(() => { var lastCalculated = 0; // When we last calculated the phase var phase = 0; // The last phase we calculated var southernHemisphere = false; // when in southern hemisphere -- use the "My Location" App // https://github.com/deirdreobyrne/LunarPhase function moonPhase(sec) { d = (4.847408287988257 + sec/406074.7465115577) % (2.0*Math.PI); m = (6.245333801867877 + sec/5022682.784840698) % (2.0*Math.PI); l = (4.456038755040014 + sec/378902.2499653011) % (2.0*Math.PI); t = d+1.089809730923715e-01 * Math.sin(l)-3.614132757006379e-02 * Math.sin(m)+2.228248661252023e-02 * Math.sin(d+d-l)+1.353592753655652e-02 * Math.sin(d+d)+4.238560208195022e-03 * Math.sin(l+l)+1.961408105275610e-03 * Math.sin(d); k = (1.0 - Math.cos(t))/2.0; if ((t >= Math.PI) && (t < 2.0*Math.PI)) { k = -k; } return (k); // Goes 0 -> 1 for waxing, and from -1 -> 0 for waning } function loadLocation() { // "mylocation.json" is created by the "My Location" app location = require("Storage").readJSON("mylocation.json",1)||{"lat":50.1236,"lon":8.6553,"location":"Frankfurt"}; southernHemisphere = (location.lat < 0); } // code source: github.com/rozek/banglejs-2-activities/blob/main/README.md#drawmoonphase function drawMoonPhase (CenterX,CenterY, Radius, leftFactor,rightFactor) { let x = Radius, y = 0, Error = Radius; g.drawLine(CenterX-leftFactor*x,CenterY, CenterX+rightFactor*x,CenterY); let dx,dy; while (y <= x) { dy = 1 + 2*y; y++; Error -= dy; if (Error < 0) { dx = 1 - 2*x; x--; Error -= dx; } g.drawLine(CenterX-leftFactor*x,CenterY-y, CenterX+rightFactor*x,CenterY-y); g.drawLine(CenterX-leftFactor*x,CenterY+y, CenterX+rightFactor*x,CenterY+y); g.drawLine(CenterX-leftFactor*y,CenterY-x, CenterX+rightFactor*y,CenterY-x); g.drawLine(CenterX-leftFactor*y,CenterY+x, CenterX+rightFactor*y,CenterY+x); } } function setMoonColour(g) { var settings = Object.assign({ default_colour: true, red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0, }, require('Storage').readJSON("widmp.json", true) || {}); if (settings.default_colour) { if (g.theme.dark) { g.setColor(0xffff); // white } else { // rrrrrggggggbbbbb // 0000010000011111 g.setColor(0x41f); // blue-ish } } else { g.setColor(settings.red/4, settings.green/4, settings.blue/4); } } function draw() { const CenterX = this.x + 12, CenterY = this.y + 12, Radius = 11; loadLocation(); g.reset().setColor(g.theme.bg); g.fillRect(CenterX - Radius, CenterY - Radius, CenterX + Radius, CenterY + Radius); millis = (new Date()).getTime(); if ((millis - lastCalculated) >= 7000000) { // if it's more than 7,000 sec since last calculation, re-calculate! phase = moonPhase(millis/1000); lastCalculated = millis; } if (phase < 0) { // waning - phase goes from -1 to 0 leftFactor = 1; rightFactor = -1 - 2*phase; } else { // waxing - phase goes from 0 to 1 rightFactor = 1; leftFactor = -1 + 2*phase; } if (true == southernHemisphere) { var tmp=leftFactor; leftFactor=rightFactor; rightFactor=tmp; } setMoonColour(g); drawMoonPhase(CenterX,CenterY, Radius, leftFactor,rightFactor); } WIDGETS["widmp"] = { area: "tr", width: 24, draw: draw }; })();