var hour_hand = { width : 61, height : 8, bpp : 1, transparent : 0, buffer : E.toArrayBuffer(atob("/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////w==")) }; var minute_hand = { width : 110, height : 4, bpp : 1, transparent : 0, buffer : E.toArrayBuffer(atob("/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////w==")) }; //g.fillRect(0,24,239,239); // Apps area let intervalRef = null; const p180 = Math.PI/180; const clock_center = {x:Math.floor((g.getWidth()-1)/2), y:24+Math.floor((g.getHeight()-25)/2)}; // ={ x: 119, y: 131 } const radius = Math.floor((g.getWidth()-24+1)/2); // =108 let tick0 = Graphics.createArrayBuffer(30,8,1,{msb:true}); tick0.fillRect(0,0,tick0.getWidth()-1, tick0.getHeight()-1); let tick5 = Graphics.createArrayBuffer(20,6,1,{msb:true}); tick5.fillRect(0,0,tick5.getWidth()-1, tick5.getHeight()-1); let tick1 = Graphics.createArrayBuffer(8,4,1,{msb:true}); tick1.fillRect(0,0,tick1.getWidth()-1, tick1.getHeight()-1); // Adjust hand lengths to be within 'tick' points minute_hand.width=radius-tick1.getWidth()-6; hour_hand.width=radius-tick5.getWidth()-6; function big_wheel_x(angle){ return clock_center.x + radius * Math.cos(angle*p180); } function big_wheel_y(angle){ return clock_center.y + radius * Math.sin(angle*p180); } function rotate_around_x(center_x, angle, tick){ return center_x + Math.cos(angle*p180) * tick.getWidth()/2; } function rotate_around_y(center_y, angle, tick){ return center_y + Math.sin(angle*p180) * tick.getWidth()/2; } function hour_pos_x(angle){ return clock_center.x + Math.cos(angle*p180) * hour_hand.width/2; } function hour_pos_y(angle){ return clock_center.y + Math.sin(angle*p180) * hour_hand.width/2; } function minute_pos_x(angle){ return clock_center.x + Math.cos(angle*p180) * minute_hand.width/2; } function minute_pos_y(angle){ return clock_center.y + Math.sin(angle*p180) * minute_hand.width/2; } function minute_angle(date){ //let minutes = date.getMinutes() + date.getSeconds()/60; let minutes = date.getMinutes(); return 6*minutes - 90; } function hour_angle(date){ let hours= date.getHours() + date.getMinutes()/60; return 30*hours - 90; } function draw_clock(){ //console.log("draw_clock"); let date = new Date(); g.reset(); g.clearRect(0,24,239,239); // clear app area // draw cross lines for testing // g.setColor(1,0,0); // g.drawLine(clock_center.x - radius, clock_center.y, clock_center.x + radius, clock_center.y); // g.drawLine(clock_center.x, clock_center.y - radius, clock_center.x, clock_center.y + radius); g.setColor(g.theme.fg); let ticks = [0, 90, 180, 270]; ticks.forEach((item)=>{ let agl = item+180; g.drawImage(tick0.asImage(), rotate_around_x(big_wheel_x(item), agl, tick0), rotate_around_y(big_wheel_y(item), agl, tick0), {rotate:agl*p180}); }); ticks = [30, 60, 120, 150, 210, 240, 300, 330]; ticks.forEach((item)=>{ let agl = item+180; g.drawImage(tick5.asImage(), rotate_around_x(big_wheel_x(item), agl, tick5), rotate_around_y(big_wheel_y(item), agl, tick5), {rotate:agl*p180}); }); let hour_agl = hour_angle(date); let minute_agl = minute_angle(date); g.drawImage(hour_hand, hour_pos_x(hour_agl), hour_pos_y(hour_agl), {rotate:hour_agl*p180}); // g.drawImage(minute_hand, minute_pos_x(minute_agl), minute_pos_y(minute_agl), {rotate:minute_agl*p180}); // g.setColor(g.theme.fg); g.fillCircle(clock_center.x, clock_center.y, 6); g.setColor(; g.fillCircle(clock_center.x, clock_center.y, 3); // draw minute ticks. Takes long time to draw! g.setColor(g.theme.fg); for (var i=0; i<60; i++){ let agl = i*6+180; g.drawImage(tick1.asImage(), rotate_around_x(big_wheel_x(i*6), agl, tick1), rotate_around_y(big_wheel_y(i*6), agl, tick1), {rotate:agl*p180}); } g.flip(); //console.log(date); } function clearTimers(){ //console.log("clearTimers"); if(intervalRef) { clearInterval(intervalRef); intervalRef = null; //console.log("interval is cleared"); } } function startTimers(){ //console.log("startTimers"); if(intervalRef) clearTimers(); intervalRef = setInterval(draw_clock, 60*1000); //console.log("interval is set"); draw_clock(); } Bangle.on('lcdPower', (on) => { if (on) { //console.log("lcdPower: on"); Bangle.drawWidgets(); startTimers(); } else { //console.log("lcdPower: off"); clearTimers(); } }); Bangle.on('faceUp',function(up){ //console.log("faceUp: " + up + " LCD: " + Bangle.isLCDOn()); if (up && !Bangle.isLCDOn()) { //console.log("faceUp and LCD off"); clearTimers(); Bangle.setLCDPower(true); } }); g.clear(); Bangle.loadWidgets(); Bangle.drawWidgets(); startTimers(); // Show launcher when button pressed Bangle.setUI("clock");