# Clock Info module Module that allows for loading of clock 'info' displays that can be scrolled through on the clock face. ## Usage In most clocks that use Clock Info, you can interact with it the following way: * Tap on an info menu to 'focus' it (this will highlight it in some way) * Swipe up/down to change which info is displayed within the category * Tap to activate (if supported), eg for a Stopwatch, Home Assistant, etc * Swipe left/right to change between categories (Bangle.js/Agenda/etc) * Tap outside the area of the Clock Info to 'defocus' it ## Extensions By default Clock Info provides: * Battery * Steps * Heart Rate (HRM) * Altitude But by installing other apps that are tagged with the type `clkinfo` you can add extra features. For example [Sunrise Clockinfo](http://banglejs.com/apps/?id=clkinfosunrise) A full list is available at https://banglejs.com/apps/?q=clkinfo ## Settings Available from `Settings -> Apps -> Clock Info` * `Defocus on Lock` - (default=on) when the watch screen auto-locks, defocus and previously focussed Clock Infos * `HRM` - (default=always) when does the HRM stay on? * `Always` - When a HRM ClockInfo is shown, keep the HRM on * `Tap` - When a HRM ClockInfo is shown, turn HRM on for 1 minute. Turn on again when tapped. * `Max Altitude` - on clocks like [Circles Clock](https://banglejs.com/apps/?id=circlesclock) a progress/percent indicator may be shown. The percentage for altitude will be how far towards the Max Altitude you are. If you go higher than `Max Altitude` the correct altitude will still be shown - the percent indicator will just read 100% ## API (Software development) See http://www.espruino.com/Bangle.js+Clock+Info for details on using this module inside your apps (or generating your own Clock Info extensions). `load()` returns an array of menu objects, where each object contains a list of menu items: * `name` : text to display and identify menu object (e.g. weather) * `img` : a 24x24px image * `dynamic` : if `true`, items are not constant but are sorted (e.g. calendar events sorted by date) * `items` : menu items such as temperature, humidity, wind etc. Note that each item is an object with: * `item.name` : friendly name to identify an item (e.g. temperature) * `item.hasRange` : if `true`, `.get` returns `v/min/max` values (for progress bar/guage) * `item.get` : function that returns an object: ```JS { 'text' // the text to display for this item 'short' // optional: a shorter text to display for this item (at most 6 characters) 'img' // optional: a 24x24px image to display for this item 'color' // optional: a color string (like "#f00") to color the icon in compatible clocks 'v' // (if hasRange==true) a numerical value 'min','max' // (if hasRange==true) a minimum and maximum numerical value (if this were to be displayed as a guage) } ``` * `item.show` : called when item should be shown. Enables updates. Call BEFORE 'get' * `item.hide` : called when item should be hidden. Disables updates. * `.on('redraw', ...)` : event that is called when 'get' should be called again (only after 'item.show') * `item.run` : (optional) called if the info screen is tapped - can perform some action. Return true if the caller should feedback the user. See the bottom of `lib.js` for example usage... example.clkinfo.js : ```JS (function() { return { name: "Bangle", img: atob("GBiBAAD+AAH+AAH+AAH+AAH/AAOHAAYBgAwAwBgwYBgwYBgwIBAwOBAwOBgYIBgMYBgAYAwAwAYBgAOHAAH/AAH+AAH+AAH+AAD+AA==") }), items: [ { name : "Item1", get : () => ({ text : "TextOfItem1", v : 10, min : 0, max : 100, img : atob("GBiBAAD+AAH+AAH+AAH+AAH/AAOHAAYBgAwAwBgwYBgwYBgwIBAwOBAwOBgYIBgMYBgAYAwAwAYBgAOHAAH/AAH+AAH+AAH+AAD+AA==") }), show : () => {}, hide : () => {} // run : () => {} optional (called when tapped) } ] }; }) // must not have a semi-colon! ```