0.01: New App! 0.02: Add the option to enable touching the widget only on clock and settings. 0.03: Settings page now uses built-in min/max/wrap (fix #1607) 0.04: Add masking widget input to other apps (using espruino/Espruino#2151), add a oversize option to increase the touch area. 0.05: Prevent drawing into app area. 0.06: Fix issue where .draw was being called by reference (not allowing widgets to be hidden) 0.07: Handle the swipe event that is generated when draging to change light intensity, so it doesn't trigger some other swipe handler. 0.08: Ensure boot code doesn't allocate and leave a gloval variable named 'settings' 0.09: Handle lightswitch logic running before its widget has loaded 0.10: Minor code improvements