const storage = require('Storage'); const locale = require("locale"); const font12 = g.getFonts().includes("12x20"); const font = font12 ? "12x20" : "6x8"; const fontsize = font12 ? 1: 2; const fontheight = 19; const marginTop = 5; const marginLeftTopic = 3; // margin of topics const marginLeftData = font12 ? 64 : 75; // margin of data values const topicColor = g.theme.dark ? "#fff" : "#000"; const textColor = g.theme.dark ? "#0f0" : "#080"; const textColorRed = g.theme.dark ? "#FF0000" : "#FF0000"; let hrtValue; let hrtValueIsOld = false; let localTempValue; let weatherTempString; let lastHeartRateRowIndex; let lastStepsRowIndex; let i = 2; let settings; function loadSettings() { settings = storage.readJSON('clicompleteclk.json', 1) || {}; } function setting(key) { if (!settings) { loadSettings(); } const DEFAULTS = { 'battery': true, 'batteryLvl': 30, 'weather': true, 'steps': true, 'heartrate': true }; return (key in settings) ? settings[key] : DEFAULTS[key]; } let showBattery = setting('battery'); let batteryWarnLevel = setting('batteryLvl'); let showWeather = setting('weather'); let showSteps = setting('steps'); let showHeartRate = setting('heartrate'); var drawTimeout; function queueDraw() { if (drawTimeout) clearTimeout(drawTimeout); drawTimeout = setTimeout(function() { drawTimeout = undefined; drawAll(true); }, 60000 - ( % 60000)); } function drawAll(drawInfoToo){ let now = new Date(); updateTime(now); if (drawInfoToo) { drawInfo(now); } queueDraw(); } function updateTime(now){ if (!Bangle.isLCDOn()) return; writeLineTopic("TIME", 1); writeLine(locale.time(now,1),1); } function drawInfo(now) { if (now == undefined) now = new Date(); i = 2; writeLineTopic("DOWK", i); writeLine(locale.dow(now),i); i++; writeLineTopic("DATE", i); writeLine(,1),i); i++; if (showBattery) { writeLineTopic("BATT", i); const b = E.getBattery(); writeLine(b + "%", i, b > batteryWarnLevel ? textColor : textColorRed); i++; } if (showWeather) { drawWeather(); } if (showSteps) { drawSteps(i); i++; } if (showHeartRate) { drawHeartRate(i); } } function drawWeather() { const weatherJson = getWeather(); if(weatherJson &&{ const currentWeather =; const weatherTempValue = locale.temp(currentWeather.temp-273.15); weatherTempString = weatherTempValue; writeLineTopic("WTHR", i); writeLine(currentWeather.txt,i); i++; writeLineTopic("TEMP", i); writeLine(weatherTempValue,i); i++; } } function drawSteps(i) { if (!showSteps) return; if (i == undefined) i = lastStepsRowIndex; const steps = getSteps(); if (steps != undefined) { writeLineTopic("STEP", i); writeLine(steps, i); } lastStepsRowIndex = i; } function drawHeartRate(i) { if (!showHeartRate) return; if (i == undefined) i = lastHeartRateRowIndex; writeLineTopic("HRTM", i); if (hrtValue != undefined) { if (!hrtValueIsOld) writeLine(hrtValue,i); else writeLine(hrtValue,i, topicColor); } lastHeartRateRowIndex = i; } function writeLineTopic(str, line) { var y = marginTop+line*fontheight; g.setFont(font,fontsize); g.setColor(topicColor).setFontAlign(-1,-1); g.clearRect(0,y,g.getWidth(),y+fontheight-1); g.drawString("[" + str + "]",marginLeftTopic,y); } function writeLine(str,line,pColor){ if (pColor == undefined) pColor = textColor; var y = marginTop+line*fontheight; g.setFont(font,fontsize); g.setColor(pColor).setFontAlign(-1,-1); g.drawString(str,marginLeftData,y); } function getSteps() { var steps = 0; let health; try { health = require("health"); } catch (e) { // Module health not found } if (health != undefined) { health.readDay(new Date(), h=>steps+=h.steps); } else if (WIDGETS.wpedom !== undefined) { return WIDGETS.wpedom.getSteps(); } else if (WIDGETS.activepedom !== undefined) { return WIDGETS.activepedom.getSteps(); } return steps; } function getWeather() { let jsonWeather = storage.readJSON('weather.json'); return jsonWeather; } // EVENTS: // turn on HRM when the LCD is unlocked Bangle.on('lock', function(isLocked) { if (!isLocked) { if (showHeartRate) { Bangle.setHRMPower(1,"clicompleteclk"); if (hrtValue == undefined) hrtValue = "..."; else hrtValueIsOld = true; } } else { if (showHeartRate) { hrtValueIsOld = true; Bangle.setHRMPower(0,"clicompleteclk"); } } // Update steps and heart rate drawSteps(); drawHeartRate(); }); Bangle.on('lcdPower',function(on) { if (on) { drawAll(true); } else { if (showHeartRate) { hrtValueIsOld = true; } if (drawTimeout) clearTimeout(drawTimeout); drawTimeout = undefined; } }); if (showHeartRate) { Bangle.on('HRM', function(hrm) { //if(hrm.confidence > 90){ hrtValueIsOld = false; hrtValue = hrm.bpm; if (Bangle.isLCDOn()) drawHeartRate(); //} else { // hrtValue = undefined; //} }); } g.clear(); Bangle.setUI("clock"); Bangle.loadWidgets(); Bangle.drawWidgets(); loadSettings(); drawAll(true);