const isB2 = process.env.HWVERSION === 2; // Bangle.js 1 runs just too fast in direct mode??? (also no getPixel) if (!isB2) Bangle.setLCDMode("120x120"); const options = Bangle.getOptions(); options.lockTimeout = 0; options.lcdPowerTimeout = 0; Bangle.setOptions(options); g.reset(); g.setBgColor(0, 0, 0); g.setColor(255, 255, 255); g.clear(); const h = g.getHeight(); function trigToCoord(ret) { return ((ret + 1) * h) / 2; } function trigToLen(ret) { return (ret * h) / 2; } let i = 0.2; let speedCoef = 0.014; let flowFile = require("Storage").readJSON("flow.json"); let highestI = (flowFile && flowFile.hiscore) || 0.1; let colorA = [255, 255, 0]; let colorB = [0, 255, 255]; let x = 0; let xt = 0; let safeMode = false; let lost = false; function offsetRect(g, x, y, w) { g.fillRect(x, y, x + w, y + w); } function getColor(num) { return [ [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1], [0.5, 0.5, 1], [1, 0.5, 0], [0, 1, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5], ][num]; } function calculateColor(num) { colorA = getColor(Math.floor((num % 1) * 10)); colorB = getColor(Math.floor((num % 10) - (num % 1))); } calculateColor(highestI); Bangle.on("touch", () => (safeMode = !safeMode)); function resetGame() { x = xt = 0; safeMode = lost = false; i = 0.2; speedCoef = 0.014; obstaclePeriod = 150; obstacleMode = 1; g.clear(); shownScore = false; intervalId = setInterval(draw); } function checkCollision() { lost = g.getPixel(trigToCoord(+x), (h * 2) / 3 - 4) !== 0; if (lost) { scoringI = i; speedCoef = Math.min(speedCoef, 0.02); g.setFont(isB2 ? "6x15" : "4x6", 3); g.setColor(colorA[0], colorA[1], colorA[2]) .drawString( "Game over", trigToCoord(0) - g.stringWidth("Game over") / 2, trigToCoord(0) ) .setColor(1, 1, 1); } } function drawPlayer() { if (!safeMode) xt = Math.cos(i * Math.PI * 4) / 7.5; else xt = -Math.cos(i * Math.PI * 2) / 20 + 0.35; x = x * 0.8 + xt * 0.2; if (highestI > 250) calculateColor(i); g.setColor(colorA[0], colorA[1], colorA[2]); offsetRect(g, trigToCoord(+x), (h * 2) / 3, 3); g.setColor(colorB[0], colorB[1], colorB[2]); offsetRect(g, trigToCoord(-x), (h * 2) / 3, 3); } let obstaclePeriod = 150; let obstacleMode = 1; function drawObstracle() { g.setColor(1, 1, 1); switch (obstacleMode) { case 0: offsetRect(g, trigToCoord(-0.15), 0, trigToLen(0.3)); break; case 1: offsetRect(g, trigToCoord(0.2), 0, trigToLen(0.2)); offsetRect(g, trigToCoord(-0.4), 0, trigToLen(0.2)); break; case 2: break; } obstaclePeriod--; if (obstaclePeriod <= 0) { // If we are off cooldown mode, pick a random actual mode if (obstacleMode === 2) { obstaclePeriod = Math.random() * 50 + 50; obstacleMode = Math.round(Math.random()); } else if (Math.random() > 0.5) { // Give it a chance to repeat with no cooldown obstaclePeriod = 25 + 2.5 * speedCoef; obstacleMode = 2; } } } let shownScore = false; let scoringI = 0; function draw() { if (!lost) { drawPlayer(); checkCollision(); speedCoef *= 1.0005; drawObstracle(); } else { speedCoef /= 1.05; if (speedCoef <= 0.005) { clearInterval(intervalId); i -= speedCoef; g.setFont(isB2 ? "6x15" : "4x6", 1); const str = "Hiscore: " + Math.round(highestI * 10); g.setColor( scoringI > highestI ? 0 : 255, 0, scoringI > highestI ? 255 : 0 ) .drawString( str, trigToCoord(0) - g.stringWidth(str) / 2, trigToCoord(0) ) .setColor(255, 255, 255); if (scoringI > highestI) { highestI = scoringI; require("Storage").writeJSON("flow.json", { hiscore: highestI, }); calculateColor(highestI); } setTimeout(resetGame, 3000); } else if (speedCoef <= 0.01 && !shownScore) { shownScore = true; g.setFont(isB2 ? "6x15" : "4x6", 2); const str = "Score: " + Math.round(scoringI * 10); g.setColor(colorB[0], colorB[1], colorB[2]) .drawString( str, trigToCoord(0) - g.stringWidth(str) / 2, trigToCoord(0) ) .setColor(1, 1, 1); } } i += speedCoef; g.scroll(0, speedCoef * h); g.flip(); } let intervalId; if ( { for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { const color = getColor(i); g.setColor(color[0], color[1], color[2]); g.fillRect((i / 10) * h, 0, ((i + 1) / 10) * h, h); } g.setColor(0); g.setFont("Vector", 9); let str = "Welcome to the debug screen!"; g.drawString( str, trigToCoord(0) - g.stringWidth(str) / 2, trigToCoord(0) - 9 ); str = "Don't hold BTN while opening to play!"; g.drawString(str, trigToCoord(0) - g.stringWidth(str) / 2, trigToCoord(0)); g.flip(); setInterval(() => { g.scroll(0, 0.014 * h); i += 0.014; calculateColor(i); g.setColor(colorA[0], colorA[1], colorA[2]); g.fillRect(0, 0, trigToCoord(0), 0.014 * h); g.setColor(colorB[0], colorB[1], colorB[2]); g.fillRect(trigToCoord(0), 0, trigToCoord(1), 0.014 * h); }, 1000 / 30); } else intervalId = setInterval(draw, 1000 / 30);