(function(){ if (!Bangle.isHRMOn) return; // old firmware var hp = Bangle.setHRMPower; Bangle.setHRMPower = () => { hp.apply(Bangle, arguments); WIDGETS.widhrt.draw(); }; var bp = Math.round(Bangle.getHealthStatus().bpm||Bangle.getHealthStatus("last").bpm); Bangle.on('HRM',(e)=>{ //console.log('onHrm'); if (e && e.confidence>60) bp = Math.round(e.bpm); if (bp == 0) bp = Math.round(Bangle.getHealthStatus().bpm||Bangle.getHealthStatus("last").bpm); WIDGETS["widhrt"].draw(); }); WIDGETS.widhrt={area:"tr",sortorder:9,width:56,draw:function() { g.reset(); // Lato from fonts.google.com, Actual height 17 (17 - 1), Numeric only g.setFontCustom(atob("AAAAABwAAOAAAgAAHAADwAD4AB8AB8AA+AAeAADAAAAOAAP+AH/8B4DwMAGBgAwMAGBgAwOAOA//gD/4AD4AAAAAAAABgAAcAwDAGAwAwP/+B//wAAGAAAwAAGAAAAAAAAIAwHgOA4DwMA+BgOwMDmBg4wOeGA/gwDwGAAAAAAAAAGAHA8A4DwMAGBhAwMMGBjgwOcOA+/gDj4AAAAABgAAcAAHgADsAA5gAOMAHBgBwMAP/+B//wABgAAMAAAAAAAgD4OB/AwOYGBjAwMYGBjBwMe8Bh/AIHwAAAAAAAAAfAAP8AHxwB8GAdgwPMGBxgwMOOAB/gAH4AAAAAAABgAAMAABgAwMAeBgPgMHwBj4AN8AB+AAPAABAAAAAAAMfAH38B/xwMcGBhgwMMGBjgwP+OA+/gDj4AAAAAAAAOAAH4AA/gQMMGBgzwME8BhvAOPgA/4AD8AAEAAAAAAGAwA4OAHBwAAA="), 46, atob("BAgMDAwMDAwMDAwMBQ=="), 21+(1<<8)+(1<<16)); //console.log("hrm=" + bp); var text_w = g.stringWidth(bp); var hw = 20; // heart image width var w = text_w + 3 + hw + 2; // we need this to be able to shrink or grow on the 3,2,1 digit bpm if (w != this.width) {this.width = w; setTimeout(() => Bangle.drawWidgets(),10); return;} //var h = 12; // height g.setColor(g.theme.bg); g.fillRect(this.x, this.y, this.x + this.width, this.y + 23); // erase background g.setColor(g.theme.fg); g.setFontAlign(-1, 0); g.drawString(bp, this.x, this.y + 12); var x = this.x + text_w + 3; // draw image if (Bangle.isHRMOn()) { g.setColor('#f00'); // on = red } else { g.setColor(g.theme.dark ? '#fff' : '#000'); // off } // image converter https://www.espruino.com/Image+Converter ; settings to get a fillable image // 1 bit bw, transparency? Y, transparent bg, white heart (must be white for color fill) g.drawImage(atob("FBSBAAAAAAAAAAAB+fg//8f//n//5//+f//n//5//+P//D//wf/4D/8Af+AB+AAPAABgAAAA"), x, 1+this.y); }}; })();