# Notifications (default) The default version of the `notify` module for displaying notifications in a bar at the top of the screen This module is installed by default by client applications such as Gadgetbridge. **Note:** There are other implementations of this library available such as `notifyfs` (Fullscreen Notifications). These can be used in the exact same way from code, but they look different to the user. ## Usage ```JS options = { on : bool, // turn screen on, default true (But not if Quiet Mode is enabled) size : int, // height of notification, default is fit to height (80 max) title : string, // optional title id // optional notification ID, used with hide() src : string, // optional source name body : string, // optional body text icon : string, // optional icon (image string) render function(area) {} // function callback to render in area{x,y,w,h} }; // eg... show notification require("notify").show({title:"Test", body:"Hello"}); // or display lots of text, with a phone icon require("notify").show({ title:"Hello", src:"Test", body:"This is a really really really long bit of text that has to be wrapped", icon:require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("jEYxH+ACcejwUUAAYWVjESCqoABCqoYNCpQXLCxgXJQowtTA4ZbSZiwW/C4gWWjAXVZwIuVWhxFIC6z6OLpIXSCywXYDAIWVAAYXTA==")) }); // remove it (can also be removed by tapping) require("notify").hide(); // Use ID to only hide a specific notification if it is still visible require("notify").show({id:1, title:"Test", body:"Some Alert"}); require("notify").show({id:"msg", title:"Message", body:"Incoming Message"}); // replaces Test Alert require("notify").hide({id:1}); // does nothing, because the Test Alert was already replaced require("notify").hide({id:"msg"}); // hides Message require("notify").hide(); // hides current notification, whatever it was ```