const HARDWARE_VERSION = process.env.HWVERSION; const timeWidth = 42; const screenWidth = HARDWARE_VERSION == 1 ? 239: 175; const screenHeight = HARDWARE_VERSION == 1 ? 239: 175; const weirdDayWidth = 28; const weirdWeekDayHeight = HARDWARE_VERSION == 1 ? 230: 166; const weirdSleepDayHeight = HARDWARE_VERSION == 1 ? 213: 149; const weirdDayBoxHeight = HARDWARE_VERSION == 1 ? 9: 7; const weirdAwakeHours = 19; const weirdSleepHours = 9; const normalDayWidth = HARDWARE_VERSION == 1 ? 24: 28; const normalWeekDayHeight = HARDWARE_VERSION == 1 ? 10: 9; const normalDayBoxHeight = HARDWARE_VERSION == 1 ? 9: 4; const normalSleepDayHeight = HARDWARE_VERSION == 1 ? 28: 27; const normalAwakeHours = 15; const normalSleepHours = 9; const timeSetHeight = HARDWARE_VERSION == 1 ? 30: 34; const timeSetDistance = HARDWARE_VERSION == 1 ? 50: 29; const backgroundColor = HARDWARE_VERSION == 1 ? "#2c2e3a": "#000000"; const mainTextColor = "#FFFFFF"; const watchColor = HARDWARE_VERSION == 1 ? "#aaaaaa": "#FFFFFF"; const sleepTextColor = "#FFFFFF"; const sleepBlockColor = HARDWARE_VERSION == 1 ? "#D8D8D8": "#000000"; const awakeTextColor = "#000000"; const awakeBlockColor = "#FFFFFF"; const dayTextColor = "#FFFFFF"; const dayBlockColor = HARDWARE_VERSION == 1 ? "#2c2e3a": "#000000"; const quotes = [ ["", "Drop the", "ancient", "way of", "sleeping", ""], ["Four day work", "weeks and you", "still get the", "two day.", "weekend", ""], ["", "New", "and", "improved", "28 hour days.", ""], ["", "18.5 hours of", "wakeful time.", "8.5 hours free.", "", ""], ["", "Six 28 hour days", "a week instead", "of seven 24", "hour days.", ""], ["", "18 Hours", "between", "work periods.", "Not 16.", ""], ["", "Sleep late on", "weekends without", "missing all the", "daylight.", ""], ["Trouble", "sleeping?", "Stay up until", "you are exhausted", "with four extra", "hours a day."], ["", "56 hour", "weekends", "beats a 48", "hour weekend.", ""], ["", "Still syncs up", "every Monday", "with the old 24", "hour a day week.", ""], ["", "Circadian", "rhythm", "shmircadian", "shrhythm.", ""], ["Studies showed", "people calculate", "better and have", "worse reaction", "times on this", "schedule."], ["", "This schedule", "will eventually", "drive one stark", "raving mad.", ""], ["No more", "Tuesdays.", "Nobody has ever", "missed", "Tuesdays.", ""], ["Step 1.", "Don't pay any", "attention", "to the", "sun anymore.", ""] ]; var quoteId = Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.floor(quotes.length - 1)); function hoursFromWeekStart(dayOfTheWeek, todayHours) { var previousDayHours; if(dayOfTheWeek == 0) { previousDayHours = 6 * 24; } else { previousDayHours = (dayOfTheWeek - 1) * 24; } return previousDayHours + todayHours; } function normalTo28HourDate(date) { var hourCount = hoursFromWeekStart(date.getDay(), date.getHours()); // Weird Days: 0-Tuesday to 5-Sunday var weirdDayOfTheWeek = Math.round((hourCount / 28) - 0.5); var weirdDate = { "dayText": getWeirdDayName(weirdDayOfTheWeek), "day": weirdDayOfTheWeek, "hourText": addLeadingZero(zeroTo28(hourCount - (weirdDayOfTheWeek * 28))), "hour": zeroTo28(hourCount - (weirdDayOfTheWeek * 28)), "minuteText": addLeadingZero(date.getMinutes()), "minute": date.getMinutes(), "secondText": addLeadingZero(date.getSeconds()), }; return weirdDate; } function zeroTo28(hour) { if (hour == 0) { return 28; } return hour; } function getWeirdDayName(weirdDayOfTheWeek) { if(weirdDayOfTheWeek == 0) { return "Monday"; } else if(weirdDayOfTheWeek == 1) { return "Wednesday"; } else if(weirdDayOfTheWeek == 2) { return "Thursday"; } else if(weirdDayOfTheWeek == 3) { return "Friday"; } else if(weirdDayOfTheWeek == 4) { return "Saturday"; } else if(weirdDayOfTheWeek == 5) { return "Sunday"; } } function getNormalDayName(normalDayOfTheWeek) { if(normalDayOfTheWeek == 0) { return "Sunday"; } else if(normalDayOfTheWeek == 1) { return "Monday"; } else if(normalDayOfTheWeek == 2) { return "Tuesday"; } else if(normalDayOfTheWeek == 3) { return "Wednesday"; } else if(normalDayOfTheWeek == 4) { return "Thursday"; } else if(normalDayOfTheWeek == 5) { return "Friday"; } else if(normalDayOfTheWeek == 6) { return "Saturday"; } } function addLeadingZero(number) { if(number < 10) { return "0" + number; } return "" + number; } function getNormalDateText(date) { var normalDate = { "dayText": getNormalDayName(date.getDay()), "day": date.getDay(), "hourText": addLeadingZero(date.getHours()), "hour": date.getHours(), "minuteText": addLeadingZero(date.getMinutes()), "minute": date.getMinutes(), "secondText": addLeadingZero(date.getSeconds()), }; return normalDate; } function dailyHourCount(hours, minutes) { return hours + (minutes / 60); } function getWeirdDayBlockSize() { return ((weirdDayWidth / timeWidth) * screenWidth); } function printWeirdWeekDay(dayText, percentOfBlock, startingPoint) { g.setColor(dayBlockColor); g.fillRect(startingPoint - (percentOfBlock * getWeirdDayBlockSize()), weirdWeekDayHeight - 10, startingPoint - (percentOfBlock * getWeirdDayBlockSize()) + getWeirdDayBlockSize(), weirdWeekDayHeight + 10); g.setColor(dayTextColor); g.drawRect(startingPoint - (percentOfBlock * getWeirdDayBlockSize()), weirdWeekDayHeight - 10, startingPoint - (percentOfBlock * getWeirdDayBlockSize()) + getWeirdDayBlockSize(), weirdWeekDayHeight + 10); g.drawString(dayText, startingPoint - (percentOfBlock * getWeirdDayBlockSize()) + (getWeirdDayBlockSize() / 2), weirdWeekDayHeight); } function printWeirdWeekDays(weirdDate) { var percentOfBlock = dailyHourCount(weirdDate.hour, weirdDate.minute) / weirdDayWidth; printWeirdWeekDay(weirdDate.dayText, percentOfBlock, screenWidth / 2); printWeirdWeekDay(getWeirdDayName(( + 6 - 1) % 6), percentOfBlock, screenWidth / 2 - getWeirdDayBlockSize()); printWeirdWeekDay(getWeirdDayName(( + 6 + 1) % 6), percentOfBlock, screenWidth / 2 + getWeirdDayBlockSize()); } function printWeirdSleepDay(sleepText, blockSize, textColor, blockColor, startingPoint) { g.setColor(blockColor); g.fillRect(startingPoint, weirdSleepDayHeight - 7, startingPoint + blockSize, weirdSleepDayHeight + 7); g.setColor(textColor); g.drawString(sleepText, startingPoint + (blockSize / 2), weirdSleepDayHeight); } function printWeirdSleepDays(weirdDate) { var sleepInfo = getWeirdSleepInfo(weirdDate.hour); var percentOfBlock = sleepInfo.internalBlockTime / sleepInfo.blockWidth; var startingPoint = (screenWidth / 2) - (percentOfBlock * sleepInfo.blockSize); printWeirdSleepDay(sleepInfo.text, sleepInfo.blockSize, sleepInfo.textColor, sleepInfo.blockColor, startingPoint); printWeirdSleepDay(sleepInfo.otherText, sleepInfo.otherBlockSize, sleepInfo.otherTextColor, sleepInfo.otherBlockColor, startingPoint - sleepInfo.otherBlockSize); printWeirdSleepDay(sleepInfo.text, sleepInfo.blockSize, sleepInfo.textColor, sleepInfo.blockColor, startingPoint - sleepInfo.otherBlockSize - sleepInfo.blockSize); printWeirdSleepDay(sleepInfo.otherText, sleepInfo.otherBlockSize, sleepInfo.otherTextColor, sleepInfo.otherBlockColor, startingPoint + sleepInfo.blockSize); printWeirdSleepDay(sleepInfo.text, sleepInfo.blockSize, sleepInfo.textColor, sleepInfo.blockColor, startingPoint + sleepInfo.otherBlockSize + sleepInfo.blockSize); } function getWeirdSleepInfo(weirdHour) { var text; var otherText; var blockSize; var otherBlockSize; var blockWidth; var internalBlockTime; var textColor; var blockColor; var otherTextColor; var otherBlockColor; if(weirdHour >= 8 && weirdHour <= 27) { text = "Awake"; otherText = "Sleep"; blockSize = (weirdDayWidth / timeWidth) * screenWidth * (weirdAwakeHours / weirdDayWidth); otherBlockSize = (weirdDayWidth / timeWidth) * screenWidth * (weirdSleepHours / weirdDayWidth); blockWidth = weirdAwakeHours; textColor = awakeTextColor; blockColor = awakeBlockColor; otherBlockColor = sleepBlockColor; otherTextColor = sleepTextColor; internalBlockTime = weirdHour - 8; } else { text = "Sleep"; otherText = "Awake"; blockSize = (weirdDayWidth / timeWidth) * screenWidth * (weirdSleepHours / weirdDayWidth); otherBlockSize = (weirdDayWidth / timeWidth) * screenWidth * (weirdAwakeHours / weirdDayWidth); blockWidth = weirdSleepHours; textColor = sleepTextColor; blockColor = sleepBlockColor; otherBlockColor = awakeBlockColor; otherTextColor = awakeTextColor; if(weirdHour <= 8) { internalBlockTime = weirdHour + 1; } else { internalBlockTime = 0; } } return { "text": text, "otherText": otherText, "blockSize": blockSize, "otherBlockSize": otherBlockSize, "blockWidth": blockWidth, "textColor": textColor, "blockColor": blockColor, "otherBlockColor": otherBlockColor, "otherTextColor": otherTextColor, "internalBlockTime": internalBlockTime }; } function getNormalDayBlockSize() { return ((normalDayWidth / timeWidth) * screenWidth); } function printNormalWeekDay(dayText, percentOfBlock, startingPoint) { g.setColor(dayBlockColor); g.fillRect(startingPoint - (percentOfBlock * getNormalDayBlockSize()), normalWeekDayHeight - 10, startingPoint - (percentOfBlock * getNormalDayBlockSize()) + getNormalDayBlockSize(), normalWeekDayHeight + 10); g.setColor(dayTextColor); g.drawRect(startingPoint - (percentOfBlock * getNormalDayBlockSize()), normalWeekDayHeight - 10, startingPoint - (percentOfBlock * getNormalDayBlockSize()) + getNormalDayBlockSize(), normalWeekDayHeight + 10); g.drawString(dayText, startingPoint - (percentOfBlock * getNormalDayBlockSize()) + (getNormalDayBlockSize() / 2), normalWeekDayHeight); } function printNormalWeekDays(normalDate) { var percentOfBlock = dailyHourCount(normalDate.hour, normalDate.minute) / normalDayWidth; printNormalWeekDay(normalDate.dayText, percentOfBlock, screenWidth / 2); printNormalWeekDay(getNormalDayName(( + 7 - 1) % 7), percentOfBlock, screenWidth / 2 - getNormalDayBlockSize()); printNormalWeekDay(getNormalDayName(( + 7 + 1) % 7), percentOfBlock, screenWidth / 2 + getNormalDayBlockSize()); } function printNormalSleepDay(sleepText, blockSize, textColor, blockColor, startingPoint) { g.setColor(blockColor); g.fillRect(startingPoint, normalSleepDayHeight - 8, startingPoint + blockSize, normalSleepDayHeight + 6); g.setColor(textColor); g.drawString(sleepText, startingPoint + (blockSize / 2), normalSleepDayHeight); } function printNormalSleepDays(normalDate) { var sleepInfo = getNormalSleepInfo(normalDate.hour); var percentOfBlock = sleepInfo.internalBlockTime / sleepInfo.blockWidth; var startingPoint = (screenWidth / 2) - (percentOfBlock * sleepInfo.blockSize); printNormalSleepDay(sleepInfo.text, sleepInfo.blockSize, sleepInfo.textColor, sleepInfo.blockColor, startingPoint); printNormalSleepDay(sleepInfo.otherText, sleepInfo.otherBlockSize, sleepInfo.otherTextColor, sleepInfo.otherBlockColor, startingPoint - sleepInfo.otherBlockSize); printNormalSleepDay(sleepInfo.text, sleepInfo.blockSize, sleepInfo.textColor, sleepInfo.blockColor, startingPoint - sleepInfo.otherBlockSize - sleepInfo.blockSize); printNormalSleepDay(sleepInfo.otherText, sleepInfo.otherBlockSize, sleepInfo.otherTextColor, sleepInfo.otherBlockColor, startingPoint + sleepInfo.blockSize); printNormalSleepDay(sleepInfo.text, sleepInfo.blockSize, sleepInfo.textColor, sleepInfo.blockColor, startingPoint + sleepInfo.otherBlockSize + sleepInfo.blockSize); } function getNormalSleepInfo(normalHour) { var text; var otherText; var blockSize; var otherBlockSize; var blockWidth; var internalBlockTime; var textColor; var blockColor; var otherTextColor; var otherBlockColor; if(normalHour >= 8 && normalHour <= 23) { text = "Awake"; otherText = "Sleep"; blockSize = (normalDayWidth / timeWidth) * screenWidth * (normalAwakeHours / normalDayWidth); otherBlockSize = (normalDayWidth / timeWidth) * screenWidth * (normalSleepHours / normalDayWidth); blockWidth = normalAwakeHours; internalBlockTime = normalHour - 8; textColor = awakeTextColor; blockColor = awakeBlockColor; otherBlockColor = sleepBlockColor; otherTextColor = sleepTextColor; } else { text = "Sleep"; otherText = "Awake"; blockSize = (normalDayWidth / timeWidth) * screenWidth * (normalSleepHours / normalDayWidth); otherBlockSize = (normalDayWidth / timeWidth) * screenWidth * (normalAwakeHours / normalDayWidth); blockWidth = normalSleepHours; textColor = sleepTextColor; blockColor = sleepBlockColor; otherBlockColor = awakeBlockColor; otherTextColor = awakeTextColor; if(normalHour <= 8) { internalBlockTime = normalHour + 1; } else { internalBlockTime = 0; } } return { "text": text, "otherText": otherText, "blockSize": blockSize, "otherBlockSize": otherBlockSize, "blockWidth": blockWidth, "textColor": textColor, "blockColor": blockColor, "otherBlockColor": otherBlockColor, "otherTextColor": otherTextColor, "internalBlockTime": internalBlockTime }; } function drawClockPointer() { g.setColor(watchColor); var middle = screenWidth / 2; var circleTop = normalSleepDayHeight + 38; var circleBottom = weirdSleepDayHeight - 40; g.fillPoly([ middle, circleBottom, middle - 25, circleBottom - 5, middle - 40, circleBottom - 16, middle - 10, circleBottom + 5, middle - 3, circleBottom + 10, middle, circleBottom + 15 ]); g.fillPoly([ middle, circleBottom, middle + 25, circleBottom - 5, middle + 40, circleBottom - 16, middle + 10, circleBottom + 5, middle + 3, circleBottom + 10, middle, circleBottom + 15 ]); if (HARDWARE_VERSION == 1) { g.fillPoly([ middle, circleTop, middle - 25, circleTop + 5, middle - 40, circleTop + 16, middle - 10, circleTop - 5, middle - 3, circleTop - 10, middle, circleTop - 15 ]); g.fillPoly([ middle, circleTop, middle + 25, circleTop + 5, middle + 40, circleTop + 16, middle + 10, circleTop - 5, middle + 3, circleTop - 10, middle, circleTop - 15 ]); } } function getNormalEvent(date) { if(date.hour == 8) { if(date.minute <= 15) { return "Starting Breakfast"; } else if(date.minute >= 45) { return "Ending Breakfast"; } return "Breakfast"; } else if(date.hour == 12) { if(date.minute <= 15) { return "Starting Lunch"; } else if(date.minute >= 45) { return "Ending Lunch"; } return "Lunch"; } else if(date.hour == 18) { if(date.minute <= 15) { return "Starting Dinner"; } else if(date.minute >= 45) { return "Ending Dinner"; } return "Dinner"; } else if(date.dayText == "Saturday" || date.dayText == "Sunday") { if(date.dayText == "Sunday" && date.hour == 23 && date.minute >= 45) { return "Weekend Ending"; } return "Weekend"; } else if(date.hour >= 9 && date.hour <= 17) { if(date.dayText == "Monday" && date.hour == 9 && date.minute <= 15) { return "Starting Work"; } else if(date.dayText == "Friday" && date.hour == 17 && date.minute >= 45) { return "Work Ending"; } return "Work"; } return ""; } function getWeirdEvent(date) { if (date.hour == 28) { return "THE VOID"; } else if(date.hour == 8) { if(date.minute <= 15) { return "Starting Breakfast"; } else if(date.minute >= 45) { return "Ending Breakfast"; } return "Breakfast"; } else if(date.hour == 13) { return "Mid-day Nothingness"; } else if(date.hour == 14) { if(date.minute <= 15) { return "Starting Lincoln Lunch"; } else if(date.minute >= 45) { return "Ending Lincoln Lunch"; } return "Forescoreteen! Lincoln Lunch"; } else if(date.hour == 23) { if(date.minute <= 15) { return "Starting Dinner"; } else if(date.minute >= 45) { return "Ending Dinner"; } return "Dinner"; } else if(date.hour == 27) { return "Threeteen"; } else if(date.dayText == "Saturday" || date.dayText == "Sunday") { if(date.dayText == "Sunday" && date.hour == 27 && date.minute >= 45) { return "Weekend Ending"; } return "Weekend"; } else if(date.hour >= 9 && date.hour <= 19) { if(date.dayText == "Monday" && date.hour == 9 && date.minute <= 15) { return "Starting Work"; } else if(date.dayText == "Friday" && date.hour == 19 && date.minute >= 45) { return "Work Ending"; } return "Work"; } return ""; } function getWeirdHourLabel(hour){ if(hour == 13) { return ["Mid-day", "Nothingness", ""]; } else if(hour == 14) { return ["Forescoreteen", "Lincoln's", "Hour"]; } else if(hour == 27) { return ["", "Threeteen", ""]; } else if (hour == 28) { return ["", "THE VOID", ""]; } return ["", "", ""]; } function printTime(thisDate, isShowTime) { printBackground(); var weirdDate = normalTo28HourDate(thisDate); var normalDate = getNormalDateText(thisDate); var normalTime = normalDate.hourText + ":" + normalDate.minuteText; var weirdTime = weirdDate.hourText + ":" + weirdDate.minuteText; g.setFontAlign(0, 0, 0); g.setColor(mainTextColor); if(isShowTime) { g.setFont("Vector", 36); g.drawString(weirdTime, (screenWidth / 2) + 3, (screenHeight / 2) + 3); g.setFont("6x8", 2); if (HARDWARE_VERSION == 1) { g.drawString(normalTime, screenWidth / 2 + 3, 84); g.setFont("6x8", 1); var threeLabels = getWeirdHourLabel(weirdDate.hour); g.drawString(threeLabels[0], screenWidth / 2 + 3, weirdSleepDayHeight - 70); g.drawString(threeLabels[1], screenWidth / 2 + 3, weirdSleepDayHeight - 60); g.drawString(threeLabels[2], screenWidth / 2 + 3, weirdSleepDayHeight - 50); } else { g.drawString(normalTime, screenWidth / 2 + 3, 64); } } else { if (HARDWARE_VERSION == 1) { g.setFont("6x8", 1); g.drawString(quotes[quoteId][0], (screenWidth / 2) + 1, (screenHeight / 2) - 25); g.drawString(quotes[quoteId][1], (screenWidth / 2) + 1, (screenHeight / 2) - 15); g.drawString(quotes[quoteId][2], (screenWidth / 2) + 1, (screenHeight / 2) - 5); g.drawString(quotes[quoteId][3], (screenWidth / 2) + 1, (screenHeight / 2) + 5); g.drawString(quotes[quoteId][4], (screenWidth / 2) + 1, (screenHeight / 2) + 15); g.drawString(quotes[quoteId][5], (screenWidth / 2) + 1, (screenHeight / 2) + 25); g.setFont("6x8", 1); g.drawString("Forward ->", screenWidth - 40, normalSleepDayHeight + 35); g.drawString("Backwards ->", screenWidth - 40, weirdSleepDayHeight - 35); } else { g.setFont("Vector", 36); g.drawString(weirdTime, (screenWidth / 2) + 3, (screenHeight / 2) + 3); g.setFont("6x8", 2); g.drawString(normalTime, screenWidth / 2 + 3, 64); } } g.setFont("6x8", 1); g.drawString(getNormalEvent(normalDate), screenWidth / 2 + 3, normalSleepDayHeight + 16); g.drawString(getWeirdEvent(weirdDate), screenWidth / 2 + 3, weirdSleepDayHeight - 16); g.setFont("6x8", 2); printWeirdWeekDays(weirdDate); printNormalWeekDays(normalDate); g.setColor(sleepTextColor); g.setFont("6x8", 1); printWeirdSleepDays(weirdDate); printNormalSleepDays(normalDate); } function printBackground() { g.setFontAlign(0, 0, 0); g.setColor(backgroundColor); g.fillRect(0, normalSleepDayHeight + normalDayBoxHeight, screenWidth, weirdSleepDayHeight - weirdDayBoxHeight); g.setColor(mainTextColor); if (HARDWARE_VERSION == 1) { g.drawLine(0, screenHeight / 2, 64, screenHeight / 2); g.drawLine(173, screenHeight / 2, screenWidth, screenHeight / 2); } else { g.drawLine(0, screenHeight / 2, 32, screenHeight / 2); g.drawLine(140, screenHeight / 2, screenWidth, screenHeight / 2); } g.setFont("6x8", 2); g.drawString("24x7", timeSetHeight, normalSleepDayHeight + timeSetDistance); g.drawString("28x6", timeSetHeight, weirdSleepDayHeight - timeSetDistance); g.setColor(watchColor); if (HARDWARE_VERSION == 1) { g.drawCircle(screenWidth / 2, screenHeight / 2, 55); g.drawCircle(screenWidth / 2, screenHeight / 2, 54); g.drawCircle(screenWidth / 2, screenHeight / 2, 53); } drawClockPointer(); } var now = new Date(); var minute = now.getMinutes(); var lookingDate = false; var lookBack = false; var timeout = false; printTime(now, true); function isPrintTime() { var currentTime = new Date(); var thisMinute = currentTime.getMinutes(); if(thisMinute != minute || lookBack) { if(lookBack) { lookBack = false; timeout = false; minute = thisMinute; printTime(currentTime, true); } } } var secondInterval = setInterval(isPrintTime, 1000); // Stop updates when LCD is off, restart when on Bangle.on('lcdPower',on=>{ if (secondInterval) clearInterval(secondInterval); secondInterval = undefined; if (on) { secondInterval = setInterval(isPrintTime, 1000); } }); function lookCurrent() { lookBack = true; } if (HARDWARE_VERSION == 1) { setWatch(() => { var timeBehind = 3600000 * 12; if(quoteId <= 0) { quoteId = quotes.length - 1; } else { quoteId = quoteId - 1; } if(!lookingDate) { lookingDate = new Date(); } lookingDate = new Date(lookingDate.getTime() - timeBehind); printTime(lookingDate, false); if(timeout) { clearTimeout(timeout); } timeout = setTimeout(()=>lookCurrent(), 6000); }, BTN2, { repeat: true, edge: "falling" }); setWatch(() => { var timeAhead = 3600000 * 12; if(quoteId >= quotes.length - 1) { quoteId = 0; } else { quoteId = quoteId + 1; } if(!lookingDate) { lookingDate = new Date(); } lookingDate = new Date(lookingDate.getTime() + timeAhead); printTime(lookingDate, false); if(timeout) { clearTimeout(timeout); } timeout = setTimeout(()=>lookCurrent(), 6000); }, BTN3, { repeat: true, edge: "falling" }); } let onSwipe = (x, y) => { if (x == 1) { var timeBehind = 3600000 * 1; if(quoteId <= 0) { quoteId = quotes.length - 1; } else { quoteId = quoteId - 1; } if(!lookingDate) { lookingDate = new Date(); } lookingDate = new Date(lookingDate.getTime() - timeBehind); printTime(lookingDate, false); if(timeout) { clearTimeout(timeout); } timeout = setTimeout(()=>lookCurrent(), 6000); } else if (x == -1) { var timeAhead = 3600000 * 1; if(quoteId >= quotes.length - 1) { quoteId = 0; } else { quoteId = quoteId + 1; } if(!lookingDate) { lookingDate = new Date(); } lookingDate = new Date(lookingDate.getTime() + timeAhead); printTime(lookingDate, false); if(timeout) { clearTimeout(timeout); } timeout = setTimeout(()=>lookCurrent(), 6000); } }; Bangle.on("swipe", onSwipe); setWatch(Bangle.showLauncher, BTN, { repeat: false, edge: "falling" });