acc_h + Math.floor(accfilly*(l.h-l._h)/filly); c.h = 0|(y - c.y); c.w = 0|(c.fillx ? l.w - (l.pad<<1) : c._w); c.x = 0|(l.x + (0|l.pad) + ((1+(0|c.halign))*(l.w-(l.pad<<1)-c.w)>>1)); if (c.c) cb[c.type](c); }); } }; if (cb[l.type]) cb[l.type](l); }; Layout.prototype.debug = function(l,c) { if (!l) l = this._l; c=c||1; g.setColor(c&1,c&2,c&4).drawRect(l.x+c-1, l.y+c-1, l.x+l.w-c, l.y+l.h-c); if (l.pad) g.drawRect(l.x+l.pad-1, l.y+l.pad-1, l.x+l.w-l.pad, l.y+l.h-l.pad); c++; if (l.c) l.c.forEach(n => this.debug(n,c)); }; Layout.prototype.update = function() { delete this.updateNeeded; var gfx=g; // define locally, because this is faster // update sizes function updateMin(l) {"ram"; cb[l.type](l); if (l.r&1) { // rotation var t = l._w;l._w=l._h;l._h=t; } l._w = Math.max(l._w + (l.pad<<1), 0|l.width); l._h = Math.max(l._h + (l.pad<<1), 0|l.height); } var cb = { "txt" : function(l) {"ram"; if (l.font.endsWith("%")) l.font = "Vector"+Math.round(gfx.getHeight()*l.font.slice(0,-1)/100); if (l.wrap) { l._h = l._w = 0; } else { var m = g.setFont(l.font).stringMetrics(l.label); l._w = m.width; l._h = m.height; } }, "btn": function(l) {"ram"; if (l.font && l.font.endsWith("%")) l.font = "Vector"+Math.round(gfx.getHeight()*l.font.slice(0,-1)/100); var m = l.src?gfx.imageMetrics("function"==typeof l.src?l.src():l.src):gfx.setFont(l.font||"6x8:2").stringMetrics(l.label); l._h = 16 + m.height; l._w = 20 + m.width; }, "img": function(l) {"ram"; var m = gfx.imageMetrics("function"==typeof l.src?l.src():l.src), s=l.scale||1; // get width and height out of image l._w = m.width*s; l._h = m.height*s; }, "": function(l) {"ram"; // size should already be set up in width/height l._w = 0; l._h = 0; }, "custom": function(l) {"ram"; // size should already be set up in width/height l._w = 0; l._h = 0; }, "h": function(l) {"ram"; l.c.forEach(updateMin); l._h = l.c.reduce((a,b)=>Math.max(a,b._h),0); l._w = l.c.reduce((a,b)=>a+b._w,0); if (l.fillx == null && l.c.some(c=>c.fillx)) l.fillx = 1; if (l.filly == null && l.c.some(c=>c.filly)) l.filly = 1; }, "v": function(l) {"ram"; l.c.forEach(updateMin); l._h = l.c.reduce((a,b)=>a+b._h,0); l._w = l.c.reduce((a,b)=>Math.max(a,b._w),0); if (l.fillx == null && l.c.some(c=>c.fillx)) l.fillx = 1; if (l.filly == null && l.c.some(c=>c.filly)) l.filly = 1; } }; var l = this._l; updateMin(l); delete cb; if (l.fillx || l.filly) { // fill all l.w = Bangle.appRect.w; l.h = Bangle.appRect.h; l.x = Bangle.appRect.x; l.y = Bangle.appRect.y; } else { // or center l.w = l._w; l.h = l._h; l.x = (Bangle.appRect.w-l.w)>>1; l.y = Bangle.appRect.y+((Bangle.appRect.h-l.h)>>1); } // layout children this.layout(l); }; Layout.prototype.clear = function(l) { if (!l) l = this._l; g.reset(); if (l.bgCol!==undefined) g.setBgColor(l.bgCol); g.clearRect(l.x,l.y,l.x+l.w-1,l.y+l.h-1); }; exports = Layout;