0.01: New App! 0.02: Fix scheduling of other alarms if there is a pending alarm from the past (fix #1667) 0.03: Fix `getTimeToAlarm` for a timer already used at same day, don't set `last` for timers. 0.04: Fix `getTimeToAlarm` to check for next dow if alarm.t lower currentTime. 0.05: Export new functions (`newDefaultAlarm/Timer`), add Settings page 0.06: Refactor some methods to library 0.07: Update settings Correct `decodeTime(t)` to return a more likely expected time 0.08: Add day of week check to getActiveAlarms() 0.09: Move some functions to new time_utils module 0.10: Default to sched.js if custom js not found 0.11: Fix default dow 0.12: Update default buzz patterns to new values Improve timer message using formatDuration Fix wrong fallback for buzz pattern 0.13: Ask to delete a timer after stopping it 0.14: Added clkinfo for alarms and timers 0.15: Automatic translation of some string in clkinfo 0.16: Improve support for date timezone 0.17: Fix midnight in local timezone (alarms wouldn't always fire as expected in timezone != 0) 0.18: Update clock_info to avoid a redraw 0.19: Update clock_info to refresh periodically on active alarms/timers 0.20: Alarm dismiss and snooze events 0.21: Fix crash in clock_info 0.22: Dated event repeat option 0.23: Allow buzzing forever when an alarm fires 0.24: Emit alarmReload when alarms change (used by widalarm) 0.25: Fix wrap around when snoozed through midnight 0.26: Fix hitting snooze on an alarm after when the snooze would've fired 0.27: Tapping clkinfo enables/disables the selected alarm 0.28: Added an icon for disabled events