(function(){ let COLORS = { 'white': "#fff", 'black': "#000", 'charging': "#08f", 'high': "#000", 'low': "#f00", }; const levelColor = (l) => { if (Bangle.isCharging()) return COLORS.charging; if (l >= 30) return COLORS.high; return COLORS.low; }; function draw() { var s = 29; var x = this.x, y = this.y; const l = E.getBattery(); let xl = x+4+l*(s-12)/100; g.setColor(COLORS.white); g.fillRect(x+2,y+5,x+s-6,y+18); g.setColor(levelColor(l)); g.fillRect(x+1,y+3,x+s-5,y+4); g.fillRect(x+1,y+19,x+s-5,y+20); g.fillRect(x,y+4,x+1,y+19); g.fillRect(x+s-5,y+4,x+s-4,y+19); g.fillRect(x+s-3,y+8,x+s-2,y+16); // tip of the battery g.fillRect(x+4,y+15,xl,y+16); // charging bar g.setColor(COLORS.black); g.setFontAlign(0,0); g.setFont('6x8'); g.drawString(l, x + 14, y + 10); } Bangle.on('charging',function(charging) { draw(); }); setInterval(()=>WIDGETS["wid_a_battery_widget"].draw(), 60000); WIDGETS["wid_a_battery_widget"]={area:"tr",width:30,draw:draw}; })();