//Puck.debug=3; console.log("=============================================") console.log("Type 'Puck.debug=3' for full BLE debug info") console.log("=============================================") // FIXME: use UART lib so that we handle errors properly const Comms = { reset : (opt) => new Promise((resolve,reject) => { let tries = 8; console.log(" reset"); Puck.write(`\x03\x10reset(${opt=="wipe"?"1":""});\n`,function rstHandler(result) { console.log(" reset: got "+JSON.stringify(result)); if (result===null) return reject("Connection failed"); if (result=="" && (tries-- > 0)) { console.log(` reset: no response. waiting ${tries}...`); Puck.write("\x03",rstHandler); } else { console.log(` reset: complete.`); setTimeout(resolve,250); } }); }), uploadApp : (app,skipReset) => { // expects an apps.json structure (i.e. with `storage`) Progress.show({title:`Uploading ${app.name}`,sticky:true}); return AppInfo.getFiles(app, { fileGetter : httpGet, settings : SETTINGS }).then(fileContents => { return new Promise((resolve,reject) => { console.log(" uploadApp:",fileContents.map(f=>f.name).join(", ")); let maxBytes = fileContents.reduce((b,f)=>b+f.cmd.length, 0)||1; let currentBytes = 0; let appInfoFileName = app.id+".info"; let appInfoFile = fileContents.find(f=>f.name==appInfoFileName); if (!appInfoFile) reject(`${appInfoFileName} not found`); let appInfo = JSON.parse(appInfoFile.content); // Upload each file one at a time function doUploadFiles() { // No files left - print 'reboot' message if (fileContents.length==0) { Puck.write(`\x10E.showMessage('Hold BTN3\\nto reload')\n`,(result) => { Progress.hide({sticky:true}); if (result===null) return reject(""); resolve(appInfo); }); return; } let f = fileContents.shift(); console.log(` Upload ${f.name} => ${JSON.stringify(f.content)}`); // Chould check CRC here if needed instead of returning 'OK'... // E.CRC32(require("Storage").read(${JSON.stringify(app.name)})) let cmds = f.cmd.split("\n"); function uploadCmd() { if (!cmds.length) return doUploadFiles(); let cmd = cmds.shift(); Progress.show({ min:currentBytes / maxBytes, max:(currentBytes+cmd.length) / maxBytes}); currentBytes += cmd.length; Puck.write(`${cmd};Bluetooth.println("OK")\n`,(result) => { if (!result || result.trim()!="OK") { Progress.hide({sticky:true}); return reject("Unexpected response "+(result||"")); } uploadCmd(); }, true); // wait for a newline } uploadCmd(); } // Start the upload function doUpload() { Puck.write(`\x10E.showMessage('Uploading\\n${app.id}...')\n`,(result) => { if (result===null) { Progress.hide({sticky:true}); return reject(""); } doUploadFiles(); }); } if (skipReset) { doUpload(); } else { // reset to ensure we have enough memory to upload what we need to Comms.reset().then(doUpload, reject) } }); }); }, getInstalledApps : () => { Progress.show({title:`Getting app list...`,sticky:true}); return new Promise((resolve,reject) => { Puck.write("\x03",(result) => { if (result===null) { Progress.hide({sticky:true}); return reject(""); } Puck.write('\x10Bluetooth.print("[");require("Storage").list(/\\.info$/).forEach(f=>{var j=require("Storage").readJSON(f,1)||{};j.id=f.slice(0,-5);Bluetooth.print(JSON.stringify(j)+",")});Bluetooth.println("0]")\n', (appList,err) => { Progress.hide({sticky:true}); try { appList = JSON.parse(appList); // remove last element since we added a final '0' // to make things easy on the Bangle.js side appList = appList.slice(0,-1); } catch (e) { appList = null; err = e.toString(); } if (appList===null) return reject(err || ""); console.log(" getInstalledApps", appList); resolve(appList); }, true /* callback on newline */); }); }); }, removeApp : app => { // expects an appid.info structure (i.e. with `files`) if (!app.files && !app.data) return Promise.resolve(); // nothing to erase Progress.show({title:`Removing ${app.name}`,sticky:true}); let cmds = '\x10const s=require("Storage");\n'; // remove App files: regular files, exact names only cmds += app.files.split(',').map(file => `\x10s.erase(${toJS(file)});\n`).join(""); // remove app Data: (dataFiles and storageFiles) const data = AppInfo.parseDataString(app.data) const isGlob = f => /[?*]/.test(f) // regular files, can use wildcards cmds += data.dataFiles.map(file => { if (!isGlob(file)) return `\x10s.erase(${toJS(file)});\n`; const regex = new RegExp(globToRegex(file)) return `\x10s.list(${regex}).forEach(f=>s.erase(f));\n`; }).join(""); // storageFiles, can use wildcards cmds += data.storageFiles.map(file => { if (!isGlob(file)) return `\x10s.open(${toJS(file)},'r').erase();\n`; // storageFiles have a chunk number appended to their real name const regex = globToRegex(file+'\u0001') // open() doesn't want the chunk number though let cmd = `\x10s.list(${regex}).forEach(f=>s.open(f.substring(0,f.length-1),'r').erase());\n` // using a literal \u0001 char fails (not sure why), so escape it return cmd.replace('\u0001', '\\x01') }).join(""); console.log(" removeApp", cmds); return Comms.reset().then(() => new Promise((resolve,reject) => { Puck.write(`\x03\x10E.showMessage('Erasing\\n${app.id}...')${cmds}\x10E.showMessage('Hold BTN3\\nto reload')\n`,(result) => { Progress.hide({sticky:true}); if (result===null) return reject(""); resolve(); }); })).catch(function(reason) { Progress.hide({sticky:true}); return Promise.reject(reason); }); }, removeAllApps : () => { console.log(" removeAllApps start"); Progress.show({title:"Removing all apps",percent:"animate",sticky:true}); return new Promise((resolve,reject) => { let timeout = 5; function handleResult(result,err) { console.log(" removeAllApps: received "+JSON.stringify(result)); if (result=="" && (timeout--)) { console.log(" removeAllApps: no result - waiting some more ("+timeout+")."); // send space and delete - so it's something, but it should just cancel out Puck.write(" \u0008", handleResult, true /* wait for newline */); } else { Progress.hide({sticky:true}); if (!result || result.trim()!="OK") { if (!result) result = "No response"; else result = "Got "+JSON.stringify(result.trim()); return reject(err || result); } else resolve(); } } // Use write with newline here so we wait for it to finish let cmd = '\x10E.showMessage("Erasing...");require("Storage").eraseAll();Bluetooth.println("OK");reset()\n'; Puck.write(cmd, handleResult, true /* wait for newline */); }); }, setTime : () => { return new Promise((resolve,reject) => { let d = new Date(); let tz = d.getTimezoneOffset()/-60 let cmd = '\x03\x10setTime('+(d.getTime()/1000)+');'; // in 1v93 we have timezones too cmd += 'E.setTimeZone('+tz+');'; cmd += "(s=>{s&&(s.timezone="+tz+")&&require('Storage').write('setting.json',s);})(require('Storage').readJSON('setting.json',1))\n"; Puck.write(cmd, (result) => { if (result===null) return reject(""); resolve(); }); }); }, disconnectDevice: () => { let connection = Puck.getConnection(); if (!connection) return; connection.close(); }, watchConnectionChange : cb => { let connected = Puck.isConnected(); //TODO Switch to an event listener when Puck will support it let interval = setInterval(() => { if (connected === Puck.isConnected()) return; connected = Puck.isConnected(); cb(connected); }, 1000); //stop watching return () => { clearInterval(interval); }; }, listFiles : () => { return new Promise((resolve,reject) => { Puck.write("\x03",(result) => { if (result===null) return reject(""); //use encodeURIComponent to serialize octal sequence of append files Puck.eval('require("Storage").list().map(encodeURIComponent)', (files,err) => { if (files===null) return reject(err || ""); files = files.map(decodeURIComponent); console.log(" listFiles", files); resolve(files); }); }); }); }, readFile : (file) => { return new Promise((resolve,reject) => { //encode name to avoid serialization issue due to octal sequence const name = encodeURIComponent(file); Puck.write("\x03",(result) => { if (result===null) return reject(""); //TODO: big files will not fit in RAM. //we should loop and read chunks one by one. //Use btoa for binary content Puck.eval(`btoa(require("Storage").read(decodeURIComponent("${name}"))))`, (content,err) => { if (content===null) return reject(err || ""); resolve(atob(content)); }); }); }); }, readStorageFile : (filename) => { // StorageFiles are different to normal storage entries return new Promise((resolve,reject) => { // Use "\xFF" to signal end of file (can't occur in files anyway) let fileContent = ""; let fileSize = undefined; let connection = Puck.getConnection(); connection.received = ""; connection.cb = function(d) { let finished = false; let eofIndex = d.indexOf("\xFF"); if (eofIndex>=0) { finished = true; d = d.substr(0,eofIndex); } fileContent += d; if (fileSize === undefined) { let newLineIdx = fileContent.indexOf("\n"); if (newLineIdx>=0) { fileSize = parseInt(fileContent.substr(0,newLineIdx)); console.log(" readStorageFile size is "+fileSize); fileContent = fileContent.substr(newLineIdx+1); } } else { Progress.show({percent:100*fileContent.length / (fileSize||1000000)}); } if (finished) { Progress.hide(); connection.received = ""; connection.cb = undefined; resolve(fileContent); } }; console.log(` readStorageFile ${JSON.stringify(filename)}`); connection.write(`\x03\x10(function() { var f = require("Storage").open(${JSON.stringify(filename)},"r"); Bluetooth.println(f.getLength()); var l = f.readLine(); while (l!==undefined) { Bluetooth.print(l); l = f.readLine(); } Bluetooth.print("\xFF"); })()\n`,() => { Progress.show({title:`Reading ${JSON.stringify(filename)}`,percent:0}); console.log(` StorageFile read started...`); }); }); } };