--- # ================================================================= # ALL THE INFORMATION INSIDE APPS.JSON HAS NOW BEEN MOVED # # You'll find it inside a file called apps/yourapp/metadata.json # # Otherwise nothing has changed. GitHub Pages will automatically # create apps.json as your site is hosted, or if you're hosting # yourself you can run bin/create_apps_json.sh # # If you serve the store from localhost for development/testing, # the loader looks for apps.local.json instead, you can run # `bin/create_apps_json.sh apps.local.json` to create that file. # ================================================================= # Uncomment the following line if you only want explicitly listed # apps to be available on your site # restricted: ["boot", "launch", "antonclk", "health", "setting", "about", "widbat", "widbt", "widlock", "widid"] --- {%- if page.restricted == nil -%} {%- assign apps = site.static_files | where: "name", "metadata.json" | map: "path" -%} {%- else -%} {%- capture temp -%} {%- for app in page.restricted %} /apps/{{app}}/metadata.json {%- endfor -%} {%- endcapture -%} {%- assign apps = temp | strip | split: " " -%} {%- endif -%} [ {%- include_relative {{ apps.first }} -%} {%- for app in apps offset:1 -%} ,{%- include_relative {{ app }} -%} {%- endfor -%} ]