const STORAGE = require("Storage"); const showWidgets = true; let numberOfSlices=4; if (showWidgets){ Bangle.loadWidgets(); } let state = WIDGETS.gpstrek.getState(); WIDGETS.gpstrek.start(false); function parseNumber(toParse){ if (toParse.includes(".")) return parseFloat(toParse); return parseFloat("" + toParse + ".0"); } function parseWaypoint(filename, offset, result){ = parseNumber(, offset, 11)); result.lon = parseNumber(, offset += 11, 12)); return offset + 12; } function parseWaypointWithElevation(filename, offset, result){ offset = parseWaypoint(filename, offset, result); result.alt = parseNumber(, offset, 6)); return offset + 6; } function parseWaypointWithName(filename, offset, result){ offset = parseWaypoint(filename, offset, result); return parseName(filename, offset, result); } function parseName(filename, offset, result){ let nameLength =, offset, 2) - 0; =, offset += 2, nameLength); return offset + nameLength; } function parseWaypointWithElevationAndName(filename, offset, result){ offset = parseWaypointWithElevation(filename, offset, result); return parseName(filename, offset, result); } function getEntry(filename, offset, result){ result.fileOffset = offset; let type =, offset++, 1); if (type == "") return -1; switch (type){ case "A": offset = parseWaypoint(filename, offset, result); break; case "B": offset = parseWaypointWithName(filename, offset, result); break; case "C": offset = parseWaypointWithElevation(filename, offset, result); break; case "D": offset = parseWaypointWithElevationAndName(filename, offset, result); break; default: print("Unknown entry type", type); return -1; } offset++; result.fileLength = offset - result.fileOffset; //print(result); return offset; } const labels = ["N","NE","E","SE","S","SW","W","NW"]; const loc = require("locale"); function matchFontSize(graphics, text, height, width){ graphics.setFontVector(height); let metrics; let size = 1; while (graphics.stringMetrics(text).width > 0.90 * width){ size -= 0.05; graphics.setFont("Vector",Math.floor(height*size)); } } function getDoubleLineSlice(title1,title2,provider1,provider2,refreshTime){ let lastDrawn = - Math.random()*refreshTime; return { refresh: function (){ return - lastDrawn > (Bangle.isLocked()?(refreshTime?refreshTime:5000):(refreshTime?refreshTime*2:10000)); }, draw: function (graphics, x, y, height, width){ lastDrawn =; if (typeof title1 == "function") title1 = title1(); if (typeof title2 == "function") title2 = title2(); graphics.clearRect(x,y,x+width,y+height); let value = provider1(); matchFontSize(graphics, title1 + value, Math.floor(height*0.5), width); graphics.setFontAlign(-1,-1); graphics.drawString(title1, x+2, y); graphics.setFontAlign(1,-1); graphics.drawString(value, x+width, y); value = provider2(); matchFontSize(graphics, title2 + value, Math.floor(height*0.5), width); graphics.setFontAlign(-1,-1); graphics.drawString(title2, x+2, y+(height*0.5)); graphics.setFontAlign(1,-1); graphics.drawString(value, x+width, y+(height*0.5)); } }; } function getTargetSlice(targetDataSource){ let nameIndex = 0; let lastDrawn = - Math.random()*3000; return { refresh: function (){ return - lastDrawn > (Bangle.isLocked()?10000:3000); }, draw: function (graphics, x, y, height, width){ lastDrawn =; graphics.clearRect(x,y,x+width,y+height); if (targetDataSource.icon){ graphics.drawImage(targetDataSource.icon,x,y + (height - 16)/2); x += 16; width -= 16; } if (!targetDataSource.getTarget() || !targetDataSource.getStart()) return; let dist = distance(targetDataSource.getStart(),targetDataSource.getTarget()); if (isNaN(dist)) dist = Infinity; let bearingString = bearing(targetDataSource.getStart(),targetDataSource.getTarget()) + "°"; if (targetDataSource.getTarget().name) { graphics.setFont("Vector",Math.floor(height*0.5)); let scrolledName = (targetDataSource.getTarget().name || "").substring(nameIndex); if (graphics.stringMetrics(scrolledName).width > width){ nameIndex++; } else { nameIndex = 0; } graphics.drawString(scrolledName, x+2, y); let distanceString = loc.distance(dist,2); matchFontSize(graphics, distanceString + bearingString, height*0.5, width); graphics.drawString(bearingString, x+2, y+(height*0.5)); graphics.setFontAlign(1,-1); graphics.drawString(distanceString, x + width, y+(height*0.5)); } else { graphics.setFont("Vector",Math.floor(height*1)); let bearingString = bearing(targetDataSource.getStart(),targetDataSource.getTarget()) + "°"; let formattedDist = loc.distance(dist,2); let distNum = (formattedDist.match(/[0-9\.]+/) || [Infinity])[0]; let size = 0.8; let distNumMetrics; while (graphics.stringMetrics(bearingString).width + (distNumMetrics = graphics.stringMetrics(distNum)).width > 0.90 * width){ size -= 0.05; graphics.setFont("Vector",Math.floor(height*size)); } graphics.drawString(bearingString, x+2, y + (height - distNumMetrics.height)/2); graphics.setFontAlign(1,-1); graphics.drawString(distNum, x + width, y + (height - distNumMetrics.height)/2); graphics.setFont("Vector",Math.floor(height*0.25)); graphics.setFontAlign(-1,1); if (targetDataSource.getProgress){ graphics.drawString(targetDataSource.getProgress(), x + 2, y + height); } graphics.setFontAlign(1,1); if (!isNaN(distNum) && distNum != Infinity) graphics.drawString(formattedDist.match(/[a-zA-Z]+/), x + width, y + height); } } }; } function drawCompass(graphics, x, y, height, width, increment, start){ graphics.setFont12x20(); graphics.setFontAlign(0,-1); graphics.setColor(graphics.theme.fg); let frag = 0 - start%15; if (frag>0) frag = 0; let xpos = 0 + frag*increment; for (let i=start;i<=720;i+=15){ var res = i + frag; if (res%90==0) { graphics.drawString(labels[Math.floor(res/45)%8],xpos,y+2); graphics.fillRect(xpos-2,Math.floor(y+height*0.6),xpos+2,Math.floor(y+height)); } else if (res%45==0) { graphics.drawString(labels[Math.floor(res/45)%8],xpos,y+2); graphics.fillRect(xpos-2,Math.floor(y+height*0.75),xpos+2,Math.floor(y+height)); } else if (res%15==0) { graphics.fillRect(xpos,Math.floor(y+height*0.9),xpos+1,Math.floor(y+height)); } xpos+=increment*15; if (xpos > width + 20) break; } } function getCompassSlice(compassDataSource){ let lastDrawn = - Math.random()*2000; const buffers = 4; let buf = []; return { refresh : function (){return Bangle.isLocked()?( - lastDrawn > 2000):true;}, draw: function (graphics, x,y,height,width){ lastDrawn =; const max = 180; const increment=width/max; graphics.clearRect(x,y,x+width,y+height); var start = compassDataSource.getCourse() - 90; if (isNaN(compassDataSource.getCourse())) start = -90; if (start<0) start+=360; start = start % 360; if (state.acc && compassDataSource.getCourseType() == "MAG"){ drawCompass(graphics,0,y+width*0.05,height-width*0.05,width,increment,start); } else { drawCompass(graphics,0,y,height,width,increment,start); } if (compassDataSource.getPoints){ for (let p of compassDataSource.getPoints()){ var bpos = p.bearing - compassDataSource.getCourse(); if (bpos>180) bpos -=360; if (bpos<-180) bpos +=360; bpos+=120; let min = 0; let max = 180; if (bpos<=min){ bpos = Math.floor(width*0.05); } else if (bpos>=max) { bpos = Math.ceil(width*0.95); } else { bpos=Math.round(bpos*increment); } graphics.setColor(p.color); graphics.fillCircle(bpos,y+height-12,Math.floor(width*0.03)); } } if (compassDataSource.getMarkers){ for (let m of compassDataSource.getMarkers()){ g.setColor(m.fillcolor); let mpos = m.xpos * width; if (m.xpos < 0.05) mpos = Math.floor(width*0.05); if (m.xpos > 0.95) mpos = Math.ceil(width*0.95); g.fillPoly(triangle(mpos,y+height-m.height, m.height, m.width)); g.setColor(m.linecolor); g.drawPoly(triangle(mpos,y+height-m.height, m.height, m.width),true); } } graphics.setColor(g.theme.fg); graphics.fillRect(x,y,Math.floor(width*0.05),y+height); graphics.fillRect(Math.ceil(width*0.95),y,width,y+height); if (state.acc && compassDataSource.getCourseType() == "MAG") { let xh = E.clip(width*0.5-height/2+(((state.acc.x+1)/2)*height),width*0.5 - height/2, width*0.5 + height/2); let yh = E.clip(y+(((state.acc.y+1)/2)*height),y,y+height); graphics.fillRect(width*0.5 - height/2, y, width*0.5 + height/2, y + Math.floor(width*0.05)); graphics.setColor(; graphics.drawLine(width*0.5 - 5, y, width*0.5 - 5, y + Math.floor(width*0.05)); graphics.drawLine(width*0.5 + 5, y, width*0.5 + 5, y + Math.floor(width*0.05)); graphics.fillRect(xh-1,y,xh+1,y+Math.floor(width*0.05)); let left = Math.floor(width*0.05); let right = Math.ceil(width*0.95); graphics.drawLine(0,y+height/2-5,left,y+height/2-5); graphics.drawLine(right,y+height/2-5,x+width,y+height/2-5); graphics.drawLine(0,y+height/2+5,left,y+height/2+5); graphics.drawLine(right,y+height/2+5,x+width,y+height/2+5); graphics.fillRect(0,yh-1,left,yh+1); graphics.fillRect(right,yh-1,x+width,yh+1); } graphics.setColor(g.theme.fg); graphics.drawRect(Math.floor(width*0.05),y,Math.ceil(width*0.95),y+height); } }; } function radians(a) { return a*Math.PI/180; } function degrees(a) { var d = a*180/Math.PI; return (d+360)%360; } function bearing(a,b){ if (!a || !b || !a.lon || ! || !b.lon || ! return Infinity; var delta = radians(b.lon-a.lon); var alat = radians(; var blat = radians(; var y = Math.sin(delta) * Math.cos(blat); var x = Math.cos(alat)*Math.sin(blat) - Math.sin(alat)*Math.cos(blat)*Math.cos(delta); return Math.round(degrees(Math.atan2(y, x))); } function distance(a,b){ if (!a || !b || !a.lon || ! || !b.lon || ! return Infinity; var x = radians(a.lon-b.lon) * Math.cos(radians((; var y = radians(; return Math.round(Math.sqrt(x*x + y*y) * 6371000); } function triangle (x, y, width, height){ return [ Math.round(x),Math.round(y), Math.round(x+width * 0.5), Math.round(y+height), Math.round(x-width * 0.5), Math.round(y+height) ]; } function onSwipe(dir){ if (dir < 0) { nextScreen(); } else if (dir > 0) { switchMenu(); } else { nextScreen(); } } function setButtons(){ let options = { mode: "custom", swipe: onSwipe, btn: nextScreen, touch: nextScreen }; Bangle.setUI(options); } function getApproxFileSize(name){ let currentStart = STORAGE.getStats().totalBytes; let currentSize = 0; for (let i = currentStart; i > 500; i/=2){ let currentDiff = i; //print("Searching", currentDiff); while (, currentSize+currentDiff, 1) == ""){ //print("Loop", currentDiff); currentDiff = Math.ceil(currentDiff/2); } i = currentDiff*2; currentSize += currentDiff; } return currentSize; } function parseRouteData(filename, progressMonitor){ let routeInfo = {}; routeInfo.filename = filename; routeInfo.refs = []; let c = {}; let scanOffset = 0; routeInfo.length = 0; routeInfo.count = 0; routeInfo.mirror = false; let lastSeenWaypoint; let lastSeenAlt; let waypoint = {}; routeInfo.up = 0; routeInfo.down = 0; let size = getApproxFileSize(filename); while ((scanOffset = getEntry(filename, scanOffset, waypoint)) > 0) { if (routeInfo.count % 5 == 0) progressMonitor(scanOffset, "Loading", size); if (lastSeenWaypoint){ routeInfo.length += distance(lastSeenWaypoint, waypoint); let diff = waypoint.alt - lastSeenAlt; //print("Distance", routeInfo.length, "alt", lastSeenAlt, waypoint.alt, diff); if (waypoint.alt && lastSeenAlt && diff > 3){ if (lastSeenAlt < waypoint.alt){ //print("Up", diff); routeInfo.up += diff; } else { //print("Down", diff); routeInfo.down += diff; } } } routeInfo.count++; routeInfo.refs.push(waypoint.fileOffset); lastSeenWaypoint = waypoint; if (!isNaN(waypoint.alt)) lastSeenAlt = waypoint.alt; waypoint = {}; } set(routeInfo, 0); return routeInfo; } function hasPrev(route){ if (route.mirror) return route.index < (route.count - 1); return route.index > 0; } function hasNext(route){ if (route.mirror) return route.index > 0; return route.index < (route.count - 1); } function next(route){ if (!hasNext(route)) return; if (route.mirror) set(route, --route.index); if (!route.mirror) set(route, ++route.index); } function set(route, index){ route.currentWaypoint = {}; route.index = index; getEntry(route.filename, route.refs[index], route.currentWaypoint); } function prev(route){ if (!hasPrev(route)) return; if (route.mirror) set(route, ++route.index); if (!route.mirror) set(route, --route.index); } let lastMirror; let cachedLast; function getLast(route){ let wp = {}; if (lastMirror != route.mirror){ if (route.mirror) getEntry(route.filename, route.refs[0], wp); if (!route.mirror) getEntry(route.filename, route.refs[route.count - 1], wp); lastMirror = route.mirror; cachedLast = wp; } return cachedLast; } function removeMenu(){ E.showMenu(); switchNav(); } function showProgress(progress, title, max){ //print("Progress",progress,max) let message = title? title: "Loading"; if (max){ message += " " + E.clip((progress/max*100),0,100).toFixed(0) +"%"; } else { let dots = progress % 4; for (let i = 0; i < dots; i++) message += "."; for (let i = dots; i < 4; i++) message += " "; } E.showMessage(message); } function handleLoading(c){ E.showMenu(); state.route = parseRouteData(c, showProgress); state.waypoint = null; removeMenu(); state.route.mirror = false; } function showRouteSelector (){ var menu = { "" : { back : showRouteMenu, } }; for (let c of STORAGE.list((/\.trf$/))){ let file = c; menu[file] = ()=>{handleLoading(file);}; } E.showMenu(menu); } function showRouteMenu(){ var menu = { "" : { "title" : "Route", back : showMenu, }, "Select file" : showRouteSelector }; if (state.route){ menu.Mirror = { value: state && state.route && !!state.route.mirror || false, onchange: v=>{ state.route.mirror = v; } }; menu['Select closest waypoint'] = function () { if (state.currentPos &&{ setClosestWaypoint(state.route, null, showProgress); removeMenu(); } else { E.showAlert("No position").then(()=>{E.showMenu(menu);}); } }; menu['Select closest waypoint (not visited)'] = function () { if (state.currentPos &&{ setClosestWaypoint(state.route, state.route.index, showProgress); removeMenu(); } else { E.showAlert("No position").then(()=>{E.showMenu(menu);}); } }; menu['Select waypoint'] = { value : state.route.index, min:1,max:state.route.count,step:1, onchange : v => { set(state.route, v-1); } }; menu['Select waypoint as current position'] = function (){ =; state.currentPos.lon = state.route.currentWaypoint.lon; state.currentPos.alt = state.route.currentWaypoint.alt; removeMenu(); }; } if (state.route && hasPrev(state.route)) menu['Previous waypoint'] = function() { prev(state.route); removeMenu(); }; if (state.route && hasNext(state.route)) menu['Next waypoint'] = function() { next(state.route); removeMenu(); }; E.showMenu(menu); } function showWaypointSelector(){ let waypoints = require("waypoints").load(); var menu = { "" : { back : showWaypointMenu, } }; for (let c in waypoints){ menu[waypoints[c].name] = function (){ state.waypoint = waypoints[c]; state.waypointIndex = c; state.route = null; removeMenu(); }; } E.showMenu(menu); } function showCalibrationMenu(){ let menu = { "" : { "title" : "Calibration", back : showMenu, }, "Barometer (GPS)" : ()=>{ if (!state.currentPos || isNaN(state.currentPos.alt)){ E.showAlert("No GPS altitude").then(()=>{E.showMenu(menu);}); } else { state.calibAltDiff = state.altitude - state.currentPos.alt; E.showAlert("Calibrated Altitude Difference: " + state.calibAltDiff.toFixed(0)).then(()=>{removeMenu();}); } }, "Barometer (Manual)" : { value : Math.round(state.currentPos && (state.currentPos.alt != undefined && !isNaN(state.currentPos.alt)) ? state.currentPos.alt: state.altitude), min:-2000,max: 10000,step:1, onchange : v => { state.calibAltDiff = state.altitude - v; } }, "Reset Compass" : ()=>{ Bangle.resetCompass(); removeMenu();}, }; E.showMenu(menu); } function showWaypointMenu(){ let menu = { "" : { "title" : "Waypoint", back : showMenu, }, "Select waypoint" : showWaypointSelector, }; E.showMenu(menu); } function showBackgroundMenu(){ let menu = { "" : { "title" : "Background", back : showMenu, }, "Start" : ()=>{ E.showPrompt("Start?").then((v)=>{ if (v) {WIDGETS.gpstrek.start(true); removeMenu();} else {E.showMenu(mainmenu);}});}, "Stop" : ()=>{ E.showPrompt("Stop?").then((v)=>{ if (v) {WIDGETS.gpstrek.stop(true); removeMenu();} else {E.showMenu(mainmenu);}});}, }; E.showMenu(menu); } function showMenu(){ var mainmenu = { "" : { "title" : "Main", back : removeMenu, }, "Route" : showRouteMenu, "Waypoint" : showWaypointMenu, "Background" : showBackgroundMenu, "Calibration": showCalibrationMenu, "Reset" : ()=>{ E.showPrompt("Do Reset?").then((v)=>{ if (v) {WIDGETS.gpstrek.resetState(); removeMenu();} else {E.showMenu(mainmenu);}});}, "Slices" : { value : numberOfSlices, min:1,max:6,step:1, onchange : v => { setNumberOfSlices(v); } }, }; E.showMenu(mainmenu); } let scheduleDraw = true; function switchMenu(){ screen = 0; scheduleDraw = false; showMenu(); } function drawInTimeout(){ setTimeout(()=>{ draw(); if (scheduleDraw) setTimeout(drawInTimeout, 0); },0); } function switchNav(){ if (!screen) screen = 1; setButtons(); scheduleDraw = true; drawInTimeout(); } function nextScreen(){ screen++; if (screen > maxScreens){ screen = 1; } } function setClosestWaypoint(route, startindex, progress){ if (startindex >= state.route.count) startindex = state.route.count - 1; if (!{ set(route, startindex); return; } let minDist = 100000000000000; let minIndex = 0; for (let i = startindex?startindex:0; i < route.count - 1; i++){ if (progress && (i % 5 == 0)) progress(i-(startindex?startindex:0), "Searching", route.count); let wp = {}; getEntry(route.filename, route.refs[i], wp); let curDist = distance(state.currentPos, wp); if (curDist < minDist){ minDist = curDist; minIndex = i; } else { if (startindex) break; } } set(route, minIndex); } let screen = 1; const compassSliceData = { getCourseType: function(){ return (state.currentPos && state.currentPos.course) ? "GPS" : "MAG"; }, getCourse: function (){ if(compassSliceData.getCourseType() == "GPS") return state.currentPos.course; return state.compassHeading?state.compassHeading:undefined; }, getPoints: function (){ let points = []; if (state.currentPos && state.currentPos.lon && state.route && state.route.currentWaypoint){ points.push({bearing:bearing(state.currentPos, state.route.currentWaypoint), color:"#0f0"}); } if (state.currentPos && state.currentPos.lon && state.route){ points.push({bearing:bearing(state.currentPos, getLast(state.route)), color:"#00f"}); } return points; }, getMarkers: function (){ return [{xpos:0.5, width:10, height:10, linecolor:g.theme.fg, fillcolor:"#f00"}]; } }; const waypointData = { icon: atob("EBCBAAAAAAAAAAAAcIB+zg/uAe4AwACAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"), getProgress: function() { return (state.route.index + 1) + "/" + state.route.count; }, getTarget: function (){ if (distance(state.currentPos,state.route.currentWaypoint) < 30 && hasNext(state.route)){ next(state.route);; } return state.route.currentWaypoint; }, getStart: function (){ return state.currentPos; } }; const finishData = { icon: atob("EBABAAA/4DmgJmAmYDmgOaAmYD/gMAAwADAAMAAwAAAAAAA="), getTarget: function (){ if (state.route) return getLast(state.route); if (state.waypoint) return state.waypoint; }, getStart: function (){ return state.currentPos; } }; let sliceHeight; function setNumberOfSlices(number){ numberOfSlices = number; sliceHeight = Math.floor((g.getHeight()-(showWidgets?24:0))/numberOfSlices); } let slices = []; let maxScreens = 1; setNumberOfSlices(3); let compassSlice = getCompassSlice(compassSliceData); let waypointSlice = getTargetSlice(waypointData); let finishSlice = getTargetSlice(finishData); let eleSlice = getDoubleLineSlice("Up","Down",()=>{ return loc.distance(state.up,3) + "/" + (state.route ? loc.distance(state.route.up,3):"---"); },()=>{ return loc.distance(state.down,3) + "/" + (state.route ? loc.distance(state.route.down,3): "---"); }); let statusSlice = getDoubleLineSlice("Speed","Alt",()=>{ let speed = 0; if (state.currentPos && state.currentPos.speed) speed = state.currentPos.speed; return loc.speed(speed,2); },()=>{ let alt = Infinity; if (!isNaN(state.altitude)){ alt = isNaN(state.calibAltDiff) ? state.altitude : (state.altitude - state.calibAltDiff); } if (state.currentPos && state.currentPos.alt) alt = state.currentPos.alt; return loc.distance(alt,3); }); let status2Slice = getDoubleLineSlice("Compass","GPS",()=>{ return (state.compassHeading?Math.round(state.compassHeading):"---") + "°"; },()=>{ let course = "---°"; if (state.currentPos && state.currentPos.course) course = state.currentPos.course + "°"; return course; },200); let healthSlice = getDoubleLineSlice("Heart","Steps",()=>{ return state.bpm; },()=>{ return state.steps; }); let system2Slice = getDoubleLineSlice("Bat","",()=>{ return (Bangle.isCharging()?"+":"") + E.getBattery().toFixed(0)+"% " + NRF.getBattery().toFixed(2) + "V"; },()=>{ return ""; }); let systemSlice = getDoubleLineSlice("RAM","Storage",()=>{ let ram = process.memory(false); return ((ram.blocksize *"kB"; },()=>{ return (STORAGE.getFree()/1024).toFixed(0)+"kB"; }); function updateSlices(){ slices = []; slices.push(compassSlice); if (state.currentPos && && state.route && state.route.currentWaypoint && state.route.index < state.route.count - 1) { slices.push(waypointSlice); } if (state.currentPos && && (state.route || state.waypoint)) { slices.push(finishSlice); } if ((state.route && state.route.down !== undefined) || state.down != undefined) { slices.push(eleSlice); } slices.push(statusSlice); slices.push(status2Slice); slices.push(healthSlice); slices.push(systemSlice); slices.push(system2Slice); maxScreens = Math.ceil(slices.length/numberOfSlices); } function clear() { g.clearRect(0,(showWidgets ? 24 : 0), g.getWidth(),g.getHeight()); } let lastDrawnScreen; let firstDraw = true; function draw(){ if (!screen) return; let ypos = showWidgets ? 24 : 0; let firstSlice = (screen-1)*numberOfSlices; updateSlices(); let force = lastDrawnScreen != screen || firstDraw; if (force){ clear(); if (showWidgets){ Bangle.drawWidgets(); } } lastDrawnScreen = screen; for (let slice of slices.slice(firstSlice,firstSlice + numberOfSlices)) { g.reset(); if (!slice.refresh || slice.refresh() || force) slice.draw(g,0,ypos,sliceHeight,g.getWidth()); ypos += sliceHeight+1; g.drawLine(0,ypos-1,g.getWidth(),ypos-1); } firstDraw = false; } switchNav(); g.clear();